Hi all, I recently redesigned the Tatooine Dune Sea map where I swapped the factions around and made the Tusken Raiders playable vs The Empire and made the Rebels the local faction instead. I also went into zero editor and swapped the cps around so that all teams spawn in the right place.
However, when this was complete it turns out that the vehicles for the rebels do not spawn anymore because they are now counted as the local faction.
I am wondering if it is possible to give the rebels back their vehicles or if local factions can even spawn in vehicles at all.
Here is my lua.
-- FUNCTION: ScriptInit
-- PURPOSE: This function is only run once
-- NOTES: The name, 'ScriptInit' is a chosen convention, and each
-- mission script must contain a version of this function, as
-- it is called from C to start the mission.
function ScriptInit()
-- Empire Attacking (attacker is always #1)
local ALL = 2
local IMP = 1
-- These variables do not change
local ATT = 1
local DEF = 2
AddMissionObjective(IMP, "orange", "level.tat1.objectives.1");
AddMissionObjective(IMP, "red", "level.tat1.objectives.2");
AddMissionObjective(ALL, "orange", "level.tat1.objectives.1");
AddMissionObjective(ALL, "red", "level.tat1.objectives.2");
SetTeamAggressiveness(IMP, 0.95)
SetTeamAggressiveness(ALL, 0.95)
-- Alliance Stats
SetTeamName(ALL, "locals")
AddUnitClass(ALL, "tat_inf_tuskenraider",11)
AddUnitClass(ALL, "tat_inf_tuskenhunter",3)
-- Imperial Stats
SetTeamName(IMP, "Empire")
SetTeamIcon(IMP, "imp_icon")
AddUnitClass(IMP, "imp_inf_storm_trooper",5)
AddUnitClass(IMP, "imp_inf_shock_trooper",2)
AddUnitClass(IMP, "imp_inf_pilottie",3)
AddUnitClass(IMP, "imp_inf_scout_trooper",1)
AddUnitClass(IMP, "imp_inf_dark_trooper",1)
SetHeroClass(IMP, "imp_inf_darthvader")
-- Attacker Stats
SetUnitCount(ATT, 25)
SetReinforcementCount(ATT, 250)
AddBleedThreshold(ATT, 31, 0.0)
AddBleedThreshold(ATT, 21, 0.75)
AddBleedThreshold(ATT, 11, 2.25)
AddBleedThreshold(ATT, 1, 3.0)
-- Defender Stats
SetUnitCount(DEF, 14)
SetReinforcementCount(DEF, 750)
AddBleedThreshold(DEF, 31, 0.0)
AddBleedThreshold(DEF, 21, 0.75)
AddBleedThreshold(DEF, 11, 2.25)
AddBleedThreshold(DEF, 1, 3.0)
-- Local Stats
SetTeamName(3, "Alliance")
SetTeamIcon(3, "all_icon")
AddUnitClass(3, "all_inf_soldierdesert",11)
AddUnitClass(3, "all_inf_vanguard",3)
AddUnitClass(3, "all_inf_pilot",4)
AddUnitClass(3, "all_inf_marksman",4)
AddUnitClass(3, "all_inf_smuggler",1)
AddUnitClass(3, "all_inf_lukeskywalker",1)
SetUnitCount(3, 25)
SetReinforcementCount(3, 250)
-- Level Stats
AddWalkerType(0, 0)
AddWalkerType(1, 4)
AddWalkerType(2, 0)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityHover", 12)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityFlyer", 5)
-- SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityBuildingArmedDynamic", 16)
-- SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityTauntaun", 0)
SetMemoryPoolSize("MountedTurret", 22)
SetMemoryPoolSize("PowerupItem", 60)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityMine", 40)
SetMemoryPoolSize("Aimer", 200)
SetMemoryPoolSize("Obstacle", 725)
SetSpawnDelay(10.0, 0.25)
-- Sound Stats
OpenAudioStream("sound\\tat.lvl", "tatgcw_music");
OpenAudioStream("sound\\tat.lvl", "tat1");
OpenAudioStream("sound\\tat.lvl", "tat1");
OpenAudioStream("sound\\gcw.lvl", "gcw_vo");
OpenAudioStream("sound\\gcw.lvl", "gcw_tac_vo");
OpenAudioStream("sound\\tat.lvl", "tat1_emt");
SetBleedingVoiceOver(ALL, ALL, "all_off_com_report_us_overwhelmed", 1);
SetBleedingVoiceOver(ALL, IMP, "all_off_com_report_enemy_losing", 1);
SetBleedingVoiceOver(IMP, ALL, "imp_off_com_report_enemy_losing", 1);
SetBleedingVoiceOver(IMP, IMP, "imp_off_com_report_us_overwhelmed", 1);
SetLowReinforcementsVoiceOver(ALL, ALL, "all_off_defeat_im", .1, 1);
SetLowReinforcementsVoiceOver(ALL, IMP, "all_off_victory_im", .1, 1);
SetLowReinforcementsVoiceOver(IMP, IMP, "imp_off_defeat_im", .1, 1);
SetLowReinforcementsVoiceOver(IMP, ALL, "imp_off_victory_im", .1, 1);
SetOutOfBoundsVoiceOver(2, "Allleaving");
SetOutOfBoundsVoiceOver(1, "Impleaving");
SetAmbientMusic(ALL, 1.0, "all_tat_amb_start", 0,1);
SetAmbientMusic(ALL, 0.99, "all_tat_amb_middle", 1,1);
SetAmbientMusic(ALL, 0.1,"all_tat_amb_end", 2,1);
SetAmbientMusic(IMP, 1.0, "imp_tat_amb_start", 0,1);
