Coruscant: Modern Warfare

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Coruscant: Modern Warfare

Post by thelegend »

Coruscant: Modern Warfare

Hey Gametoast,
this is one of my last projects. Actually it is the last *big* map I made during 2015. So I wanted to do something that hopefully won't be forgotten.
I wanted to do something that includes almost everything what Swbf2 had. And now I will stop the self promote :P

This map is set on Coruscant. The City of Coruscant on the Planet of Coruscant within the Coruscant System...But it's just the "political" district. There are the Chancellor Building, the Senate, many skyscrapers, advertisements, Padme's Appartment and a lot of more things to see (and to do).
On the first view the map probably might seem to be too overlarge. But the actual battlefield is only set on 25-20% of the whole city circle (Then surrounded by skyscarpers as seen in the trailers below).

There are five playable eras: Clone Wars (Customized), Galactic Civil War (Customized), Stock CW+GCW era (Almost uncustomized, so you can play you favourite units on this map) and the Episode VII era.

There are many features like many destroyable props and buildings, remoteable predator rockets from all the capital ships and more.
That's actually all. There's a map. With some eras. Some new units and weapons...I tried to follow many suggestions and tips as possible. But there was no space for everything. I almost or just have reached a point where two or three objects could let the map immediately crash (Or freeze while loading). At least this is the first time where I worked with normal maps and I must say this map looks better than before. Just because some of you told me I needed to spend more time on some things. I am very grateful for that. And I am also glad to release this map now.

Here you can download the map (You'll need almost 1GB space on your hard drive) [Fixed Link]: ... Warfare.7z

And here you can watch both trailers. I was about to make a third one but I think that would not be so necessary at all.
Official Trailer:
More Information here:


Code: Select all

-George Lucas for making Star Wars
-(Now) Disney for continuing Star Wars
-Pandemic for making Star Wars: Battlefront
-(Now) EA for continuing Star Wars: Battlefront (Even if they didn't touch this map  :P )
-Me for making the map. the sides etc.
-Rends for making the Coruscant Assets (Some props, many textures and of course the Chancellor Office (I just cut the room 
 out of the mesh and exported it as an object. I also fixed some collision problems. Made the office
 window breakable..(And that's all for now)))
-The whole Community for doing their job (and of course helping me and each other when problems come up)
-Jedimoose32 for helping me with the scripting and also helped me with the GCW Sounds
-Again thanks to all the others on for their help. Love y'all <3
-CGSkies for the Sky Texture

I really hope you like this map and of course have fun :D
Last edited by thelegend on Sat Jun 06, 2015 6:29 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Coruscant: Modern Warfare

Post by Generalfacu »

Nice map, though I don't support Ep VII, you are the first one doing this era. I really like clone units!
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Re: Coruscant: Modern Warfare

Post by Maveritchell »

thelegend wrote:(You'll need almost 1GB space on your hard drive)
Come on, why does this keep happening? There is no compelling reason for a single map to have that much stuff. I know it's mostly sides (and that's a whole 'nother brand of excess), but even those could be reduced by 50%.

The map itself is a cool one to explore, but it has a ton of texture issues (not the least of which is the same grey texture that remains everywhere). You've got such great ambition and vision for your maps, but you've got to rein that in a little. I'd rather play a map that's half as large and twice as detailed (or an eighth as large and twice as detailed) - trying to have everything is a sure way to con yourself from a great experience.
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Re: Coruscant: Modern Warfare

Post by commanderawesome »

This is the easily one of the best Coruscant maps ever made, and arguably the best map you've ever made. :thumbs:

You've really captured the feel of this world better than a lot of other maps. It feels as if it was pulled right out of Episode III. The sides are amazing, your best units yet I'd say. I really love the clone juggernaut. The best part is how you've managed to create a huge battle that doesn't go on and on forever, it only takes a slight bit longer than regular maps. The Ep VII era was a nice touch, too. :wink: However, I have to admit that even a map as amazing as this is still not perfect, as nothing is. First off, I think the metal textures on the buildings should be shinier, and have more color variation. Also, I think the GCW units should be a bit more different from stock, since it has stock GCW anyway. And finally, I think the map should have more ground vehicles. Perhaps some AT-RTs and an AT-TE for the republic, Hailfire and dwarf spider droids for the cis. Also, I think random skydomes would be nice, too.
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Re: Coruscant: Modern Warfare

Post by Fives » now
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Re: Coruscant: Modern Warfare

Post by DarthHideous »

The map itself is a cool one to explore, but it has a ton of texture issues (not the least of which is the same grey texture that remains everywhere).
First off, this map overall is amazing, but it's somewhat disappointing that it's falling short of becoming legendary. It is, in my opinion, of great promise to becoming THE best Space-to-Ground/Atmosphere-to-Ground map ever, but the potential it lacks should be effort well worth putting into making it something every SWBF2 gamer will remember as, a legend. :P

The design in the center of the city contains a lot of depth with many differently scaled buildings coinciding with each other, but what's blending them all together and preventing/hiding the awesome architectural features is a bland/solid grey texture and/or a slightly, more detailed grey texture which hides/covers the city in a pool of grey. Whether it be from a view above in the sky or on foot, the city exterior is not justifiable. The advertisements add color and attraction, but what's really needed are different colored textures on the exterior of many buildings, bridges, and open channels in between. Especially for those with just the bland/solid grey texture. Even a simple adjustment with a few color-enhanced buildings here and there in the exterior center of the map will really emphasize the height and depth of it overall and bring out the aw-factor. I don't expect you to go right back to fixing your map right after you've just released it from months of hard work and dedication already, but I agree with Maveritchell that a few simple fixes would really bring out all of the hard work and dedication that you have put into it. I don't assume you're called "thelegend" for nothing. :bowdown:
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Re: Coruscant: Modern Warfare

