Yeah - you already know what I'm doing and why.
Been working on this map and I think once its done it will make a lot of people happy.
Playing as the droids and securing the beach is already so chaotic and so much fun !!
This week Ill be working on getting the environment close to PERFECT !
I'll be pulling all the tricks out of the hat for this one ... Ill probably use EVERY texture slot in zeroeditor - do some bumps on the textures
play with fog and blur setings, Make the sun huge like in EA's kashyyyk, Replace the birds with very small almost unseeable bugs so that I can use scaterbirds to make small bugs come from the bushes, add in precipitation and retexture it to simulate DICES flares , include those unplayable wookies on the left and right shores, a random night to day feature, add a little more odf's , resize platforms ect. Obviously ALL this wont be done in one week ... but all those environmental related things I listed above I will add
click "hidden":
No - I may recreate more maps though ... see the hardest part about doing this kind of stuff is that I need custom made props - I would love to do starkiller base, hoth, or something like the battle of ryloth space but I would need custom props , I'm terrible at making them lol. If you are interested in helping me out by making some very accurate props and msh's then please let me know !
Guys Naboo: Assult on Theed takes priority - the hardest part about this map wont be the units thankfully since I can just take them from my theed map - the hardest part will be getting the detail in the environment. The kashyyyk from BF2017 is very "alive". The ground is covered in debris and tank treads and water - recreating this will be difficult. Their kashyyyk map is more beauty and nature based than it is prop based like assult on theed.
If I do decide to scrap this project I will make it available for anyone to complete - of course I dont plan on scrapping this bad boy its just I don't want it to become another generic kashyyyk map. Getting it close to EA's will be pretty hard.
Thoughts ???