My map is crashing

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My map is crashing

Post by Captain_Mazda »

Is there anyone that has been able to use the SPtest with ease, perhaps willing to answer my cry for help? If I send someone my Anor City map, could they perhaps find out why all the modes except for Hero Assault freeze just before loading?

Please find it in your heart and contact me back on this thread.
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RE: Please find it in your heart to look here

Post by Teancum »

How many bars appear before a crash?

RE: Please find it in your heart to look here

Post by Captain_Mazda »

All of them. The "loading" button just dims down and freezes. Sometimes the computer will require a hard reboot because the crash often disables all the keyboard shortcuts. Out of the times I've been able to get back to desktop and end the program, I haven't seen an error message similar to the "FATAL" ones. Just the regular Windows error reporting pops up.

RE: Please find it in your heart to look here

Post by Big_rich »

Sptest and bf2modtools don't work for me. I get some bink dll error. I dl the dll put it in my system folder and still doesn't work. any ideas? But what I had to do was basically recreate my entire modid folder when I had bots that DID not appear. Not your problem, but might work for you. copy and paste your mod directory. Delete it from bf2 modtools, make a new game with the same id. Copy and paste the modid\worlds\*.*. With the exception of the modid_conquest.* files.( or eli or ctf,whatever). Let zeroeditor remake them for you. If that doesn't work you still have a copy of your map so you can just copy and paste it back. It solved all my problems. I was haveing bot issues though. Someting with the layers get screwed up. What changes have you made to your map recently? Maybe that can help pinpoint the problem.
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RE: Please find it in your heart to look here

Post by Teancum »

Are you using custom units or custom assets? Typically a crash while loading means a parent odf or a msh can't be found.
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RE: Please find it in your heart to look here

Post by [RDH]Zerted »

Bots not spawning is normally a problem with the Lua.
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Re: RE: Please find it in your heart to look here

Post by Teancum »

Big_rich wrote:Sptest and bf2modtools don't work for me. I get some bink dll error. I dl the dll put it in my system folder and still doesn't work. any ideas? But what I had to do was basically recreate my entire modid folder when I had bots that DID not appear. Not your problem, but might work for you. copy and paste your mod directory. Delete it from bf2 modtools, make a new game with the same id. Copy and paste the modid\worlds\*.*. With the exception of the modid_conquest.* files.( or eli or ctf,whatever). Let zeroeditor remake them for you. If that doesn't work you still have a copy of your map so you can just copy and paste it back. It solved all my problems. I was haveing bot issues though. Someting with the layers get screwed up. What changes have you made to your map recently? Maybe that can help pinpoint the problem.
1-Don't hijack someon else's thread
2-Read the FAQ sticky to find out how to get BF2_modtools.exe to work

RE: Re: RE: Please find it in your heart to look here

Post by Big_rich »

sorry, diddn't relize that I was trying to hijak someone elses thread. I thought I was offering an option he might be able to try. and my bot problem wasn't in the lua file it was in the lyr file. I know this cause that s what I overwrote to repair. So I thought maybe it might be worth his while to try this also. He might also have a corrputed lyr file causing his crash, which in my case was causing my bots not to spawn. But the layer files are important also. And I have found them to cause some strange problems. But I apoligize if you misinterpeted my attempt at helping as hijacking

Re: RE: Please find it in your heart to look here

Post by Lord-Bandu »

Captain_Mazda wrote:All of them. The "loading" button just dims down and freezes. Sometimes the computer will require a hard reboot because the crash often disables all the keyboard shortcuts. Out of the times I've been able to get back to desktop and end the program, I haven't seen an error message similar to the "FATAL" ones. Just the regular Windows error reporting pops up.
Sounds like your CPU is high.

This happens on my Senate map when i try to create a server with it. I took some models out and it worked.

Re: RE: Please find it in your heart to look here

Post by Captain_Mazda »

Teancum wrote:Are you using custom units or custom assets? Typically a crash while loading means a parent odf or a msh can't be found.
No custom units or assets. The Rail Arc Trooper worked before but I changed it to the Clone Commander just to be safe for the Clone Wars.

Sorry Bandu, I don't quite understand my computer is "high"? lol

Anyways, in terms of models, I don't have many plus they worked before so it couldn't be that. Someone mentioned a corrupt LYR file. It could be that. Maybe the game didn't like it when I deleted "1-flag" from the layers. Hero Assault works perfectly though, CTF and Conquest just freeze.

RE: Re: RE: Please find it in your heart to look here

Post by Schizo »

Deleting the 1-Flag CTF from the layers would do it... to remove it you need to take it out of the addme.lua, not just delete it from your layers. Go into your world's folder, and find the folder named "addme", then go in, open up the lua, and take this out:

Code: Select all

mode_1flag_c  = 1, mode_1flag_g  = 1
See if that works.

