Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)

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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)

Post by ARC1778 »

PRECISION wrote:I see some of your points ARC, such as the pick ups being crates. That would have been great as it wouldn't break the immersion as much. However I want to say something about the cards. Just wait for the full game before really saying if thye have use. There will be many more to pick from, like smoke that breaks locks of turrents and more, flash bangs, homing shots, focused fire for better accuracy, stealth things that change the mini map, torpedos, grenade launchers, and so many more. Just wait on those.

On the note of Battlefield, I agree. My vision when I saw DICE making it made me so happy because I love Battlefield. Whould have been great if it was just like it. I do understand why they didn't do that. for example, many people complain Battlefield is too hard for normal players. Yes there is a learning curve to it, but in response DICE aimed it to a larger plyer base that may not have been used to playing games. In other words the more casual gamer.

Either way I love it, and I respect your opinion. I was a bit of a let down of it not being like Battlefield, but after I learned more from interviews and so on, I saw their passion and reasoning behind their choices and I have grown to apperciate it.
I'm sure, and those sound cool, but Imperial or rebel troops having tusken cyclers? WTF? Like there are guns for that that make sense E-11X, that gun in the farmstead, like I won't be buying it even if I wanted to, cos this is a ***** laptop, but I get the casual thing, I do, that's fine, I don't mind they lowered the game play, I hate that they lowered the universe to a casual level though.

I see their passion too, the only thing I've seen so much passion for things that don't matter, is my passion for HMS Victory (The oldest ship in continuous service, period, -1765 til now).

I don't doubt their love, I don't doubt their passion, but I doubt their control over the game, I think it's testament to them that it is this good. I'm sure even EA likes star wars, but, they still like money more.

I love that CPs are Diet Dr. Pepper gone. They were stupid, personally I'd have had a mode with hexagons, get a guy in an enemy hex, it's contested, kill all the guys in the hex, and you've got it, get all the adjacent hexes, and you can spawn there. Boom. Profit.

The horde mode is cool, and I do wanna play it, and honestly, I'm warming to the Diet Dr. Pepper thing. It's a good game, but it's a ***** use of a licence, and If any of us had been in charge, it would have been better, but I can't be a sniper, I can't fly, just super jump, and I can shoot into the sky without ever running out of ammo. This may seem superficial, but yeah, it really affects everything in a big way. I see a thing, and I'm like. No. Bad dog.

That said, I respect how beautiful the worlds look, I respect that they made it look nicer than the real thing. But even then, that's not enough.

This game isn't a problem, if it was, I'd be having a tantrum, i'm not, but it's still not what I wanted. Does it scratch the itch, yes. Does it make it go away. No.

Battlefront one and two had it easy, they only had to exist, and then add playable jedi (-wait we beat them to that), and the new content from ep 3, and space maps.

Actually, I take it back, 100% Battlefront does add something to the franchise with the horde mode, I'm sorry I'll happily eat that hat.

Also, no modding, I can't forgive that, EVER. It's suicidal.

Once I have a custom pc and it's £20-30 quid will I get it, yes. Will I play the horde mode, yes. Will I see the battles as anything other than mechanically inferior to the originals, yes.

I'm not one to get nostalgic. I love the prequels, they gave us battle droids and clones, and they're awesome, honestly i'd be upset if they were better than the originals, it would mean the entire series, would end on a lower note. TBH, if the ride to the last hour of RotS was more enjoyable, if Anakin was more likable as he was in TCW, it would have been. As it is, whiney boy turns into bad-Diet Dr. Pepper mo-fo, and that does add something to the story, it makes Vaders redemption more of a turn around. I almost wish rather than adding the "Noooooooooo", they added flashbacks to him throttling Padme, killing the jedi (Plus some new scenes of him hunting the order 66 survivors down).

