Dont worry your not bothering me cyber ! I need all the feedback I can get to make changes ! So we will have a discord server so that glitches and what not can be reported
. And That’s a pretty good idea missingtexture - i think what I’ll end up doing for the ion disruptor is testing each idea and seeing how the AI react without any player involvement because I want it to be so that the AI can also use the disruptors at radome that way if the player is spending all there time in a tie fighter or something, or say they play as the CIS then at least the republic AI will at least damage the MTT or in rare cases maybe even take it out !
So far we have the turret idea,
The granade launcher/homeing shot idea,
And the click to pick up weapons idea (which I am still looking into)
I also had another idea to disguise command post as the disruptors so that way the player could change class to pick up the disruptor - BUT that would cause all AI with that same class to pick up the weapon too - soooooo yeah (- and then of course how would the AI get disruptors if I did it that way). BUT I think we have some good ideas I could work with soon and tell you guys about ! If anyone eles has an idea feel free to let me know !
There are also unit changes coming to my maps as well ! Learn about them bellow :
So as you all know EA will be releasing a Han Solo season instead of a clone wars season ... and I would like to let you all know that I am interested in remaking these maps !
Images from the movie (
WARNING: pictures below are slightly “spoil”y for those of you who care)
OF course for right now though - theed takes priority ! This is because once that new 0.8 beta comes out, I think a lot more outside fans and players will start to know about this project - then I could start working on seasons and Ewok hunt etc.
But yes everyone - stay tooned, the unit update as well as new models and an update to section of outside the palace are coming soon guys ! let me hear some ideas or whatever - and let me know of any other problems you find !