Announcing Hypori: Jedi Rescue v.9 release!

New maps and mods are coming out quickly. If you release something (even a beta) please post it here. Be sure to give details in the topic such as Map/Mod name and version

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Post by PvtParts »

To win on the jedi team i recommend being the Rail trooper (or whoever has the chaingun) The new chaingun doesnt over heat and is pretty much a 1 hit kill, so just spray and pay and you will be pwn like a leet haxor.

Post by moberemk »

Really? I tried that, but it didn't really help. The new railgun really is l33t though.

Post by [Matt_Man] »

I wont be able to play it because the bandwidth on filefront is down the toilet - took about 10 minutes to get 2 mb down.
So, if you can find an uploader that accepts 1.58 mb then please use it - i'd like to try this out sooner rather than later.
Off Topic: i was wondering what this meant b/c all maps on filefront are dling really slow for me and i thought it was my computer. Maps that took like 7 minutes are taking an hour. is it my computer or filefront?

Post by yodaminch »

I survived as Terr Sei (who had a green saber in the cartoon, right?) and had to kill 400 + droids with NO reinforcements. That was amusing. Since they all crowd at that one cp, i used saber throw to take out dozens at a time. Very nice map. Have you considered reskinning a wookie to look like K'kruhk?

Post by moberemk »

What is Sha'a Gi's Force Crush supposed to do anyways? All it does for me is let me go flying forward really fast, like a burst only without energy loss. It's like a super-accelerated punch, except it doesn't hurt anything.
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Post by RAymo »

its a force rush

Post by ruasoh »

Sorry for the lack of posts today, when you gotta work...yodamich, good job on the saber color correction. I got all caught up with getting him in-game and trying to be as accurate as possible I completely forgot to check the cartoon for details like that LOL. I guess since his bio says he idolized Mundi I just assumed he used the same color. As for K'kruhk, I have thought about both using a wookie and maybe even a wampa, but I wanted to try to be accurate and not do a simple reskin that "kind of almost looks like the right thing."

Moberemk, RAymo's right. It is force RUSH, not CRUSH. Hence why he rushes forward really fast. I though it was only fitting to give Sha'a Gi force rush because in the cartoon Sha'a Gi runs out to his doom

Post by moberemk »

Ah. Okay, I misread it then. Thanks for clearing that up.

Post by ruasoh »

Good news! I've almost finished the next itiration of this map. Some of the improvements include:
-The gunship! To be specific, I've increased the health a bit, added the speed boost, and gave it more of the cartoon gun feel
-I changed Tarr Seirr's lightsaber to green
-Changed Ki Adi Mundi's secondary force power to force push, with some added power :wink:
-I didn't change the unit count or reinforcements, but I changed the weapons to make everyone more lethal like the chaingun ARC trooper. The EMP bolts are faster and can be fired faster. My personal favorite is the Electric Unit. The Arc caster is much more of a useful weapon. You can clear the group that munges at the REP CP pretty easily now with it. I still have to fix the gaps around the CIS CP's as well as a few other small refinements before I upload this.

Which reminds me, does anyone know how to change the color of Tarr Seirr's hair? Before I hex-edited Munid's mesh so I could use it for Tarr Seirr, I could change Mundi's skin and the hair would go from that skin. I've tried to hex-edit Tarr's mesh to fix it, but so far I haven't found the answer. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Post by altras »

@ruasoh, can you upload the map somewhere else, cuz i can't download form FileFront (i don't know why,but i can't connect to the public servers :\)

Post by Foo4Everlong »

ruasoh, it's great to know that you are making improvements and working towards actually making this map the best it can be. I think that there are so many people that put out maps that never touch after they release them. Or they do very little in refining their work to try and make a final release. I applaud you for continuously making this better and better. I love this map and it's my new favorite map. I love the idea, the look, and ultimate how much fun it is to play it. Keep up the FANTASTIC work!!!!

Just one thing, I just played Penguins "Tatooine Valley" and her Gunship is exactly how I think yours should be. It has boost, it's very manueverable, and all guns and lasers have that Clone Wars cartoon feel. And it seems to be full of strength. Very healthy. Thanks again for such awesome work. Later

Post by ruasoh »

I haven't played that map yet, but I can assure you that the improved gunship has much the same qualities

Post by ruasoh »

New version is up! Check the first post for the link!
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Post by yankeefan05 »

yes next version. Hope its good.
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Post by RAymo »

wow this is a huge file. DLing now. ill have some feedback after i play a little.
hope its good

Post by ruasoh »

It's actually a quarter of a meg smaller than the beta lol. I'll try to shrink the size for the final

Post by t3tine »

ok thanks, cause i can't download, yesterday, i started the d/l at midnight, he said that the dl need 3hours!!! the next morning he said that he need 21hours!!!! WOAW! O-o

Post by Foo4Everlong »

ruasoh, I love this map! It's such battle to try to beat the CIS. Now last night I tried the new version of the map and one concern that I have is that when you are in the Gunship, which handles so much better by the way, but when you are looking downward towards the troops on the ground, the icons above the enemy do not work as well as they did in the last version. All my settings are still the same so I do not think it's on my end. Was there a setting or something you may have forgotten to set in order for this to work correctly? The icons do work but not until you get really, really close to gound level and at that point you are very suseptable to being shot down or crashing. Maybe it's just my computer, but I will check it again. The other thing is that maybe you could get the Gunship to spawn somewhere close by to that CP, cuz it's still difficult to get in it and get out of there without getting hit too much, even with the extra health. I even think that if it was just spawned a little bit away from the CP it would make a huge difference.
And lastly, when you decide that the quality of play is perfect and you start to work on how the setting looks, are you gonna change the part where the land ends and the sky begins? You know, where all of a sudden everything turns black below the horizon of the sky. Just curious because I think the sky looks really beautiful, but when everything turns black it's just a little wierd.

Post by ruasoh »

Thanks for the useful feedback! I just got home so I'll take a look at your suggestions a little later. I could be wrong, but I *think* the old version didn't have the lock on icons on the troops before so know it should be easier to see them in the new version

Post by altras »

argh :(
ruasoh, can you upload the file on savefile or somewhere else, cuz i can't download it form fileFront...
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