Hey, Im trying to add all_inf_stormtrooperluke as a hero for the republic in my custom map. I went into my AddOn folder and used PSPad to open up the DES (map initials) mission.lvl and found where it says "rep_hero_anakin", but I dont have enough room to type out "all_hero_stormtrooperluke". Does anyone know how I can acquire more space to write? The next thing in the mission.lvl is "rep_hover_barcspeeder"... would it hurt if I cut into that a bit?
Wow, LUA rocks..its so...easy! But do I have to Munge after I edit it?
And what if I wish to edit the texture on Stormtrooper Luke? Where would I put the edited texture so the game would read it for the Republic? Perhaps adding the "all" side into my map and changing it there would work...
I have a more complex question to ask still as well. I want to give my rep_inf_ep3trooper a nice lightsaber. How would I go about doing this? Would I just edit his ODF and add a lightsaber a the weapon, or do I have to deal with all that "human_sabre" stuff?
to change textures, you could copy the entire 'all' side to you map folder and edit the texture (after which you would need to munge, selecting the side in the drop down menu), however this will add a whole lot to the map's download size. you could make your own side and copy only the stuff you need, for more info read the jedi creation tut in the docs.
to give a trooper a lightsaber, you can give them the name of an already existing one in their odf and it will work fine, however i think they will use lukes moves unless you do a little more editing. again, the jedi creation tut will help.
Cool. I got him ingame and working (I moved him from the Republic to the Alliance for simplicity's sake). Looks great, new skin is on and working. Currently working on giving him a new face
Only problem is that he functions as a hero, so I can't have more than one at a time and there is a time limit. Is there any way to make him a soldier? I replaced the Rebel Rifleman with him. Im wondering, would changing the "all_hero_luke_storm" in the LUA to "all_inf_luke_storm" do the trick? Maybe if I rename the ODF's to "inf"... anyway, ill try out the lightsabre thing tonight.
no the name of the odf has absolutely no bearing on the way they play.
are you saying that in the setup teams, you replaced the soldier = reb_inf_rifleman (or w/e it actually is) with soldier = all_inf_luke_storm ? cuz i've done that, and yes they do have a time limit, but i've seen more than one on the field...idk...what i'd suggest to get him more soldier like is changing the parent class in his odf to all_inf_default (i think thats it, just check the rebel soldier). i think that oughta work.