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Tried it.
Wasn't into it.
The response I keep hearing when I tell people this:
"Come on, TW, you gotta play more than a couple matches to really get into it. And you gotta play with friends, can't try it alone."
1) I played for 3 days. Few matches a day with a variety of champs. If that's not enough time to get into it, it's not worth getting into.
2) I did play with friends. Good players, too, they'd been playing for a few months.
It's just not my thing. One of my good friends REALLY keeps pushing it, though, so I may give it a second chance one of these days.
Related to this: Anyone heard about Smite? Some of my friends are really getting into it, but I generally dislike Hi-Rez studios after and updater annoyance.
SMITE's nice community. It will change. It will degenerate. As is what happens to MOBAs. Where they force you into competition where you are not only competing on complete strangers, but relying on other complete strangers, for 30 minutes to an hour at a time. You can't one-man-army a MOBA like you can in other online multiplayer games where a single, fantastic player can turn the tides. Every little mistake your teammates make, every obvious thing they miss, becomes a personal slight against you. And god forbid someone has to leave a match early. You may as well have killed your teammates' mothers. Collectively. You've doomed them all.
Smaller, less popular MOBAs, like SMITE have gotten away with being nice for now, but only because they are exactly that: smaller and less popular. There are fewer new players to be aggravated at (they're just so adorable, like a toddler learning to walk... why don't you help that one?), and the veterans, for the most part, know each other. Once it gets bigger, though... Anonymity starts to spread. Teammates become faceless names who you care less about, and who are subsequently stealing your kills. (For the record, I never understood that. Kill steal. Why does it matter if you're on the same team? The common enemy is dead. Unless the champ gets a boost from the kill, why does it matter who hits last and gets the number?)
And new players are less adorable, more a nuisance (SONOFA- WHY IS MY TEAM ALWAYS THE ONE WITH NOOBS ON IT? THEY NEVER WIN).
I can appreciate the camaraderie of a group of friends or a legitimate team competing in these MOBAs. They synergize, having battled alongside each other for a long time. I get the appeal of the games. But the basic psychology of what makes up most of the game, that inherent social-but-antisocial attitude subconsciously instilled in community after time, is what turns me away.
Or maybe I just take myself too seriously as I waste my time on Warframe, Borderlands, and SW:TOR.
The bigger the community, the more toxic it gets. I don't think it's as bad as you make it out to be though (in Dota 2/in my experience).
There sadly are practically always some flamers in a game, oh well, mute button or ignore. It does take a lot to get people to do more than that in my experience.
Just being able to enjoy yourself (even when losing) is probably most important. As long as your teammates don't mess up your game intentionally (which does not happen often to me) it will be as fun as you make it.