ggctuk wrote:iamastupid wrote:Ginev wrote:I think we missed someone who is really important in the credits.Corra Ashu converted all of the Free Radical BF3 related models.I was following his facepunch forms really close.Since he converted all of the base meshses and since i get from him the basemeshes i think he also deserve to be mention in the credits.

I didn't include him originally since there's ongoing controversy whether he did get the models originally (As in he has been accused and partially proven to have been stealing said assets from various other sources) and I was trying to avoid going into that, however since this map is 90% yours I've added him back into the credits since that's your opinion and I tend not to keep my own.
Is it ongoing? Or would it have been put largely to bed with the updated EULAs? Those models are definitely ripped from the XBox360 SWBF3 build, there was a ton of discussion on another forum about ripping the map objects out, though we only ever got 'collision models'.
Teancum wrote:I was under the impression that Xentax members have reverse engineered the model formats at this point anyway. Maybe not?
It was not a case of whether the models were ripped but more of whether Corra was the one who ripped them, he's also in the negative light of one of my main asset contributors (Luke Landwalker) and is highly disliked by him for many reasons, tbh idrc as long as those assets are available and people can use them for amazing stuff.
And to avoid double posting:
Map not in Development
(By me anyway)
From this point this map is not in development by me, it will be continued by another developer (You can play a lovely guessing game if you want)
It will still use the same assets, layout and all the stuff I accomplished, so in essence it's the same map. If you want to delete this thread go ahead, however I may revisit my version of this map in my upcoming mods and might use it as a test map and post stuff here and perhaps release it in the future for those mods.
Since this will be the last time I probably post screenshots of this version of this map here are some I haven't yet posted here:
In the meantime, I'm working on a side mod, BF3: Yavin IV, BF3: Desolation Station and a few recreations of things so there's a few things to look forward to from me in the future.