Announcing Hypori: Jedi Rescue v.9 release!

New maps and mods are coming out quickly. If you release something (even a beta) please post it here. Be sure to give details in the topic such as Map/Mod name and version

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Post by MasterKenobi »

Oh, there is public servers and i can download it. Thanks for upload. Now there is one thing, download. And I see it's big map.

Post by ruasoh »

teancum, after looking at the cartoon and the skin again, I do believe you're right about the color (big suprise teancum's right :wink: ) I think I used the cartoon more for the layout of the skin and the titanium model for the color. One more thing on the list...

Post by Rpe7 »

hey, really great map !!! I played it and I love it, only yhing is it's very hard LOL but that make sit a challenge , I will probably try to finally win this one tonight. 1 thing though, can you please add a clone trooper with a normal rifle ? I really miss that ... Otherwise it's great !!!

Post by RєÅpér »

it took me 2 hours to win as republic as you can see on pic i won

Post by ^Destroyer^ »

Could you PLEASE size the file down, its huge! I'll download anyways i need to try this.

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Post by PvtParts »

Hey ruasoh, nice map, but i have a few suggestions/bugs so you can tone it up and improve.

1, make the spawns a little closer. although they are 'relativly' close, it seemed like a long walk. Perhaps add more ai and emphasize the less popular planning connections with weights.

2, in both of the cis bunker exit things, you can slide behind the wall from above, and then you can shoot droids without taking any damage. if you dont know what i mean ill post a video later

3, you already know this, but the gunship needs to be stronger, and i'd make it more manueverable and powerfull - it was a beast in the tv show

4, give the clones a little more fire power, but lower their numbers, this isnt really an issue, more of a suggestion to emphasize that arc troopers are elite.

Post by Captnpopnfreash »

is there anyway to get these clones in any other maps. I absolutly love the arc troopers.

other addon maps you can change the units you play as simply by overwritting the sides of the gamedata\data\side folder

ive tried doing that but it dosnt work, is there anyway to do this?

Post by Blackrider »

I have some suggestions abuot the gunship
-more strength!!
-make blasters be two blaster rifles that shoot wicked fast(like that in the show)
-make it able to drop grenades(like that in the show)
-more positions (some guys standing up, some guys have the ability to shooot weapons and some guys sitting down)
-add boost
thats it, please take my suggestions because it make the map wicked fun

Post by ruasoh »

I think that I need to increase the gunship
The blasters on the gunship are pretty fast and powerful, but they just need better textures or tracer rounds to see it. As for the gunship positions, I would have to model a different interior view for the clones sitting, but the other positions are already there.
there is no known way to make the same time of detonation bomb that can be deployed by a vehicle. it's a matter of the difference between something like a grenade and bomb ordnance. Ordnance is the type of thing a bomb is when fired from a vehicle. It is meant to have an explosion on impact, and can't be changed to otherwise. believe me, I've tried. If you need more explanation, see this thread ... c&start=15

Post by ruasoh »

PvtParts wrote: 2, in both of the cis bunker exit things, you can slide behind the wall from above, and then you can shoot droids without taking any damage. if you dont know what i mean ill post a video later
I just went through and played the map again. That is something I forgot to fix before I released. I was going to cover that whole thing so the CIS would be coming from the factories "underground", but I eventually decided to leave it open and I forgot to cover those criss-cross areas that form the "factory". Just another thing to fix...

Post by Blackrider »

Yeah, you couldn't jus make it drop grenades.
But could you maek the blasters a repeater instead of the orange slow shooting one....if ya can
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Post by PvtParts »

How about detpacks?

Simply change the max amount on the field at a time. Editing the lua you should be able to set it to about 5. maybe not, who cares. it would still be a hella fun to fly over a spiderwalk and drop a detpack on it (obviously they need to be really powerfull)

Post by ruasoh »

I've tried many combinations of that. the fact is, a vehicle can only drop an ordnance class, and detpacks are, big suprise, detonator class. I've tried to give an ordnance class weapon detpack (or even grenade) properties, but it can't work. The nature of an ordnance class weapon demands the object detonate and/or cause an explosion upon impact. I haven't completely given up on this, but I'm afraid it won't be the same cool effect as the cartoon.
As for the gunship blasters, I've adjust the speed and damage greatly, but I'm 97% sure that it is the tracer round that makes it look slow. I've tried to fix this but it is still a work in progress...

Post by Rpe7 »

RєÅpér wrote:it took me 2 hours to win as republic as you can see on pic i won
yeah I saw it, congragulations, it's really hard. mm maybe 2 hours is a little bit much ... Could it be a little (not much) easyer ? Or just like someone said before give more firepower? In example by giving a rilfe to the clones, with the award rifle maybe I'm able to achieve victory.

Post by Blackrider »

Overall i like the map, its really hard though. It's a fantastic map if you like big battles. I wish the AI were smart enough to ALL get into the gunship. Like all of the clones and jedi on the battefield. Then it would be easier. Because the clones didn't stay and fight really.

Post by Foo4Everlong »

ruasoh, I'm glad you are gonna change the power on the Gunship, cuz I'm sick of either trying to get in it, or I do finally get into it and then the ship blows up. It's aggravating not being able to use it. The only time I seem to successfully get in it and stay in it is when I get there before the CIS does. The other wierd thing, and I don't know if anyone else experiences this, but it seems that if you get too close to the ground then you crash without fail. There has been times where I felt I was high enough off the ground that I shouldn't have crashed but I still did. I would say that there might have been the possibility that I was shot down but there were no CIS troops in the area. I don't know if there is a setting for depth between the Gunship/vehicles and the ground. It might have something to do with a lack of manueverability within the ship itself. Then again I could just be imagining things. I love flying in the Gunship because the sky really looks nice to look at, plus this game is so hard that the Gunship seems to help with destroying the enemy. And by the way I thought the Gunship color looked fine. I don't think you need to change it at all. But that's up to you. I love this map it fantastic, and I feel you did a great job in recreating the Hypori scene. Later

P.S. Here is a pic of the new Hasbro Clone Wars Gunship coming out just for reference. And I think your blue looks a lot like this one.
[/img] ... nd.jpg[img]

Post by Narlie-Charlie »

RєÅpér wrote:i won as jedi
I finally won as jedi too:

Post by ruasoh »

See, I told you it wasn't impossible, just hard :wink: I'll see what I can do for the next release

Post by YT-1300 »

i dont know if this has been said, but i think you need to make it so the battle takes place more in the crashed ship then that open field, it would be more like the cartoon. make the gunship stronger and then this would be an awesome map.

p.s. how do you win as the jedi??? i can never do it! :x

Post by (GT)superfobio »

OFFTOPIC: how do u change your username ONTOPIC: i got the map and its awsome but havent won yet.
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