New maps and mods are coming out quickly. If you release something (even a beta) please post it here. Be sure to give details in the topic such as Map/Mod name and version
I've thought a lot about it, and it seems like a good idea, but then you're not using the rest of the map, and all the action will be right down the middle and the flyers would be pointless.
Ah. okay. I haven't played assault yet, crashes. Gotta re-download. Sometimes I need to delete folders for the replacement to work, sometimes I dont...bah.
Hey Tean! I recommend changing Plo Koon's force heal to something else. Becuz giving buff effects to heroes tend to screw up jumping/blocking animations once in a while.
yep. I found it too, but have some trouble changing it. I had to re-make a new .fx file becuz if i work right onto the arcaster_lightning.fx, it'll affect the other villans as well. I tried making a new orange_lightning, which I changed the colors but used the same texture, crashed the game.
Hey, Teancum, I know You're working on the sounds and they're not finished yet, but is it normal that in conquest in galactic civil war era there is no sound at all (except for the respawn sound)?
Great Job on the map, it's really cool, especially with new heroes etc.
Awesome! Plo! My second favorite Jedi of the Old Republic on one of my favorite levels! You rock Tean, though I must say, seeing Plo have electric judgement would seem more fitting, it's what made him stand out more than other Jedi being willing to use force lightning.
All you have to do now to convince me you're Jesus reincarnate is to put Shaak Ti in a level
yeah, i get no sound during gcw era conquest or xl, idk about ctf, didn't try it, but i'd guess it might be the same there. chewie's remote rockets are fun during hero assault :twisted: and of course, plo koon is awesome, although i'd like to see some different anims for him.