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Re: Belsavis

Post by ZoomV »

The Beta is up and I have PM'ed the download to all of you that agreed to test. I don't plan on sending it out to anyone else for this beta at least.

Current Known Bugs
  • Localization isn't accurate for some weapons
  • AAT are missing some sound effects
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Re: Belsavis

Post by commanderawesome »

Just finished playing as the Republic.
My thoughts:
  • It seems pretty balanced.

    Most of the fighting takes place outside the city, I don't know if that's a problem or not.

    There is a glitch where you get all shaky when you ride a speeder bike.

    On a side note, the Clone Commando's rally buff seems out of place.

    Quite a few of the republic's weapons have the icons for SBD weapons.

    I think the last two classes should be unlockable.

    All and All, it's pretty fun. :)
Ill try the CIS tomorrow.
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Re: Belsavis

Post by zwyx1234 »

Just finished testing. I really enjoyed it, and overall, thought it was really good. The sides felt pretty balanced and unique to each team. The map was very visually appealing and had a lot of Y-axis action. Where Y-axis is up/down. Or rather, a lot of looking up for snipers in the cliffs, or being sniped from there. This is a huge plus that few games/maps take advantage of. The mix of good sniper spots and vehicle gameplay along with infantry gameplay is very well integrated. Overall, this is a great map, and worth a play.

A couple of things I noticed that need to be fixed:
-The arc troopers gun fires way to fast, and reloads too fast. Perhaps making that overheat and have a slower fire rate and a longer reload time (it is a machine/chaingun after all).
-The map is huge. It takes a long time to get across the map. I would recommend enabling Uber mode, so as to have more units on the battlefield at once. That way, more of the map would be used.
-More vehicles would be nice. Perhaps some more of the big republic 6-legged tanks (forget what they are called) and the CIS main tank as well. Also, maybe even as much as 5 or 6 or more faster, lighter vehicles to help with getting around the map.
-Gunfire does not appear to do damage to vehicles. This makes the balance a bit of an issue. Perhaps doing even minor damage would be better than no damage.
-A few minor texture bugs, but to fix those you'd have to edit the UV's on the model, so this is just me being picky.
-A really strange lighting effect bug. Typically occurs when on the outer edges of the map (the part that is raised off the ground a lot.) I think some footage of this would be better, I will try and record some. It bassically looks like there are shields on the ground, kind of...Don't know if this can be fixed or if its battlefront acting up.
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Re: Belsavis

Post by ZoomV »

zwyx1234 wrote: -The arc troopers gun fires way to fast, and reloads too fast. Perhaps making that overheat and have a slower fire rate and a longer reload time (it is a machine/chaingun after all).
Yeah I kinda agree the chaingun is a little off, its current implementation is due a "I wonder what this would be like.." moments.
zwyx1234 wrote:The map is huge. It takes a long time to get across the map. I would recommend enabling Uber mode, so as to have more units on the battlefield at once. That way, more of the map would be used.
Well actually Ubermode is enabled, there are 70 units per faction on the field at a given time. I see what you mean with some areas (particularly the southern cp) being underpopulated, but I can't do anything about it becuase when I did try increasing AI counts I had isssues with the more trafficked areas become unplayable do to the player not being able to live for more than maybe 30 seconds because of to much crossfire. (trust me I tried)
zwyx1234 wrote:More vehicles would be nice. Perhaps some more of the big republic 6-legged tanks (forget what they are called) and the CIS main tank as well. Also, maybe even as much as 5 or 6 or more faster, lighter vehicles to help with getting around the map.
Not so sure on more of the large tanks (the ATTE already has one tight squeeze in its route) however I can certainly add some more small ones. I'm thinking about adding at the starter CPs a speederbike spawn that is reserved for the player only.
zwyx1234 wrote:-Gunfire does not appear to do damage to vehicles. This makes the balance a bit of an issue. Perhaps doing even minor damage would be better than no damage.
this was a design decision I made in my earliest bf2 mods, I take it for granted now. I don't know if I'm ready to undo it since having every blaster shot deal damage kinda defeats the purpose of a tank. However I may balance it in other ways, such as buffing the damage grenades deal to vehicles, I'm also most definitely going to heavily buff the Concussion Grenade Launchers (you tried these right?) that the Heavy/Assault units have, since the AI has a poor hit rate with them.
zwyx1234 wrote:-A few minor texture bugs, but to fix those you'd have to edit the UV's on the model, so this is just me being picky.
On what objects? I know the AAT has one on the back, but I'm not aware of any others.
zwyx1234 wrote:-A really strange lighting effect bug. Typically occurs when on the outer edges of the map (the part that is raised off the ground a lot.) I think some footage of this would be better, I will try and record some. It bassically looks like there are shields on the ground, kind of...Don't know if this can be fixed or if its battlefront acting up.
Is it like, your standing close to the cliffwall and this weird bluish polygon appears? I know what it is but like you said its a model issue that I can't fix. (downside of using assets that didn't make it into the finished product)
commanderawesome wrote: Most of the fighting takes place outside the city, I don't know if that's a problem or not.
To me its not, but whether its a problem or not is up to the you the users. Although it can get interesting sometimes when the landing pad CP and the mainbase CP are owned by different teams.
commanderawesome wrote:There is a glitch where you get all shaky when you ride a speeder bike.
yikes! I can't believe I've missed that. Will investigate.
commanderawesome wrote:On a side note, the Clone Commando's rally buff seems out of place.
How so?
commanderawesome wrote:Quite a few of the republic's weapons have the icons for SBD weapons.
That would be called the Bandaid floating Icon fix. Don't worry I'll probably change it up for official release.
commanderawesome wrote:I think the last two classes should be unlockable.
hmm, I always found the unlock system annoying, what you the rest of you guys think? (even for people who didn't get the beta)
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Re: Belsavis

Post by zwyx1234 »

I also find the unlocking system a bit irritating. I would remove that entirely.

