Great looking map Bandu, cant wait to play it.

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Lord-Bandu wrote:The combat speeders are way too fast. Since the nearest thing to them in the movies is an aat should have a similar speed for the combat speeders. It just looks pretty stupid imo.
Can you say conceited? I can! Majin Revan! Sorry to break it to you dude, but you think too much of yourself. The only thing you talk about is your maps. It's ok if you like your maps, but when another person does something similar, dont go on about them being thiefs and stuff.MajinRevan wrote:
Correct and fun is what I care about. I tend to get the fun automatically.
- Majin Revan
JabbaLovesLava wrote:Can you say conceited? I can! Majin Revan! Sorry to break it to you dude, but you think too much of yourself. The only thing you talk about is your maps. It's ok if you like your maps, but when another person does something similar, dont go on about them being thiefs and stuff.MajinRevan wrote:
Correct and fun is what I care about. I tend to get the fun automatically.
- Majin Revan
PS: Is this map worth downloading or is it like all the other maps made by Majin?
MajinRevan wrote:Lord-Bandu wrote:The combat speeders are way too fast. Since the nearest thing to them in the movies is an aat should have a similar speed for the combat speeders. It just looks pretty stupid imo.
Sorry, I go on actual facts only.
And EU.
AATs are Armored Assault Tanks, not tiny and quick fighter tanks (plus, repulsors advanced in technology over the years).
But, the speeds of the tanks are correct, no matter how fast.
Correct and fun is what I care about. I tend to get the fun automatically.
- Majin Revan
RDST wrote:I belive Bandu is just trying to provide constructive critism.
Also Jabba you and Majin really should settle this outside of the thread.
MajinRevan wrote:The TX-130S Saber-class Fighter Tank is no longer just made up. It has become accepted as SW. And, just FYI:
I got my info from there and a SW book with cross-sections.
As for the AAC-1 Hovertank, I wanted to make it slower than the TX-130S Saber-class Fighter Tank, but faster than the AAT. Plus, its description at MANY locations described it as fast. Plus, the AAT was older, slower technology.
But, each to his or her own. I can't stop you from thinking that, nor do I really care to, otherwise I'd feel guilty trying to removeyour individuality.
Just for the record, play SWRC, the commandos are STRONG (and their shields are too).
- Majin Revan