The Dark Times
by Maveritchell
Thanks for trying out "The Dark Times!" This is a more-or-less experimental mod; I wanted to just try out some things I thought would be interesting tweaks to the game and figured that this mod would be a good platform to use.
This mod adds the "Dark Times" era to your instant action list. Several different modes are available in the Dark Times era:
Conquest (all maps)
Hero Assault (Coruscant, Naboo, Mos Eisley)
Duel (Mos Eisley)
Wave (Coruscant, Death Star, Felucia, Hoth, Kamino, Kashyyyk)
Space Assault (Space Corellia, Space Dantooine, Space Nar Shaddaa, Space Raxus Prime)
Team Dogfight (Space Corellia, Space Dantooine, Space Nar Shaddaa, Space Raxus Prime)
Notes on individual modes:
Conquest: Includes random skydomes on outside maps, Random heroes and AI heroes in singleplayer
Hero Assault: New saber combat system - light/heavy attacks, charging force powers
Duel: Hero assault minus force powers
Wave: Objective-based survival mode; enemies come in "waves." All waves SP-only, except Hoth and Kamino
Space Assault: Standard space assault with new space vehicles
Team Dogfight: Team deathmatch with starfighters, includes space heroes/hero vehicles, AI heroes (SP)
Credits are as follows:
-[RDH]Zerted, for his work on the 1.3 patch included with this mod
-All my beta testers: AlexSecura, AQT, Frisbeetarian, MetalcoreRancor, FragMe!, Twilight_Warrior, negah, theITfactor, DarthD.U.C.K., and Nihilo
-FragMe!/MandeRek: exporting/enveloping help
-AceMastermind/OOM-9/Qdin: Clone w/ jango face model
-RepSharpshooter/GMOD team: assorted weapon models
-AceMastermind/Broken_Hope: assorted saber models
-Mars Marshall: Shaak Ti head textures
-Syth: rifle model
-Wazmol: rocket launcher model
-CGArtist: assorted sky texture templates
-DarthD.U.C.K.: Force repulse animation
-DarthD.U.C.K/Eric L./Darth_Z: Royal guard model
-psych0fred: Shuttle model
-AceMastermind: Millennium Falcon model touchup
-decoy: TIE Advanced X1 model (converted for Conversion Pack)
-Manquesa: original Slave 1 model
-Jesus Christ, savior of the world, penalty for sin, and risen indeed.