I've got a strange bug with Visual Munge. Even though the program was working superbly a few months ago (and I've got maps to prove it), recently a strange problem has occured. When munging COMMON, SIDES, or (I assume, I've only tested COMMON and SIDES) any of the other check-able boxes, I get an odd error message in the Munge output box. Note that this is not an error log, just something in the munging. (for example where it writes Copying files from MUNGED...)
Here is the error message:
Code: Select all
'xcopy' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
The results I've seen of this are that the localized files do not appear in game. I see no proper localization where it was before. (sadly my only backup was, unaware, saved with this problem.)The sides and files called are all stock game files. This map has no custom sides so I haven't been able to assess the effects of the SIDES error.
Here's the question: How can I fix this? I tried changing "xcopy" to "copy" in the munge.bat for COMMON, but that wasn't a valid command. Is this a Windows Update problem? I'm assuming that it is because it only occured recently. If you could help me out, I would be very appreciative!
EDIT: Forgot to try Search, and I found this topic:
forums/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=20993&hilit ... al+command
The problem here is exactly what I have! I read something about PATH variables. What are those?
EDIT2: Read the topic again, more closely. I downloaded fixpath2, but I ran it and VisualMunge still seems to have a problem. Biohazard wasn't very specific on what worked...