newbie at maping

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newbie at maping

Post by jondavis »

Few questions before I drive myself even more insane.

1. To make mods or objects in the game I have to have that one $500 program "I can't think of the name right now" or is there another program I can use to make objects?

2. If I'm stuck with the objects that the program came with plus that lego tools in the file section then is there any program that will at least let me view the objects? It is a real pain to place them all in the map just to see what they are.

3. If no program does that is there a least a web page where someone screen saved them and titled them? "If not I will make one, hopeing to help myself and others in finding the right pieces".

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Re: newbie at maping

Post by -_- »

jondavis wrote:
1. To make mods or objects in the game I have to have that one $500 program "I can't think of the name right now" or is there another program I can use to make objects?

Wrong. That's only if you want to make NEW objects to get in game. Mods, and using existing models is FREE. The $500 program is called XSI.

RE: Re: newbie at maping

Post by dreadlordnyax »

...and if there is something like you suggest in 2 or 3, i've never heard anything about it.

Post by jondavis »

I'm just starting now at taking screen shots of them. I'll place them on a web page so anyone can view it. After I get through a whole world I'll post it here on the message board and then continue to add other worlds to it.


Post by jondavis »

Ok, I sreeen saved the cor - odf files.
I will be making the tiles at low rez and adding more maps soon.
As for now this page will only help those with broadband. ... bjects.htm

After I get enough maps this will help me a bunch.
Hopefully it will someone else to.

If there is any programs that will do this please post so I don't have to go through all this trouble.



Post by Krun »

Thanks for posting a page to view objects from the game. Unfortunately I do not believe there is any viewer that will let you just look at the in-game models. You can use bconstructor to extract models from SWBF and there is currently an Alpha version of Bconstructor2 being programmed by Nimlot that will let you extract game models from SWBF2. We have been told that there will be a release of a plugin for the XSI Mod tools (which is freeware) that will allow you to build and export 3d models to SWBF2 format, but a release date has not been set.
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Post by EraOfDesann »

An object-viewer would be so nice... :(

Post by Emraz »

Thanks for posting those corr objects. Agreed an object viewer would be peachy as I soend 70% of my map creation looking for the right objects.

The problem is the .odf isnt a finished product and calls on .tgas and .msh to complete itself so an object viewer would have to auto associate the different files together. If it could do that then it could be an amazing tool finding all associated files for an .odf.

Now thats me dreamin again.
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Post by [RDH]Zerted »

Nice site. That will be useful.

Post by Bobafett16 »

[GT]EraOfDesann wrote:An object-viewer would be so nice... :(
yeah that would be nice, maybe Nimlot could wip something up some time?

Post by jondavis »

Added Death Star object screen shots to my page. ... bjects.htm


Post by jondavis »

Tatooine completed.


Post by forresal »

Wow! This will be very helpful!!
Been away for a couple of weeks and come back to this nice visual index of sorts!

Thanks for all your work, jon!!
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