This is not, and never will be a successor to my favorite star wars game. I don't blame Dice, I blame EA. And it's not nostalgia making me do it. It's an objective opinion, that I'd like to voice, they didn't completely Diet Dr. Pepper it up, but they didn't meet my number one expectation, and that's okay, I'm glad for the casuals who don't know what a TIE-Defender is, or what TIE stands for, that is the fate of everyone who is deeply invested, in anything, I am invested in wars, fact or fiction, present, future, past, whatever, I am a (soon to be applied) polemologist, that is my profession, to study conflict, to avoid, or end it, and help to hopefully eventually eliminate it altogether.

I am into this stuff, into that or this, Star Wars was the first time I saw war, first time I saw people try to kill each other. Ever. It was what sparked my interest, the closest I got to that before was toy knights, who fought dragons, not each other.

It is because of Star Wars, that I know the Campaigns of Napoleon, the Battles of the hundred years war, the Triumphs of Rome, and everything I learned about conflicts outside of the class room. It contributed to my development by introducing me to the worst aspects of humanity in a fun, non-traumatizing way, I understood when I was Seven, what happened when seemly to the rest of my class why planes were falling out the sky on TV, Fair enough, I didn't know why, and would understand terrorism for another three years, but I knew it was an attack, an act of war.

I just mean, I'm obsessed with this world for a reason and I'm not a loser who's obviously way too deep into this, this was the first love of my profession, I realized how the imperials could win, how the rebels could do better, on my own, with the help of my action figures and lego of course, but it was how I started, how I began to visualize death, people wouldn't "die" until I was almost 8 when my Papa died, in someways I am a Jedi, I hold back violence, injustice, pain, the original trilogy was about corrupt forms of government, the prequels were about corrupt politics.

I revere this universe, yeah, superheros are cool, resident evil is a enjoyable movie, james bond is fun, but this isn't a movie to me, it's a mythical history just as The Lord of the Rings is, I learned something from it, from LotR I learned how to inspire, how to be brave, how to die for a reason if you have to die other than in your bed at 90.

And because of that, I hold it to a higher standard. And that means I need a better game, BF 2 gets a 8 from me, this, gets a 5, it's okay, I've no doubt the reviews are going to be atleast 7, for most people this is a good game, but not for me. I need better, that's why I'm making better, and if one kid plays my mod, and thinks to them-self. God this if bloody aweful stuff, and it happens to real people, and one day walks into a recruiting office to do their part, I'm happy, that's my ultimate, this is the way I express my gratitude for it's influence, how I repay it, as I will repay to the Crown, the Debt my education, care and benefits, has made, I didn't understand why Han came back to the Fleet and the Death Star at the end of ANH, it would take until the Salacc pit in
RotJ for me to understand the ultimate virtue, loyalty.

So yeah, a long and not 100% relevant ramble, but point is, this isn't entertainment to me, it's so much more, and it take it seriously, it's not cool, it's sublime, and it takes more for me to be impressed with a game based on it.

But that doesn't mean that you should hold it to that standard, or that I expect you too. But I do think it could have easily been better for everyone, if it was more immersive, casual or not, the more you get sucked in, the more you see, they see a small walker with guns, I see an AT-ST with lazer cannons, moratars whatever, pull them in deeper, and they see more too, even if they don't need to, and they don't because EA has their money, and doesn't even think of making a sequel until it sees sales figures.
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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)

Post by FragMe! »

Played a bit of the beta, watched a bunch of youtube videos and I am liking the game.

The only thing I miss is roll, I like rolling out of the way of getting shot. Not enough games have roll, L4D2 could use roll to get away from zombies. Sorry rambled on a bit there.

Not going to make any comparisons to Pandemic games as it is a totally different game, well except for it being Star Wars but you know what I mean.

I am sure there are things in the beta that will not be in the final and they will change some other things.

My opinion on some common complaints I have read and heard mostly about walker assault, yes the should randomize location for vehicle, ship and hero spawns. Gamers figured out pretty quickly where they show up and just spawn camp for them.

