Xavious's Vault - unfinished/unreleased maps

New maps and mods are coming out quickly. If you release something (even a beta) please post it here. Be sure to give details in the topic such as Map/Mod name and version

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Xavious's Vault - unfinished/unreleased maps

Post by Xavious »

Before you read any further or start clicking download links, make sure you recognize that:

1. These maps are not finished products, and are released as-is. They are not polished and do not reflect my current level of skill in modding Battlefront II.
2. I did run each of these maps through a basic Conquest match. Barring any awards weapons issues or other weapon bugs, you should be able to run them without crashes as well.
3. I will not be finishing any of these maps. Leave feedback if you want, as long as you know that I won't make any changes to these maps myself.
4. I haven't given up making new content for Battlefront II. As a matter of fact, I'm working on a new map right now. Yes, I know, it's been over a year since I last released something. I plan on seeing this one through to completion, though, especially considering I'm dropping all of my other map/mod projects as of now.

So here we are. Welcome to what I've come to call my "vault" of unfinished maps. Any of you who have been around GT for a long time know that I have a nasty habit of starting mod projects and never finishing them. That's where this thread comes in. I've decided to release all of my incomplete work.

Don't get too excited. As stated above, these maps and mods are not complete. Some of them are still in fairly early stages of development. Some are in later stages, but are still riddled with problems that prevented them from ever being released.

Why then, if they aren't finished, am I releasing them? Because I don't plan to ever finish them, and I figured that some people would be interested in seeing them. In addition to releasing the maps themselves, I'm also willing to send the source files to anyone who, for whatever reason, may want to do some work on these maps and potentially complete them.

I'm not releasing everything at the same time. Some stuff isn't playable at the moment, and I'll have to fix any serious crashing bugs before releasing it, so keep an eye on this thread for future updates.

Utapau: Sinkhole Lake (also known as Utapau: Descent)
-- Original W.I.P. Thread: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=9496
-- Credits: I don't think I used anyone else's stuff in this map. If you find something, let me know.

This map was originally to be entered in the 2007 GT Map Pack Contest. I never finished it because the concept, while interesting, was not something that could be reasonably made to work in a game like Battlefront II.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?wz69dfe8ccvz181

Geonosis: Demon's Canyon
-- Original W.I.P. Thread: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=10053
-- Credits: I had used some of psych0fred's vehicles and a couple custom weapon models in this map, but they aren't present in this release.

I don't really have any story behind why I decided to make this map, nor do I remember what caused me to cancel it. There was an issue with the custom sides that caused a crash with no Severity 3 errors, so I may have given up because I couldn't solve that. I removed the custom sides from this release. They weren't anything special beyond some changed skins and weapon models, so you aren't missing much. Oh, and I know I said I wouldn't make any changes beyond the necessary ones, but I removed the "lightning flashes" since it wasn't readily apparent that they were caused by lightning, and they looked more like random flickering light. It was bothering me.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?fp2w5j09s4daj2l

Hoth: Mountains (also known as the Battle of Hoth)
-- Original W.I.P. Thread: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=9839
-- Credits: Again, I'm pretty sure this is all stock assets, especially since there are no custom sides.

I couldn't figure out what was causing the crashing issue on this map, and I couldn't seem to replicate it with any consistancy. This is likely why I stopped working on this map in the first place. Regardless, I reduced the unit count some and removed all of the placed dust objects. The crashing problem still occurs, but I don't feel like taking the time to fix it. You should be able to play long enough to get a feel for what the map is like. Also, Clone Wars seems to crash less frequently, for whatever reason.

Oh, and there were some tunnels that led from a bunker at the Rep/Emp starting point to another bunker near the middle of the battlefield. I had closed these off at some point due to (I think) issues with getting planning to work there and over the top, but I opened them up so anyone who may be curious can explore them. There isn't much there other than standard Hoth hallways, but feel free to check it out.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?3wdq022kfrbgx3f

Dantooine: Lakeside (sadly, not the one I was looking for)
-- Original W.I.P. Thread: None
-- Credits: None

It looks like I overwrote the real Dantooine Lakeside with this. It's a shame, because this map isn't very good in comparison. It has a similar layout to the Dantooine in UB:TCW, but much larger. In fact, it's way too big. There are also some very early custom sides here. Most of the classes are just the basic rifleman, the clone commander's chaingun never overheats, and the droid officer has a mortar launcher that is actually the spider droid's laser.