To add to my beta report...

For the concussion rocket launchers, those definately need buffing, don't know how I missed that in my original post. Make sure they go in straight lines instead of all over the place.

Maybe rockets should 4-5 hit kill tanks? That would add balance as well.

Frag grenades should also do more damage to tanks like you said already. Perhaps the addition of a haywire grenade that disables tanks, instead of destroying them, would also be a nice addition. That way tank drivers wont get super frustrated getting destroyed constantly.

All in all, fiddle with what I just mentioned and see if you can achieve a good balance. It is currently in a pretty well balanced state, so make sure you back this version up (like, the data_BVS folder and the munged folder in the addon) to somewhere safe, so you can easily go back to a working state and try again if needed. Good luck!

The texture bugs were on top of the rock models, I will try and take a screenshot of it. It's really not that big of a deal though, as you probably have to edit the UV's to fix it. As for the cliffs on the outer edge, the blueish polygon bug is what I was referring to. Good to know you knew what I was talking about.

On a side note, I like the map visually the way it is, so work on my tree I was making has been discontinued. Should you want it anyways though to add to your asset collection or something, send me a PM and I can give it to you.
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Re: Belsavis

Post by commanderawesome »

ZoomV wrote:
commanderawesome wrote: Most of the fighting takes place outside the city, I don't know if that's a problem or not.
To me its not, but whether its a problem or not is up to the you the users. Although it can get interesting sometimes when the landing pad CP and the mainbase CP are owned by different teams.
I'm not sure TBH. Maybe the city CP should be neutral.
ZoomV wrote:
commanderawesome wrote:On a side note, the Clone Commando's rally buff seems out of place.
How so?
I don't know really. I never really viewed the commandos as "leaders" per se. I think the buff would be better on the Clone Officer. And then the commando could have a melee attack of maybe another kind of grenade.
ZoomV wrote:
commanderawesome wrote:Quite a few of the republic's weapons have the icons for SBD weapons.
That would be called the Bandaid floating Icon fix. Don't worry I'll probably change it up for official release.
I understand. Floating icons can be quite annoying.
ZoomV wrote:
commanderawesome wrote:I think the last two classes should be unlockable.
hmm, I always found the unlock system annoying, what you the rest of you guys think? (even for people who didn't get the beta)
Well then, I think you should remove the points to unlock from the officer, too. (I hate the unlock system, too, it's only use in my opinion is for heroes or for those mods that have a "Field Commander" class (like BFX)), the reason i suggested it though, is that the standard trooper is kinda underpowered compared to the commando and ARC trooper, I think the regular rifle should be a bit faster.

CIS test results:
  • I forgot to mention in my previous report that the "Yavin" turrets need to be renamed.

    It still seems pretty balanced.

    If you like there is a better model of the commando droid available:

    The standard B1 battle droid also seems underpowered.

    Not enough vehicles for the CIS.
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Re: Belsavis

Post by ZoomV »

On my list of things to change.
  • Buff Concussion grenade Launcher against vehicles, probably double its damage. Will also likely make it so its charge-up will fire a sticky version of its ordinance.
  • rework chaingun
  • Visual upgrades for BX and ARC. (new model for BX and looking to get pualdrons and kama for ARC)
  • Revaluate RC's weapon selection
  • Give the standard infantry a grenade specialized for fighting tanks.
  • Get AAT's sounds working. (this is kicking my butt)
  • Fix the Barc speeder's animation glitch.
  • Properly localize the Tower turrets
  • Will likely change the weapons on the ATTE.
Things that have been done since beta
  • Minor tweak to BX (more HP, less shields)
  • Foliage tweaks to map, namely removing the bright green foliage from shaded area due to them sticking out to much.
  • Replacement of a few shrubs
  • Smoothed out the ATTE's pathing
Still awaiting feedback from other testers.

commanderawesome wrote:If you like there is a better model of the commando droid available:
The reason there are not any non-stock models is because up until maybe two weeks ago I never read or touched anything in gametoast, in fact I was surprised to find that I had an account here for something in the past. Thus I did most of this map and all of my previous mods in isolation, with no knowledge of the available assets.

However this is something I've been rectifying.
Also I doubled the damage of the Concussion Grenade Launchers and those seems to be doing better now.


Sorry guys I have been caught up in a bunch of work and haven't gotten much work done on belsavis, that said I think it is approaching being ready for release. :D
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Re: Belsavis

Post by KeepAmazinn »

This map looks amazing if your still in need of a beta tester let me know!
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Re: Belsavis

Post by ZoomV »

Version 1 is now available here
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Re: Belsavis

Post by Fives »

Yeah is see you play too SWTOR

its a great multiplaer roleplay game
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Re: Belsavis

Post by Generalfacu »

When the final version is released, I will be a very happy person haha :P
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Re: Belsavis


Generalfacu wrote:When the final version is released, I will be a very happy person haha :P
it is already resleased