Previous version:
Hello everyone.
I've finally got my terrain generation tool to a level that makes it actually useful. It's far from finished, but I won't have much time to work on it in the near future so I figured I may as well release a very early version.
Now, to business. This program takes a heightmap as an uncompressed TGA file, and converts it into a TER file for use in SWBFII. It's executed in the command line, and you can pass it multiple options. These options are (for now) limited to:
- -i or --input - specifies the input TGA file. This is a required argument!
- -o or --output - specifies the output TER file. This is a required argument!
- -g or --grid - sets the terrain's grid size. If not set, defaults to 8.0.
- -h or --help - displays the usage guidelines.
- -n or --normals - specifies the normal map input TGA file. Used to created automatically textured terrain based off terrain gradient. If this is used, you should also set -t0 and -t1. This file must have the same dimensions as the heightmap file.
- -s or --scale - sets the scale multiplier. If unset, deafults to 100.
- -t0 or --tex0 - sets the main terrain texture. If unset, defaults to "wipe_black.tga".
- -t1 or --tex1 - sets the steep gradient terrain texture. This does not default to anything. If you use a normal map, make sure to set this value.
- Put all the required input files into the same folder as the executable (the textures don't count as inputs)
- Next open up a command prompt window and navigate to the correct folder, then, for our example, we would type
and hit Enter. This would be the correct output:
Code: Select all
tga2ter -i heights.tga -o terrain.ter -n norms.tga -t0 yav2_main_1.tga -t1 yav2_main_3.tga
leading to the following files in our folder:
I'll try and hop on here from time to time to answer any questions you may have. If you have any errors please feel free to post them here and I'll see what I can do. If I don't reply for a while it may be worth sending me a PM so I get the email notification.
Also, a big thanks to noMatt, who helped me test out this program when I didn't have access to my modding computer. Thanks again mate!
Happy modding!