Hero Assault mode not working...

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Post by TAWArtemis »

I have checked the spelling of the name and that is not it. I will double the combo size and report back.

It cant be a conflict with another character can it? Like I based one on Vader. Could the two odfs calling the same item cause the problem. This seems unlike since all troopers call the same items.

Each of the jedi DO have thier own sabers due to the comboanimationbank line in the saber odf.

Let me know if there could be anything else.


Post by froshthewookie »

NO... Plo Koon works.... He works perfectly now... demojedi doesn't, even though he works in other game modes... Upped memory pool size... quite a bit actually... still crashes...
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Post by Teancum »

Also, make sure you load any parent stuff. For instance, if you're not actually playing as Boba, but you're using Boba's weapons on your hero, it's much easier to load Boba under ReadDataFile. That way he's not actually in-game, but he's in memory for your new charcter to use his assets.

Post by TAWArtemis »

Combo size failed. I am going to load everything the charcter is based on into memory and try again.
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Post by Teancum »

Just base if off another jedi. (Make the parent some other jedi) Load that jedi in the luas and it will work since your guy will use all those assets.

Post by TAWArtemis »

nope. Tried again. It does not make sense that it works in all mode except eli there simply MUST be something different about eli

Post by TAWArtemis »

I may be retarded. I am trying something that I am too ashmed to admit.

Post by TAWArtemis »

Good News. I am NOT retarded. Bad News. It still does not work.

Post by PAN-Fnord »

You should really try the second thing I mentioned - there IS a limit on how many lightsabres and blade-attach points you can have, so try taking out *2* other people, or just Darth Maul, and loading the demo jedi.

Mike Z

Post by TAWArtemis »

I did. I took out like 5 including maul. Still crashes.

I am thinking that since one of the heros uses a shield and there is a memorypool item:

SetMemoryPoolSize("ShieldEffect", 0)

and one is a droid (or does this mean recon driod?)

SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityDroid", 0)

that this might be the problem...

Post by TAWArtemis »

PAN-Fnord wrote:You should really try the second thing I mentioned - there IS a limit on how many lightsabres and blade-attach points you can have, so try taking out *2* other people, or just Darth Maul, and loading the demo jedi.

Mike Z
You were right I not only had to take them out of the sides but not load them at all. I had exceeded the blad limit.

Post by PAN-Fnord »

ShieldEffect is what you think, but if there aren't any pools set up it just won't create the effect - not crash. Droid is indeed recon droid, but again, it won't crash (at least until a unit tries to use it, and even then I think it will just not let you use it).

There is indeed something up with the demo jedi - it crashes in part of the shader code when I try to put him in Hero Assault, but not in normal Mos Eisley. It's not his combo file or anything. I'll take a deeper look at it tomorrow.

Mike Z


Post by TAWArtemis »

Thanks Ford. I did get it working so no need to rush on anything.

RE: Thanks

Post by froshthewookie »

Yeah... I've considered just leaving Tat Luke out of hero assault for now...
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RE: Thanks

Post by BF2-Master »

Hero Assault not working for me on ANY map including mod maps. I posted this here, because it's pretty much the same thing.
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