Lot complained about people not doing the objectives but rather just go for the higher kill/death ratio. Way I thought of to encourage doing objectives is to only make objective points awarded count towards getting upgrades or count more to getting upgrades instead of sheer number of kills.

Other ones of people spawn killing the Rebels when the focus has moved to the base, well you are always going to get that, that is why I get immense pleasure finding a way out of the bunker and taking out the campers but that's just the way I roll.

Finally, mostly because two really big posts in a row is too much :) people who say the game costs too much or EA got their money and that is all they care about. Well yes the game and the upcoming DLC is probably on the high side of video games out there but look at what went into the game.

I mean it is visually stunning, the animations of the characters and the vehicles we have seen are great. This community above all else should be aware of what it takes to get that into a game and I am sure the quality and quantity of the artists that they had working on this game doesn't come cheap
nor does the Star Wars license itself. So yes it is costly but I feel it is worth it.

On the second point yes EA got their money, they are in business to make money and as long as they make a really great product like this seems to be then they do deserve it.

Okay final, final point.
Interesting fact from the website 9 million people played the beta over the 4 days it was available that is a pretty impressive amount.

Looking forward to seeing you guys online where we can get real action going on (just as long as Repsharpshooter doesn't snipe me a lot :runaway: )
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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)

Post by commanderawesome »

I couldn't agree more, Frag.
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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)

Post by ARC1778 »

9 mil is a really big number. 0.o wonder how much bigger the sales will be! :O
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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)

Post by Teancum »

FragMe! wrote:Lot complained about people not doing the objectives but rather just go for the higher kill/death ratio. Way I thought of to encourage doing objectives is to only make objective points awarded count towards getting upgrades or count more to getting upgrades instead of sheer number of kills.
I like the way Destiny's PvP (called Crucible) works with objective gametypes. Actively completing the objective yields more points than a kill, and so it creates this natural balance between people going for kills and those completing the objective. It's sort of an auto-balancing thing.
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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)

Post by Kingpin »

The Nasal Abyss wrote:Halo 5 should help a little bit though!
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Trueeeeee, comes out on my birthday along with the Xbox One Elite Controller.
Back on topic: Well said Frag. I do miss me some rolling :(
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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)

Post by commanderawesome »

Han, Leia and Palpatine have been confirmed as heroes: ... characters
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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)

Post by Kingpin »

Only 6 hero characters? Slightly disappointed.
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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)

Post by commanderawesome »

Kingpin wrote:Only 6 hero characters? Slightly disappointed.
I doubt that's all of them.
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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)

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The playable Villains of Star Wars™ Battlefront™ we've shared with you so far, Darth Vader and Boba Fett, are truly menacing characters that will strike fear into any they encounter. But as we reveal the final Villain, we’ll touch upon pure evil itself – and how you will get a taste of it. It’s time to talk about Emperor Palpatine.
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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)

Post by Anakin »

Kingpin wrote:Only 6 hero characters? Slightly disappointed.
I'd love to see some more Jedis. That's why i like CW more than GCW (Movies)
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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)

Post by DylanRocket »

commanderawesome wrote:
Kingpin wrote:Only 6 hero characters? Slightly disappointed.
I doubt that's all of them.
People have been looking through all of the files and there's no evidence of any more heroes.

It's a shame Chewbacca isn't one of the heroes. :\
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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)

Post by giftheck »

I think they wanted to balance the hero numbers. There's really nobody else suitable for the Empire in the original three films to balance out having Chewbacca, whereas the Rebels have at least three more they could use: Chewbaccas as mentioned, Lando and Ben. The previous Battlefront games always had it so that the heroes outnumbered the villains.
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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)

Post by ARC1778 »

ggctuk wrote:I think they wanted to balance the hero numbers. There's really nobody else suitable for the Empire in the original three films to balance out having Chewbacca, whereas the Rebels have at least three more they could use: Chewbaccas as mentioned, Lando and Ben. The previous Battlefront games always had it so that the heroes outnumbered the villains.
But with only one per side per map, why does it matter? Why limit the choice of one side?