Here are some screenshots, since there was no W.I.P. thread for this version of the map.
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?ro2idyy0be8bbb4

-- Original W.I.P. Thread: None
-- Credits: I do believe the speeder platforms were psych0fred's. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I honestly don't know what this map is or what I meant to do with it. Apparently I didn't know when I made it either, as evidenced by the map's name. Anyway, it's another big map with a high unit count (notice a pattern here?) that has Imperials marching down a hill towards an incomplete walled-in city (there's a garden of sorts in the middle, but no buildings), held by the Rebels.

Screenshots below.
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?ey5yxxavz4a8079

Byss: Sith Base
-- Original W.I.P. Thread: None
-- Credits: None

I think this map was a candidate for the first version of UB:TCW, but I never added it in. I'm honestly not sure why. Other than the fact that players can easily get out of the playing area, it's a complete map. In fact, it's a pretty nice map too. It's a close-quarters, bridges and hallways map made up of Bespin buildings, set next to a nice lake. I'm not sure where "Sith Base" comes in, though. I don't get any "Sith-y" vibes from this place.

For whatever reason, there are some Tatooine buildings out of sight behind a hill. I think this was supposed to be an easter egg, but since there isn't anything special there, I don't think I'm really spoiling anything.

Edit: Forgot to mention that CTF isn't set up. The flags and spawns are still in the default locations, meaning you could spawn underwater.

A couple screenshots.
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?cn333la88s5fl66

I'm still not done, there's plenty more to come...
Last edited by Xavious on Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:30 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Xavious's Vault - unfinished/unreleased maps


Glad to see your still going to be modding/mapping. I will check out Utapau: Sinkhole Lake :D
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Re: Xavious's Vault - unfinished/unreleased maps

Post by Fiodis »

The screenshot does look interesting. If you don't mind me asking, what was it about the concept that was unworkable in BF2? If I remember right, someone did make a "spiral stair" map which was pretty much this but on a smaller scale.
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Re: Xavious's Vault - unfinished/unreleased maps

Post by Sky_216 »

Interesting. Tbh I'd be quite happy to finish of the underwater base map you made for UB:TCW2 (assuming that's scrapped too? :() assuming some of it's salvageable.
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Re: Xavious's Vault - unfinished/unreleased maps

Post by Eggman »

I remember that Utapau map from way back. To be honest, I didn't really like the concept when I first saw it, but I'm glad that you've decided to make all of your past work available - you've started plenty of maps that I really have liked. It will also be interesting to see first-hand just how much you've improved from project to project.
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Re: Xavious's Vault - unfinished/unreleased maps

Post by acryptozoo »

Looks Cool
abit open but a cool concept :D
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Re: Xavious's Vault - unfinished/unreleased maps

Post by Xavious »

Fiodis wrote:The screenshot does look interesting. If you don't mind me asking, what was it about the concept that was unworkable in BF2? If I remember right, someone did make a "spiral stair" map which was pretty much this but on a smaller scale.
The battle was supposed to flow from the top and spiral down, but there was nothing stopping players from simply jumping down the slopes. In fact, bots did it quite frequently, though this may have been in part due to poor placement of barriers.
Sky_216 wrote:Interesting. Tbh I'd be quite happy to finish of the underwater base map you made for UB:TCW2 (assuming that's scrapped too? :() assuming some of it's salvageable.
Yeah, Gylesh is one of those that's more or less done. There were some collision issues with a couple props (mainly the unused scaffolding thing from the stock space assets), and the hallways didn't line up as exactly as I would have liked at points, but it was polished well enough. I did say I'm dropping everything, so I'll send you the source once I get around to uploading it.
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Re: Xavious's Vault - unfinished/unreleased maps

Post by Jendo7 »

It will be interesting to see what these maps are like. I really liked your previous work, so I suspect these will be good quality, although unfinished. Anyway, I'll look forward to the rest of the maps.
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Re: Xavious's Vault - unfinished/unreleased maps

Post by ShadowWing »

Xavious, how deep is the water in the lake? If it is too deep, can you make a
patch that takes out all the water (or most of it)? My computer can't handle
large amounts of water. (I have a Vista.)
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Re: Xavious's Vault - unfinished/unreleased maps

