Battle of Umbara [Final Update]

Working on a new map? Have a new mod out for swbf2?! Post an announcement of the up-coming release here.

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Re: Battle of Umbara [Update#2]

Post by thelegend »

Ok. I sent the beta versions to all who were interested in beta testing. If there is still someone who is interested just write it here or send me a PM. I`ll need the reviews until the 13th October 2014.
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Re: Battle of Umbara [Update#2]

Post by Fives »

nice but i have found 2 bugs and i have write your a PM

but the rest of the map is very cool

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Re: Battle of Umbara [Update#2]

Post by SmokyCashew01 »

I'm not PMing you because this site says "I can't use this feature because I'm a new member and I need to be involved more" so please understand why I am doing my review here.

What I enjoyed about this mod (I enjoyed everything but I wan't to highlight a few neat ones)
---map layout (so balanced, different terrain and cover, best part is that it is not easy to capture all command posts and win early in the game so it makes the game longer. There are so many paths and routes you can take that even if you're down to one command post you aren't screwed and stuck in an ally desperately trying to hold out for the rest of the game)
---Vixus locations (the vixus is the sarlacc looking thing. I love where you put them on the map because for those people who are lazy and want to take a short cut into battle, think again because the thing will snatch you out of nowhere if you're not careful so stay on the path)
---Umbarans (the umbaran skins are amazing. I've been playing as the CIS countless times just because of them)
---Umbaran Airfield (looks great, just like the episodes)
---and many more

---when Grievous dies he freezes
---that is seriously the only bug I found. You did such a great job with this mod that there is nothing else wrong with it

What I didn't Like
---The Republic skins are a little shabby. Some are ugly like the mini gun guy and the engineer. (replace mini gun guy with "hardcase" armour, replace engineer guy with a 212th skin, replace sharpshooter with 501st ARF trooper)
---there are no first person models for the umbarans
---Krell hunt mode is TOO easy, I can beat it without dying. Should make it more challenging by giving you only 5 lives for those who aren't that good, and by only letting a certain number of clones be killed or else you loose.
---vehicles are a little unbalanced. The Republic gets like 3 AT-RT's while the CIS only has 1 AAT

Suggestions (things you can add)
---the umbaran class is a little unbalanced. I like the fact that they have no secondary but lethals (grenades or equipment) are a must. In the original battlefront 2, the wookiee, the imperial officer, and magna droid have remote control probe droids. You should do that with the umbarans (or at least the umbaran general) except mod the probe droid into a Millicreep (those electric bugs that attacked the clones in the trenches)
---to give the map a more umbaran feel replace the AAT and create a modded umbaran tank (shouldn't be too hard for an expert modder like you).
---this suggestion I don't really care about but others might. I noticed that this map is more ground based. Space combat in this map kind of sucked because there is no action going on in space. Like I said, not that I care because I barely played in space anyways. If you do care about this I think you should make a couple more troops go into the starfighters. Sacrifice like 10 soldiers from each side and make them fight in space.
---this mod is too great to be left at this. This mod really deserves a episode accurate campaign, now that would be really cool.

I really enjoyed this mod. Overall I'd give this mod a 9.5/10 just how it is. Do the suggestions I said and it will truly be a 10/10
If I find any other bugs or think of any more suggestions I'll let you know. Before I forget, a very big thanks to you for making this.

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Re: Battle of Umbara [Update#2]

Post by thelegend »

Hey and thank you for the review. I will balance the sides a bit more. There are some bugs I knew earlier (gg freezes when he dies...).
The Umbaran Military are from the CWA game. Deviss gave me the models. The flighter and the Umbaran weapon (I also will add the U-tank) are by Sereja.
I just made the streets, trees, airbase, the supply ship and some remodels..ah and also Krell. Anyway there will be more things added. Other bugs will be fixed...I also will extend the space part with JazzMaster's Z-95 fighter and Y wing.

