Edited by JVM (BF2-Master)
Originally by Marvel4
Eras: Clone Wars, Galactic Civil War, Galactic Civil War. 2.0/First Order Conflict
Modes: Conquest, 1-Flag CTF, Hunt, Classic Conquest, Uber, Heroes vs. Villains
Heroes: Mace Windu, Jango Fett, Wedge Antilles, Grand Moff Tarkin, TBD, TBD
This is, essentially, Marvel4's excellent Geonosis: Spire conversion with some different heroes, modes and at least one additional era -- stock Galactic Civil War, featuring Wedge Antilles as a hero and an excellent Grand Moff Tarkin, as rendered by AQT. Hero Assault features some custom characters from the conversion pack as well as Tarkin and Gizor Delso. XL has been exchanged for Uber mode. I've been doing a lot of edits for private use but asked Marvel4 for permission to make this one public since I felt the additional Galactic Civil War mode could be interesting to some people, particularly less-experienced or non-modders.
The map is already playable and can basically be released at any time, save a few bugs in GCW Hunt, but I'm adding a custom era or maybe two. I do want to keep the mission count low and will cut modes if there are too many eras, or vice versa, but I do want to make a little more of a mark.
Accepting any suggestions for alternate CW heroes (to differentiate more from Geonosis: Plains) or for alternate eras/units -- or suggestions in general, really. Just remember I have no access to world assets, nor does my ZE work right now.
Latest Changes
January 3rd, 2017: Work resumed. Revealed new unit - Geonosis Trooper, Phase II - for possible inclusion in Clone Wars Uber mode, finally completed.
February 28th, 2016: Revealed four custom units for Galactic Civil War Uber mode - Rodian Smuggler, Mon Calamari Officer, Sullustan Commando, and a Storm Commando, with thanks to the Conversion Pack Team, Devis, Flippy11, the BFX team, and tirpider.
February 27th, 2016: Revealed Hero Assault mode for Galactic Civil War 2.0 era, featuring several custom heroes by Delta-1035, in addition to the stock Boba Fett.
February 21st, 2016: Revealed fully playable Galactic Civil War 2.0 era, with thanks to Delta-1035.
February 1st, 2016: Revealed Grand Moff Tarkin hero, with thanks to AQT. He's fully ingame and just needs final tweaks, replacing Boba Fett.
January 31st, 2016: Public announcement. See above. As more updates come, the above ones will be moved here.
Marvel4 - Original Geonosis: Spire Conversion
Conversion Pack Team - Heroes and their assets, Classic Conquest mode
Teancum's Secret Assets - Nien Nunb/Sullustan model
BFX Assets - Storm Commando skin
AQT - Grand Moff Tarkin assets
Flippy11 - Storm Commando assets
Hebe - Orbital Strike
Deviss - Mon Calamari species model(s)
tirpider - Rodian unit model(s)
Delta-1035 - the entire Galactic Civil War 2.0 era
Pandemic Studios - the original game & assets
George Lucas - Star Wars
GameToast - still being around after all these years
Probably more to come...