*HFyET6xAnG4h-w - the PDF Zombie Survival Guide Readme
I've worked on this project for over 2 years. It started with a humble beginning as a mini game for theItfactor and grew to 6 different maps, 15 or more zombies, and lots of them to kill. It is a hard mod to complete, it should be fun when you get to know the weapons. The Secret mode's password is at the end of the 6 maps, the same pass provided at each ending.
Multiplay is hard to gauge, there is almost always a wave around 11 or 13 where everyone except the host crashes. They can rejoin and play fine after that.
The set up is, there are 2 styles. Unlockable paths mode, where you start with minimal weaponry and health, and have to unlock the better classes with more health as you go. The second mode is everything is unlocked and it's a survival fest. Expect more zombies here then elsewhere, and tougher ones.
There are about 30 waves per map. Some are skipped so it evens out to 25-28 waves, but you will spend about 20 minutes in each map. The Caverns is set up between 4 different random places, but each time you play it will be in a cave.
Here is the order of the maps:
CW Conquest: Complex
GCW Conquest: Killing Fields
CW Flag: City
GCW Flag: Carnival
CW Assault: Caverns
GCW Assault: Factory
Squipple/Eddie's pack assets
-Eric Landreneau for the royalguard model and textures
-Darth_Z for converting the model and textures
-Taivyx for the forcepikes model and textures
-Acemastermind for fixing my countless faults I made in the clothsetup.
-Everyone who helped me with XSI.
-The whole Gametoast community for doing what they do.
Darth D.U.C.K for Cave's House model, several edits to existing Lucas Arts Han Solo model
various attributions to the mod, adviser.
Fiodis for overall mod support, lua advice, Chainsaw creation, and adviser
ItFactor for advice, support and was one of the original co-creators behind the project.
Free-Fall/What for advice, support and testing
Several people for testing
Swado and Mithrandir for several models
Fragme for the car model
If I haven't listed your name, it's been 2 years of work and I really don't have the best memory. This goes out to you if you've had a hand in this but can't be recalled.
The great artists at Deviant Art who supplied many textures to my mod via search engine.
You guys rock.
Custom music sounds provided by
Custom Music songs:
Dead by dawn - Showbread
Dim the lights - Hollywood Burning
World without a sun - Oh, Sleeper
My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, My comforter the Holy Spirit, and My Creator, God.
If you have any questions, my steam is professsordread, my xfire is farshotxxl.
There ARE some glitchs. I did not finish Localization. I am releasing this as is, simply because it is too much work to throw away and I wanted people to see the raw thrill these episodic places can provide, without having to scrap and redo.
I will be making a finished, epic zombie map slated for the summer. It will be localized then, it will be bigger, better. Please post feedback so I can make that map better. -Rancor.