OMG! I REALLY like this map! I would like to begin by saying you did such a good job on detail. The maps looks really nice with all the foliage and plants. Not alot of maps but enough foliage in them. Next, that big tree, I must say, was pretty fun fighting to the top. There are always units spawning their which made go up the tree really fun. I died a few times getting up there but it was awesome! One bad thing I dont like.. the commandos sniper.. only one shot per-reload? As a active sniper myself, one shot is not always enough. I understand there was a sniper class but I love commandos too much not to use them. Its not that big of a problem, but it brought some difficulty's. I love the ARC trooper. Using the one mod (cant remeber it) to make him tilt his head to the side really added to him. If I had to pick the ARC or commando... I would pick the commando. Overall, I think this is a 9/10 for me.
Now, I really hope you do this, so here is goes...
You should map a tropical map. Beaches, islands, lots of water, you know what I mean. I think you would to a AWESOME job on it. (as long as you add foliage) A waterfall would be nice too. There just isnt to many tropical maps in BF2 and it is kind of sad. I love the tropics. So you can see me being sad
Anywho, you NEED to keep the commando in it. Maybe give him more shots in the sniper but as along as he is in it, im happy. So please, if you can, I would love. Maybe make a WIP thread with progress and we can talk about it. This map would be really awesome
Again, Awesome map you have made
It is staying in my addon folder!!!