Also, why i there only one hero per side? That's not right!
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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)


:D Seems cool, but the season pass is a bit pricey. Had pre-ordered the ps4 bundle but decided to cancel it. It is definitely one of the best looking games ive ever seen, even on medium the graphics are a leap over current gen games. I would have rather have had a game with more content and maybe less of the graphical appeal to be honest. Its unfortunate that if you want the complete experience you could make a choice to pay $110 for the season pass plus the game, but if you have the money more power to you. I know the game cost a lot to make and I have no doubt in my mind DICE worked their butts off to make an authentic star wars game, even if it is missing space battles and a few other things from the other games. (I know there is a mode with just space ships, but its not exactly the same as flying an x-wing or tie-fighter in the cold unforgiving void of space like in the movies).

However I had my fill with the beta, its definitely a fun game. I just think I can get a slightly better deal down the line and Battlefront 2 will more than suit my battlefront appetite until then. One thing that bothered me a little bit that ARC178 was mentioning was the tusken cycler. Why would rebels or imperials be using it on hoth or anywhere else? Lol, out of all the weapons you could be using on hoth or anywhere else that isn't tatooine would you be using this weapon. Or why would it be mas produced at all? Why would an imperial use it Or why would you equip imperials with rebel weapons? I can understand rebels stealing imperial tech, but the other way around? Its a very small complaint though.
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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)

Post by Twilight_Warrior »

ARC1778 wrote:
ggctuk wrote:I think they wanted to balance the hero numbers. There's really nobody else suitable for the Empire in the original three films to balance out having Chewbacca, whereas the Rebels have at least three more they could use: Chewbaccas as mentioned, Lando and Ben. The previous Battlefront games always had it so that the heroes outnumbered the villains.
But with only one per side per map, why does it matter? Why limit the choice of one side?

Also, why i there only one hero per side? That's not right!
There's one game mode, Heroes vs Villains, that's going to be a 6v6 mode. All three heroes at once, with three regular troops vs the other team's 3 heroes and 3 troops. The goal of the mode is to be the first team to defeat the other team's heroes.

Also, from what I've heard, once you pick up a hero token, you get to choose what hero you want to be before you spawn in, it's not going to be limited to one hero per map (though I'm assuming it'll still be limited to one hero at a time for your team).

Both of these reasons are why they stuck with 3 heroes per team. For now. Who knows what they'll do with DLC.
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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)

Post by ARC1778 »

Twilight_Warrior wrote:
ARC1778 wrote:
ggctuk wrote:I think they wanted to balance the hero numbers. There's really nobody else suitable for the Empire in the original three films to balance out having Chewbacca, whereas the Rebels have at least three more they could use: Chewbaccas as mentioned, Lando and Ben. The previous Battlefront games always had it so that the heroes outnumbered the villains.
But with only one per side per map, why does it matter? Why limit the choice of one side?

Also, why i there only one hero per side? That's not right!
There's one game mode, Heroes vs Villains, that's going to be a 6v6 mode. All three heroes at once, with three regular troops vs the other team's 3 heroes and 3 troops. The goal of the mode is to be the first team to defeat the other team's heroes.

Also, from what I've heard, once you pick up a hero token, you get to choose what hero you want to be before you spawn in, it's not going to be limited to one hero per map (though I'm assuming it'll still be limited to one hero at a time for your team).

Both of these reasons are why they stuck with 3 heroes per team. For now. Who knows what they'll do with DLC.

Hmmm, okay, that's an interesting concept.
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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)

Post by Twilight_Warrior »

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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)

Post by commanderawesome »

Duros and Bowcasters confirmed! :D Truly epic trailer.
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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)

Post by Kingpin »

Awesome trailer!
What was going on with the Emperor's voice thou :?
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