SetAmbientMusic(IMP, 0.99, "imp_tat_amb_middle", 1,1);
SetAmbientMusic(IMP, 0.1,"imp_tat_amb_end", 2,1);
SetVictoryMusic(ALL, "all_tat_amb_victory");
SetDefeatMusic (ALL, "all_tat_amb_defeat");
SetVictoryMusic(IMP, "imp_tat_amb_victory");
SetDefeatMusic (IMP, "imp_tat_amb_defeat");
SetSoundEffect("ScopeDisplayZoomIn", "binocularzoomin");
SetSoundEffect("ScopeDisplayZoomOut", "binocularzoomout");
--SetSoundEffect("WeaponUnableSelect", "com_weap_inf_weaponchange_null");
--SetSoundEffect("WeaponModeUnableSelect", "com_weap_inf_modechange_null");
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplayUnitChange", "shell_select_unit");
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplayUnitAccept", "shell_menu_enter");
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplaySpawnPointChange", "shell_select_change");
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplaySpawnPointAccept", "shell_menu_enter");
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplayBack", "shell_menu_exit");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(IMP, IMP, 0, "imp_bonus_imp_medical");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(IMP, ALL, 0, "imp_bonus_all_medical");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(IMP, IMP, 1, "");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(IMP, ALL, 1, "");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(IMP, IMP, 2, "imp_bonus_imp_sensors");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(IMP, ALL, 2, "imp_bonus_all_sensors");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(IMP, IMP, 3, "imp_bonus_imp_hero");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(IMP, ALL, 3, "imp_bonus_all_hero");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(IMP, IMP, 4, "imp_bonus_imp_reserves");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(IMP, ALL, 4, "imp_bonus_all_reserves");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(IMP, IMP, 5, "imp_bonus_imp_sabotage");--sabotage
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(IMP, ALL, 5, "imp_bonus_all_sabotage");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(IMP, IMP, 6, "");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(IMP, ALL, 6, "");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(IMP, IMP, 7, "imp_bonus_imp_training");--advanced training
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(IMP, ALL, 7, "imp_bonus_all_training");--advanced training
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(ALL, ALL, 0, "all_bonus_all_medical");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(ALL, IMP, 0, "all_bonus_imp_medical");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(ALL, ALL, 1, "");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(ALL, IMP, 1, "");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(ALL, ALL, 2, "all_bonus_all_sensors");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(ALL, IMP, 2, "all_bonus_imp_sensors");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(ALL, ALL, 3, "all_bonus_all_hero");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(ALL, IMP, 3, "all_bonus_imp_hero");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(ALL, ALL, 4, "all_bonus_all_reserves");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(ALL, IMP, 4, "all_bonus_imp_reserves");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(ALL, ALL, 5, "all_bonus_all_sabotage");--sabotage
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(ALL, IMP, 5, "all_bonus_imp_sabotage");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(ALL, ALL, 6, "");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(ALL, IMP, 6, "");
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(ALL, ALL, 7, "all_bonus_all_training");--advanced training
SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver(ALL, IMP, 7, "all_bonus_imp_training");--advanced training
-- Camera Stats
--Tat 1 - Dune Sea
AddCameraShot(-0.404895, 0.000992, -0.914360, -0.002240, -85.539894, 20.536297, 141.699493);
AddCameraShot(0.040922, 0.004049, -0.994299, 0.098381, -139.729523, 17.546598, -34.360893);
--Sarlac Pit
AddCameraShot(-0.312360, 0.016223, -0.948547, -0.049263, -217.381485, 20.150953, 54.514324);
Hopefully this helps.