Post by jojo3450 »

link is not working
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Re: Coruscant: Modern Warfare

Post by thelegend »

jojo3450 wrote:link is not working
I just fixed it: ... Warfare.7z
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Re: Coruscant: Modern Warfare

Post by Anakin »

I just played this map for the first time and i need to say it is a realy nice looking concept map. But for me it's not more than an concept.
One of the important thing is mantioned many times. The texture. The other thinks that need improvement:

1. Please do not change the CW and GCW icon and name to Stock CW and Stock GCW. It make no sense to use the stock CW/GCW icon and name for a custom era and use a new custom icon/name for the stock once. It makes me feel like you don't like the stock era and just added it at the last five seconds before release.

2. It's just the way i told it will be if you release it too early and with too much features. The EP7 units are not detailed. It looks like you took the imp low res mesh head and paint it to look like EP7. And the shoulder pad is broken when you imported it to XSI. You ran the auto triangulate function that makes the pads look odd.

3. Wasn't palpatines office under the rotunde??

4. You wanted to have an outside area but you wanted the rotunde inside as well. But they do not fit in one map. So why don't you concentrate on the rotunde or the outside area?? I don't see any reason to go up with the elevator to the rotunde if i can not fight or walk through it. So everyone will look once in the rotunde and that's it. It just take polygons that you could spend better on the outside part. And the big main entrance doesn't fit to the small walkways that go up to the elevator.

5. From the ground there are enought buildings, but if you fly too high you see just the platt land. So you should add buildings to your sky or limit the fly high. and maybe reduce the fighters speed.

I think these are the importants disruptive factors. Please fix them and after it we can start with the detailed things.
I hope you'll fix these things. The walkways and concept looks very good
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Re: Coruscant: Modern Warfare

Post by Alpha »

I thought this map was really fun! Encouraged me to get back on here after years to post. You got a lot of criticism, all of which I feel is valid. However, I think you also did something pretty awesome! I really enjoyed seeing some TFA stuff in Battlefront especially. Very nice job on that, even if it is a work in progress. Kudos, all the kudos, on the ambition of this project. I love it. Keep it up!
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Re: Coruscant: Modern Warfare

Post by willkilla »

Anakin wrote:The other thinks that need improvement
Not really. Frankly this map plays better than almost any map out there with battles all around the map. Reddit seems to love it as well. And Palpatine's office was in the Republic Executive Building NOT the Senate Building. The Podium is a cool addition
I made a video for this map too
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Re: Coruscant: Modern Warfare

Post by Troha »

willkilla wrote:
Anakin wrote:The other thinks that need improvement
Not really. Frankly this map plays better than almost any map out there with battles all around the map. Reddit seems to love it as well. And Palpatine's office was in the Republic Executive Building NOT the Senate Building. The Podium is a cool addition
I made a video for this map too
Well, I still feel the map is unfinished. The map could use some color, sometimes it randomly crashes in the middle of the battle. Other than that the map is pretty good, but color definitely needs to be worked on. I'm no modder, but I think it can be accomplished.
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Re: Coruscant: Modern Warfare

Post by Sandtrooper956 »

The random crashes aren't the mod, but your computer. It could use a bit more color here and there though.
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Re: Coruscant: Modern Warfare

Post by Praetoss »

I made a review video of this map quite a while ago, using the same link that was provided on here, but it seems to be a lot of people are having the same issues. The map installs fine, but the Force Awakens era does not show up for some reason. I would test it out myself, but problems with my sound card don't allow me to play Battlefront 2 anymore. :( Can anyone else check this and see if they can see it?
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Re: Coruscant: Modern Warfare

Post by thelegend »

You will need the unofficial patch 1.3 to run the "The Force Awakens" Era. You will also need this patch for many other modes with custom eras or modes.
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Re: Coruscant: Modern Warfare

Post by TheMastermindOfMaom »

I have The Force Awakens era,no problem with it either.

Y'all need the 1.3 patch - some guy
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Re: Coruscant: Modern Warfare

Post by Praetoss »

thelegend wrote:You will need the unofficial patch 1.3 to run the "The Force Awakens" Era. You will also need this patch for many other modes with custom eras or modes.
The map worked fine for me, as I was able to play it. The other people that have asked me for help have all said that they have the 1.3 patch installed, but the mode still doesn't show up. The map itself shows up, and they are able to play the map just fine, it's just that The Force Awakens mode doesn't show up.
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Re: Coruscant: Modern Warfare

Post by thelegend »

My only and last theory would be that some of them have too many maps or mods installed. I am not sure about this. I just heard some maps or even modes wouldn't show up if there had been too many addons installed.
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Re: Coruscant: Modern Warfare

Post by Venator »

This is my new favorite map! You should add a nighttime variation with the classic Coruscant speeders flying around the skydome! :D
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Re: Coruscant: Modern Warfare

Post by DoorMan »

Strange...I have the newest patch and I also cannot see the Force Awakens version. I wonder why...


I decided to redownload. Delete all the old versions of the map. And repaste the new version of the map in my addons, and it worked. I have full access now. Might I recommend trying that out fellas.
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