Star Wars Battlefront 2 : Sides Overhaul Mod

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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2 : Sides Overhaul Mod

Post by Indytotof »

Sandtrooper956 wrote:Yeah it would be cool to get this as an Addon. It also seems like the Starkiller and Coruscant Hero Assault Mission levels are missing. I really can't wait to play as the characters from "Rebels"
Well... I'm afraid you will had to wait the final release of my mod (some of the heroes will be changed, like Plo Koon for Captain Rex (Kualan from JKHub did a very good model & skin of him), the Magnaguard will go in favor of Mother Talzin and maybe Dengar in favor of... I don't know. Maybe "Rebels" will give me the Chosen One. Other heroes will had new skin & model, like Pre Vizsla who will be some kitbashes from me, as the final Grand Moff Tarkin model and the Imperial Royal Guard, and Savage Opress) to have Hero Assault Mission on Coruscant (and since Starkiller will not be in my mod, you will not need him) quite operational.

Here is a look of my own Tarkin (reskin of a JKHub model of Thrawn):
I will add him the armor he wears in "Call To Action" in "Star Wars Rebels".

Speaking of that, my mod will be affected in what's going on in the upcoming episode of the show: "Fire Accross the Galaxy" where a certain evil guy with intimidating breath will show his helmet.
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2 : Sides Overhaul Mod

Post by Sandtrooper956 »

Okay, cool! That Tarkin looks great! When the final release comes out i'll have to do some videos on this mod.
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2 : Sides Overhaul Mod

Post by Indytotof »

Some modifications for the heroes done.
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2 : Sides Overhaul Mod

Post by Bulletkid »

Would be rlly awesome to see a Clone wars Darth maul, Mechanical legs , and using Pre Vizsla's lightsaber.
I love ur tarkin btw
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2 : Sides Overhaul Mod

Post by commanderawesome »

Can you re-upload the current version of the mission.lvl? Also, I may have a solution to your clone legion problem. It's a trick I learned from BFX:
1. Make a side, call it whatever you want.
2. There are only three things you need in this side: The MSH folder, the REQ folder and the side's .req file.
3. Add your new textures, make them the exact same names as the stock ones.
4. Then set up reqs for each texture like this:
(call them something different than the stock clone units)

5. Set up the side's .req to include those .reqs.

6. Load them into your mission script like so:
[code] ReadDataFile("SIDE\\<your side name>.lvl",
"<your req names here>")[/code]
Make sure they are loaded AFTER rep.

*However, if you are also changing armor such as with the 327th or the Galactic Marines, also include an ODF folder.
Set up class ODFs like this:
ClassParent = "rep_inf_ep3_rifleman"

GeometryName = "<your model name>"
GeometryLowRes = "<low res model name>"
FirstPerson = "<new FP model, if added>"
ClothODF = "<new model's cape, if it has one>"[/code]
Then just set them up like any other class.
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2 : Sides Overhaul Mod

Post by Indytotof »

Due to my computer who find it was nice to die, I've lost every of my files regarding this mod.

I announced that this mod will never be finished.

Some assets have been released here on Gametoast (Darth Sidious, many lightsabers and Kylo Ren's blade).

Thanks for all the support, you're awesomes !
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