RE: Re: RE: Please find it in your heart to look here

Post by Big_rich »

try that and also, as I mentioned. Try to "rebuild" your layers, by deleting them all. It seems that a copy is kept in your .wld<I think it's called that> and once you delete all the layers, except the base, and save it rebuilds all layers and puts them in the correct files. example: My id is dwe, so I have a dwe_conquest.lyr that really screwed up my map. It contans many things in it. Any objects you've placed in that layer, cp bleed rate, ai spawn weight. Also when you deleted the 1 flag did you update your modid.req file? You can do this in zeroeditor by hitting configure, I belive it DOES in fact update the correct .req. But you can do it manually as well by editing this line:


which calls the DWE_conquest.lyr file

Re: RE: Re: RE: Please find it in your heart to look here

Post by Captain_Mazda »

Schizo wrote:Deleting the 1-Flag CTF from the layers would do it... to remove it you need to take it out of the addme.lua, not just delete it from your layers. Go into your world's folder, and find the folder named "addme", then go in, open up the lua, and take this out:

Code: Select all

mode_1flag_c  = 1, mode_1flag_g  = 1
See if that works.
Already done that.

RE: Re: RE: Please find it in your heart to look here

Post by Captain_Mazda »

Yes, I did update. Rebuild my layers? It sounds like you may be onto something. Could you explain the correct steps to take?

RE: Re: RE: Please find it in your heart to look here

Post by Captain_Mazda »

This is my ANO REQ:


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Re: RE: Please find it in your heart to look here

Post by Teancum »

Captain_Mazda wrote: Sorry Bandu, I don't quite understand my computer is "high"? lol

Anyways, in terms of models, I don't have many plus they worked before so it couldn't be that. Someone mentioned a corrupt LYR file. It could be that. Maybe the game didn't like it when I deleted "1-flag" from the layers. Hero Assault works perfectly though, CTF and Conquest just freeze.
What Bandu means is that if you check the CPU usage (CTRL+ALT+DEL) it's probably stuck at 98-99%.

I'm not sure how a LYR file could be corrupt. It's just a very simple text file. Check your LDX file in the World1 folder to make sure CTF mode is loading CTF assets instead of 1flag assets.
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RE: Re: RE: Please find it in your heart to look here

Post by Teancum »

Your World REQ is fine, btw.

RE: Re: RE: Please find it in your heart to look here

Post by Captain_Mazda »

I believe my LDX is correct, here it is just in case:


Layer("[Base]", 0, 0)
Description("Base layer, always loaded");

Layer("conquest", 1, 0)
Description("Loaded in conquest mode");

Layer("ctf", 2, 0)
Description("Loaded in ctf mode");

Layer("eli", 4, 0)
Description("Loaded in eli mode");




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RE: Re: RE: Please find it in your heart to look here

Post by Teancum »

Nope, not your layers. Everything is loading fine. Try going to /Build/Worlds/[mapname]/munged/pc and deleting the contents, then to LVL_PC/[worldname]/ and deleting the lvl file. Munge again.

*All this is is a 'manual clean' since VisualMunge's clean never works right.

RE: Re: RE: Please find it in your heart to look here

Post by Big_rich »

Ok here is what I had to do to get my layers to work correctly: I copied my data_modid/worlds/modid/ odf,effect,msh folders and pasted them in a seperate directory. Then I copied everything from my modid/worlds/modid/ world1 folder except my modid_conquest, modid_ctf, modid_eli files. There are allot of them with the _conquest,_eli,_ctf flag. Pasted those files into the same directory as the others. I then deleted my data_modid directory from bfs modtools. BUT FIRST MAKE A COPY OF YOUR DATA_MODID FOLDER, just in case something bad happens you can start over with the same data. Then I made a new world named the same as the old. in your case ANO. I then copied all the files and folders, that I pasted into another directory, back into the newely created data_ANO directory, loaded up zeroeditor, got some errors, saved the world again and all my lyrs where fixed. Idk if this makes much since. But You can come to the -(DW)- Teamspeak server and I can prob make it more clearer. just xfire me. jasaund7089 and I'll get ya the TS ip and pw. What I am basically talking about is cleaning everything out and starting fresh. Idk, I just know that my corrupted conquest_lyr really reaked havoc with my map.
As far as I can tell the modid_conquest.lyr file isn't a simple txt file. It's not orginized like a regular txt file. it has boxes and stuf in it, again I am really not a programer and I cannot tell programing from french fries. But it seems put together diff somehow.
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