This project is something I started 2 years ago and due to an unfortunate deletion most of my source files had been lost. Thankfully due to recent findings on an older flash drive this project is back on track with most of the weapons functioning nearly exactly as they did in the psp game. (And yes the properties in the psp are not carbon copies from BF2 as Rebellion handled weapons differently.) I always disliked the weird controls and limitations from the psp system either though I really did enjoy the game for what it was. Now with this project you will get to use 2 thumb-sticks and much more.
Credits as of now:
Tirpider for his excellent assistance in the creation and kit bashing of the rebel models.
Pandemic for their origin models
Unit 33 for the rebel trooper base skin
Icemember for storm commander model
Sereja for various weapon models
-RC- Some edited backpack models
Teaser Trailer: