New maps and mods are coming out quickly. If you release something (even a beta) please post it here. Be sure to give details in the topic such as Map/Mod name and version
Hello Gametoast,
i am very happy to release my 4th sky to ground mappack. This pack includes 3 maps: Bespin, Umbara (based on SW: The CLone Wars) and Geonosis (Ep2. Battle).
Map Descriptions:
Geonosis: The Clone Wars begun on Geonosis. The 501st legion and other clone guys were sent from Kamino to their first battle against the cis. The battle is gigantic. This is the biggest Sky To Ground Map I ever have made. There are new flyer vehicles (from Battlefront 1), animated frigates and 3 playable main characters each side.
Umbara: Or called "Shadow World" is the darkest map I ever have created. This map (Units and some vehicles) is based on the The Clone Wars Episodes. You can play as Anakin and Captain Rex or as Dooku and Grievous. There are new animations, made weapons and more reskins.
Bespin: Empire vs. Rebels. Both fight over the Bespin platforms. The one easteregg (or fact) is, If you fly to deep you will lose lifepoints and die. If you fly to high and get out of your flyer you'll lose lifepoints too. After 2 minutes the Empire gets reinforcements by Victory II frigates.
Alright! I played a good amount of 2 of your maps. Didn't try bespin sorry. I would like to say how AWESOME geonosis is. It is really well done! I love the big hilly battle that goes on untill one sides reaches the command posts. I do thing more dust should have been there. This is probally the best geonosis map I have played to be honest. It flows really well, and on top of that you have the space (ground) fighters to fight. Now as of umbara... I think its way to dark still. If you watch the tv series it is lit up by the plants. The fog is also a bluish tint. If im not mistaken, it also has very thick jungles lit up by the blue glow from the plants as well as trenches and other things. I dont mean to be critical but it is just do dark to play for me. Maybe if it was a different map that would work. Overall, I think this is a solid pack. Like I said, geonosis is just plain awesome and is staying in my addon folder 7/10 for everything and 10/10 for geonosis
I have to say This is the best Sky to Groud mappack. Bespin is very good, Geonosis has a very original design, with all those heavy cannns protecting the Techno Union Ships, and, well, Umbara, what can I say?....Umbara is awesome!!!
Thank you all for the replies, critics and so on. This is the last mappack. Ok...not really. I work on a mappack. All maps take place in the world. An own story is included. But after this project, maybe I will start on a 5th mappack. And now you all can choose the maps. It will be exactly three maps. Tell me what for maps do you want..
I would like to make a suggestion to future maps, you should really add in clone commandos (i love them!) and because your maps are really big, you should add the clone turbo tank. One more thing, a tropical beach would be really nice to see. With commandos and turbo tank I would download it right away. If you make a tropic map, you really have to add alot of detail, like nice grass, palm trees, and nice water (and waterfalls)
First, nice mappack like the other three. Good work
My map suggestions:
maybe some maps we don´t know from the default game like said before Cato Neimoidia
or Ord Mantell and maybe the glorious death star
Hoth, Mygeeto, Felucia, Cato Nemoidia, Kamino....interesting suggestions. I will choose three of them. But not now. I am working on a new project. The only word I say is: Earth.