Post by Sky_216 »

ShadowWing wrote:Xavious, how deep is the water in the lake? If it is too deep, can you make a
patch that takes out all the water (or most of it)? My computer can't handle
large amounts of water. (I have a Vista.)
Pretty sure it falls into the same category as Aquilaris and Manann - no real water at all. ;)
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Re: Xavious's Vault - unfinished/unreleased maps

Post by acryptozoo »

Sky_216 wrote:
ShadowWing wrote:Xavious, how deep is the water in the lake? If it is too deep, can you make a
patch that takes out all the water (or most of it)? My computer can't handle
large amounts of water. (I have a Vista.)
Pretty sure it falls into the same category as Aquilaris and Manann - no real water at all. ;)
i Think he means in Utapau
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Re: Xavious's Vault - unfinished/unreleased maps

Post by Sky_216 »

acryptozoo wrote:
Sky_216 wrote:
ShadowWing wrote:Xavious, how deep is the water in the lake? If it is too deep, can you make a
patch that takes out all the water (or most of it)? My computer can't handle
large amounts of water. (I have a Vista.)
Pretty sure it falls into the same category as Aquilaris and Manann - no real water at all. ;)
i Think he means in Utapau
Whoops..... :oops:
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Re: Xavious's Vault - unfinished/unreleased maps

Post by Xavious »

Added Geonosis: Demon's Canyon to the first post. Next up is most likely my Hoth map, which seens to have a crashing problem about a minute into the match. It also has some really ugly distance fog that I'm going to remove. Other than that, it will remain unchanged.

I've also got two maps I'd really like to be able to release, but I've lost the source for. The first is Dantooine (viewtopic.php?f=29&t=8989), which I "remade" for Ultimate Battlefront: The Clone Wars. However, this "remake" was almost nothing like the original map I had. I did like the original layout, and I do have to wonder why I never tried to faithfully redo it.

The second map was called something along the lines of "Mountaintop Fortress Siege." Not only do I no longer have the source for this, it seems the W.I.P. topic was deleted as well. 'Tis a shame, because I really loved the muddy feel of this map. I remember it having really interesting gameplay as well. All I have of it is this screenshot:
ShadowWing wrote:Xavious, how deep is the water in the lake? If it is too deep, can you make a
patch that takes out all the water (or most of it)? My computer can't handle
large amounts of water. (I have a Vista.)
There isn't very much water. I'd say give the map a try first, then let me know if you need the water removed.

Edit: Hoth has been added to the first post as well.
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Re: Xavious's Vault - unfinished/unreleased maps

Post by commander501stappo »

Nice map, I'll download it ; )
Just wondering, was your name "Darth_Maul" before?

Re: Xavious's Vault - unfinished/unreleased maps

Post by Lephenix »

Can't wait Gylesh .
But that means ubtcw2 is stopped :( .
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Re: Xavious's Vault - unfinished/unreleased maps

Post by [Padawan]Helkaan »

Wow. I'll download.
commander501stappo wrote:Nice map, I'll download it ; )
Just wondering, was your name "Darth_Maul" before?
Xavious was called "Darth Xavious" on FileFront.
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Re: Xavious's Vault - unfinished/unreleased maps

Post by Xavious »

commander501stappo wrote:Just wondering, was your name "Darth_Maul" before?
Yes, I did originally sign up on Gametoast under the username "Darth_Maul." I had my name changed a little over a year after I joined, I think.
[Padawan]Helkaan wrote:Xavious was called "Darth Xavious" on FileFront.
And "DarthXavious" is the username I go by on Youtube, since plain "Xavious" was taken. I'm assuming that's what you're thinking of.
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Re: Xavious's Vault - unfinished/unreleased maps

Post by ShadowWing »

There isn't very much water. I'd say give the map a try first, then let me know if you need the water removed.
It crashed.
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Re: Xavious's Vault - unfinished/unreleased maps

Post by commandoCC-9811 »

These are nice maps! I like the looks of these.
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Re: Xavious's Vault - unfinished/unreleased maps

Post by Xavious »

ShadowWing wrote:
There isn't very much water. I'd say give the map a try first, then let me know if you need the water removed.
It crashed.
Alright, this will remove the water.


Replace USL.lvl in ...\addon\USL\data\_LVL_PC\USL with that one.
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