Star Wars Galaxies and World of Warcraft FREE 10 day trials!

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Post by Leviathan »

Off-topic : Well, it seems that Modifications conceived and intended to Star Wars Galaxies are not that numerous, which is easily understandable, as this Sony Online Entertainment video-game has been basically designed to propose to its different users as many possibilities as possible. Therefore, attempting to either download such contents or even learn how to create brand-new ones has become simply "useless", Carbine'...

Post by CarbineImpulse »

Off Topic
Lastly is there any potential for any form of "mods" within the confines of the game?
As for mods, there are a few client-side mods for the UI but there's not much activity in this area.
Only mods I could find on google for SWG was one for music:
Obviously there are mods out there to the UI which both Saturn_V and I have found so I think to dismiss the downloading or attempting to make new ones, as mentioned in your post:
Therefore, attempting to either download such contents or even learn how to create brand-new ones has become simply "useless"
is particularly harsh, especially as neither you or I Lev' have got the game. Where would we or even GT be without some very talented people attempting to mod games?
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Post by Leviathan »

Off-topic : In fact, I may have been badly expressed myself in my previous message, since I simply wished to precise that Star Wars Galaxies Modifications intended to increase the amount of actions any player can lead inside this Star Wars-based Environment are not that "useful", as possible "combinations" offered by this Sony Online Entertainment Product are almost unlimited !
On the other hand, "Enhancements" which have been conceived so as to make Star Wars Galaxies "Graphics User Interface" even more accessible and "easy-to-use" for Beginners might present a few advantages, as you must guess...

Post by CarbineImpulse »

Getting back on topic... I've played the 10 day trial and I'd be interested to hear from people who have actually played both or know how they differ. From what I've heard and the general impression I get from people on here is that SWG is almost infinate in it's possibilities and anything you want to do or go etc... is up to you and the amount of credits you are able to generate. Maybe the trial isn't a very good example but it felt to me very much like KOTOR2 (sorry I don't have KOTOR1 I assume they're similar). Ask somone this, then do that, go this way, speak to Boba, follow the blue flashing line etc... etc... Obviously (I assume) If you complete certain objectives then you get credits, I was a bounty hunter so that makes sense, but is the "needing to earn credits" point similar for all pofessions. If it was a case of being able to do what I want to do and go where I want to go in the SW universe then I think I'd be up for it, but too many objectives needed in order to progress levels then I think I'd tire of it. I just don't want to be stuck in some never ending KOTOR senario that has no attraction to keep me there. What makes it so playable and addictive? Also can you play as several players, ie have one guy as a bounty hunter and then when you want a break from that be an entertainer for a while before returning to your duties as bounty hunter whilst leaving your entertainer or merchant or whatever doing their own thing, earning credits without you having to be there the whole time. The trial was pretty limited so I really need further info regarding how it is able to keep you captivated. Does it still do so if there aren't missions? Can you send other players on missons? it's just not very clear from the trial.
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Post by guru »

You may have 2 characters on the same server and up to 8 character in total on your SWG account.

IF you have 2 pcs you can load swg and 2 account and work it that way but 1 account can only log in once at a time. In the case of entertainers and main characters , thats what alot of people do, make a playable combat toon like a bounty hunter for killing and exploring and pvp , then when they logout they setup their dancer/musician to buff and make some funds while away or to run around with the cantina crowd.

You can follow quests if you want and there is always another one waiting for you, BUT there is not any reason to be forced into quests, for me I do quests until level 30 as the experience is aimed at helping you master of many situations. Once you get out of the 20s in combat level , go wander, explore points of interest from your [datapad] and ask others to help you on group adventuring in kashykk or mustyfart.

go Overt in special forces and take on invading players of the opposing faction! You earn money doing all kinds of things , kill stuff and sell the loot, kill players and earn ranking! Make a crafter and become a millionare!

Once you get bored with this these is endless, i mean months worth of space things to do, build up your ship , grind to master pilot!

Its all up to you , the quests are there for the non thinkers but there is WAY more to the game!

Post by CarbineImpulse »

excellent! thanks for that Guru, it wasn't explained too well with any thing that came with the trial and basically it limited you to going back and forth between 2 space stations so it was extremely limited in terms of "non quest" playability. Chances are that I'll get SWG and give it a go even if it's just for a limited amount of time initially. I'm waiting now to try and get a hold of Star Wars Galaxies: The Total Experience (which includes ROTW) but it seems to be in very short supply over here, If that all goes ok then I may get Trials of Obi-Wan but I don't want to be too hasty. Would you recommend a SWG "noob" finding their feet first on a lightly populated server or doesn't it really matter?
Thanks again. :)
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Post by Leviathan »

Off-topic : While we are talking of Star Wars Galaxies : Trials of Obi-Wan, I have been slightly surprised to watch specific contents of this Sony Online Entertainment Product visibly taken from Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic ones, such as this crashed Republic Cruiser or this HK-series Unit...
Therefore, guru, could you tell me what was the exact point of having added such Entities on the Mustafar level presented through Trials of Obi-Wan, while knowing about four thousand years have passed between the Hegemony of the Sith Empire and the Advent of the Galactic Empire ? :roll:
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Post by guru »

lev - dunno

carbine -
I would pay and download the recent New game experience from the sony website. It has the kashyyk and space addon (lightspeed) and everything that is updated. You can easily addon the mustafar stuff later for a small fee. Since you wont be able to do any of the quests or kill anything in muustyfart until combat level 60+ Id wait until you can to buy the toObiwan addon at that point.

All the time spawns are on every planet for new resrouces to make things with like steel and iron so if you make a crafter you can be a rich alien hehe!
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Post by Teancum »

Guru--Have you traveled to Mustafar? I'd love to see what it looks like from a real player's screens instead of top-of-the-line-machine LEC screenshots.
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Post by guru »

Sure ill post some Tean. Its the most laggy zone in the game for 2 reasons, the monsters are way harder to solo here so there are many players still active in this "newer" zone. Also LAVA, the images and animations even my uber omgwtf machine sometimes cause huge lag spikes or at least enough to be annoying on busy quests with a group.

I goto kashykk to be alone, lol, and mustafar when i want an actual challenge solo. The quests and just wandering around is fun on both planets but not until level 30-50+.

Im writing a guide for noob to swg, its common stuff so some people but alot have liked what I wrote so ill make sure to give you a copy tean.

I have toons on several servers now , lowca cuz its empty and ahazi cuz its the busiest and best for space battles and pvp faction wars.
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Post by Leviathan »

Off-topic : As I said above, the planet Mustafar has really intrigues me, guru, and that's why I would be highly interested in obtaining more informations regarding all sorts of threats you may encounter by travelling to it. So, if you could kept me informed about such "details", be sure I would greatly appreciate your assistance...
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