can help me GTs community i add in mission lua rep_inf_ep2_rifleman but not show rifleman in the game can you re explain me te metod for the new side and for add other unit whit different skin in the game?
but no texture skin but such us ep3 to ep2 skins
plz GTs make e tutorial for this problems
such us the edit unit.
i have a secon question can i add more then six class such us the hero free for all?
If you want to do it my way you must have an hex-editor and then open your mission file in LucasArts\Star Wars Battlefront II\GameData\addon\(yourmap name)\data\_LVL_PC in your mission file you must search for rep.lvl if you find it there is rep_ep3_rifleman that you have to replace with rep_ep2_rifleman and you have to do that with all the classes.
Have you changed the string name (rep_inf_ep2_rifleman) in BOTH sectoins of the lua. there is one section that all things are put into (vehicles, units, heros) and another that only the units are put into. It has the different ai numbers next to it as well. it's just below the first section. also have you remembered to munge again. if you have then to actually munge the lua scripts you need to have the "Common" check box selected.