I also will follow so many suggestions as possible.
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Re: Battle of Umbara [Update#2]

Post by commanderawesome »

I would suggest adding an XL mode. That's it really.
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Re: Battle of Umbara [Update#2]

Post by Generalfacu »

thelegend wrote:Hey and thank you for the review. I will balance the sides a bit more. There are some bugs I knew earlier (gg freezes when he dies...).
The Umbaran Military are from the CWA game. Deviss gave me the models. The flighter and the Umbaran weapon (I also will add the U-tank) are by Sereja.
I just made the streets, trees, airbase, the supply ship and some remodels..ah and also Krell. Anyway there will be more things added. Other bugs will be fixed...I also will extend the space part with JazzMaster's Z-95 fighter and Y wing.

I also will follow so many suggestions as possible.
Z-95 Headhunters for the clones!! Awesome! :thumbs:
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Re: Battle of Umbara [Update#2]

Post by R2D2 »

Great map, I really liked it and the gameplay was on point. :thumbs:

My only suggestion is that you add more fog and I agree with SmokeyCashew1 about the skins. And also vehicles for the cis. Other than that, it definitely captures that Clone Wars vibe, excellent work
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Re: Battle of Umbara [Update#2]


SmokeyCashew09 Hit the mark on a lot of stuff. Aside from his suggestions, the umbarin general and the soldier feel very similiar and even have the same setup. I strongly feel becuase of that, it feels like we are getting two of the same unit. Consideration for weapon changes is something I think needs to be carried out for those 2 units. Ive been trying to find glitches and so far I haven't found anything gambreaking. But The space battle aspect seems to have very few instances of aerial combat. I usually find it empty when I spawn in the space portion and fly out.
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Re: Battle of Umbara [Update#2]

Post by MikeTheBeast55 »

Very nice updates you have been doing TheLegend! Too bad I have been busy for the past week so I was unable to ask to beta test this map since it looked really good! When I do look at the screenshots though, I noticed some of the Umbaran units kind of look the same except for the guns, might want to switch that up a little for some variation.
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Re: Battle of Umbara [Update#2]


I know I signed for the beta, but i'm not going to be able to give a review. I have had to reset my PC twice in the past week and it has been messing with my games performances. I have also installed windows 10 tech preview that seems to hurt my games as well. I am really sorry :(
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Re: Battle of Umbara [Update#2]

Post by Generalfacu »

I don't know but I actually like Grievous freezing when he dies. It makes him a more terrifying and droid-like character :P
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Re: Battle of Umbara [Update#2]

Post by thelegend »

Final Update

Hey all,
i know it has been I while for more updates. I had some PC problems, was pretty busy....Anyways this is my final update. The release is most probably tomorrow. There are a lot of changes, new things and small things are removed...
Unfortunately the Clones vs. Krell mode had some massive bugs (map, lua stuff..) so I have removed this mode from the addme. But not completly. Perhaps I will update it with the new mode..but I am still not sure. Anyway there are some new things like ship turrets, small hallways between rooms in the 2nd Venator Ship. And now there is fog! It`s not 100% perfect but in-game it looks exactly like in the episodes.
There are also 2 new vehicles: The Umbaran Tank (by Sereja) and the Z-95 Fighter (by Anakin).

For now there is not so much to add (here in my text) but the only thing I wanna say is what you can see in the pictures is the final map. There won't be any changes. Only if I find a wrong placed prop. The only things I still have to do is to localize the new vehicles and change small values for some odf weapons to balance both sides.

Now the images:
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Re: Battle of Umbara [Final Update]

Post by jedimoose32 »

Looks great! Can't wait to download and play it.
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Re: Battle of Umbara [Final Update]

Post by Kingpin »

Well done! I love the addition of the Umbaran Tanks.
I am terribly sorry about the beta. I completely forgot about it :oops:
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Re: Battle of Umbara [Final Update]

Post by Generalfacu »

Umbaran Tanks! Z-95s!!! LAAT/I gubships!!!!!
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Re: Battle of Umbara [Final Update]

Post by Glitch25 »

Something I noticed, it seems you created a new .tga file for the "Special Force Droid" rather than modifying an existing file and selecting "Save As" this resulted in a skin with a different level of light reflection.
I realize you may never update this map again, but every detail you take care to create is of value to the modification. All these seemingly minor parts amalgamate to function as a whole mod.
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