Vehicles for Local Faction
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Re: Vehicles for Local Faction
In Zero Editor, vehicle spawns have vehicle assignments for a LOC faction. Use LOC for the Tuskens instead and keep ALL for the Rebels. This should work.
- Recruit Womprat Killer
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Re: Vehicles for Local Faction
The parameters where you assign vehicles to certain teams? ClassRepATK, etc. If this is foreign to you, I suggest you look over how to set vehicle spawns, or in this case, edit them.
- Recruit Womprat Killer
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Re: Vehicles for Local Faction
Oh yes I have tried doing that, I've even set it to locals and the rebels at the same time to see what would happen and I still get nothing.
- Rebel Sergeant
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Re: Vehicles for Local Faction
this is the vehicle spawner odf you need to open it up and copy this under it. the vehicle spawn is called com_item_vehicle_spawn and is located in datayourworld name common odfs. open it up and copy this line under Classlocals = " " ClassHisDEF = ""
in the end it should look like this. [GameObjectClass]
classLabel = "vehiclespawn"
geometryName = "item_pointer.msh" //hack for now
geometryScale = 0.8
ControlZone = ""
SpawnTime = 45.0
ExpireTimeEnemy = 20.0
ExpireTimeField = 40.0
DecayTime = 10.0
ClassAllATK = ""
ClassCISATK = ""
ClassImpATK = ""
ClassRepATK = ""
ClassLocATK = ""
ClassHisATK = ""
ClassAllDEF = ""
ClassCISDEF = ""
ClassImpDEF = ""
ClassRepDEF = ""
ClassLocDEF = ""
ClassHisDEF = ""
Classlocals = ""
now just open ze and add the vehicles under that locals field.
in the end it should look like this. [GameObjectClass]
classLabel = "vehiclespawn"
geometryName = "item_pointer.msh" //hack for now
geometryScale = 0.8
ControlZone = ""
SpawnTime = 45.0
ExpireTimeEnemy = 20.0
ExpireTimeField = 40.0
DecayTime = 10.0
ClassAllATK = ""
ClassCISATK = ""
ClassImpATK = ""
ClassRepATK = ""
ClassLocATK = ""
ClassHisATK = ""
ClassAllDEF = ""
ClassCISDEF = ""
ClassImpDEF = ""
ClassRepDEF = ""
ClassLocDEF = ""
ClassHisDEF = ""
Classlocals = ""
now just open ze and add the vehicles under that locals field.
- Recruit Womprat Killer
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Re: Vehicles for Local Faction
I get exactly what you mean, however I'm not sure how to properly edit the common odfs when it is for the stock Tatooine map as that is what I am using not my own modded map. I tried making a new common.lvl using your instructions but I ended up breaking the entire games UIwsa30h wrote: ↑Sat Apr 10, 2021 9:34 amthis is the vehicle spawner odf you need to open it up and copy this under it. the vehicle spawn is called com_item_vehicle_spawn and is located in datayourworld name common odfs. open it up and copy this line under Classlocals = " " ClassHisDEF = ""
in the end it should look like this. [GameObjectClass]
classLabel = "vehiclespawn"
geometryName = "item_pointer.msh" //hack for now
geometryScale = 0.8
ControlZone = ""
SpawnTime = 45.0
ExpireTimeEnemy = 20.0
ExpireTimeField = 40.0
DecayTime = 10.0
ClassAllATK = ""
ClassCISATK = ""
ClassImpATK = ""
ClassRepATK = ""
ClassLocATK = ""
ClassHisATK = ""
ClassAllDEF = ""
ClassCISDEF = ""
ClassImpDEF = ""
ClassRepDEF = ""
ClassLocDEF = ""
ClassHisDEF = ""
Classlocals = ""
now just open ze and add the vehicles under that locals field.
- Rebel Sergeant
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Re: Vehicles for Local Faction
i assume this is for bf1 ? you just need to do the above and open the map in zero editor and add the vehicle entries under the locals tab.
- Recruit Womprat Killer
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Re: Vehicles for Local Faction
Yes this is for bf1. I have added the vehicles in the locals tab that appears on the right side of the screen when selecting a command post vehicle spawn point but still I don't get any vehicles spawning in for locals. I know there is something I'm doing wrong but I don't know what it is.
- Rebel Sergeant
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Re: Vehicles for Local Faction
the only other thing i can think of is your lua team set to the correct team ?