Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

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Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

Post by Fusion »

lol titles.


Anyways, first games on the 3DS. Chespin (Hedgehog), Fennekin (Fennec Fox), and Froakie (Frog) as starters. What appears to be some sort of phoenix and a stag confirmed for the box legendaries. If any of these .gifs break, remove them from the post and I'll get replacements.

Battles are in full 3D.

Confirmed for worldwide release in October. This is good because the 3DS has region locking.

Region appears to be set in France due to Eiffel Tower-esque structure and general European-style clothes of the main characters.
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Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y (MobileToast be warned)

Post by Twilight_Warrior »

I have been waiting for this day for two reasons.
1) 3D battles on a handheld. Stadium/Colosseum style.
2) I wanted to see what they'd do when they ran out of colors/precious gems and metals
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Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y (MobileToast be warned)

Post by giftheck »

Well, that's new. Usually before leaving a Generation they do remakes, although they kind of merged remakes with third version, I guess, with B2W2. Maybe they'll do remakes for this generation. I'll choose Fennekin though: the others are much poorly designed.

I wonder how it will be, or if it will be, compatible with Generation V. I'd love Dream Radar compatibility at least. Given there are quite a few old Pokemon I'm seeing, and given that every successive generation has had transfer capabilities with the generation prior since Generation 4, I'd be surprised if there was no Poke-Transfer Lab or Pal Park.
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Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y (MobileToast be warned)

Post by Fusion »

Legendaries seem to be based on puns.

Red one is a Wyvern (Y-vern)

Blue one is a Chital. Chi in the Greek alphabet is an "X." Also, the binomial name for the Chital species is "Axis Axis."
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Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y (MobileToast be warned)

Post by Fluffy_the_ic »

All starters evolve into Fire/Fighting type.
Also, Pokemon Z legendary concept art:
In all seriousness, I'm pumped. Chespin seems awesome, and reminds me a little of Calvin. The other two starters are also awesome. I like that it seems like they're gonna do Grass/Dark, Fire/Psychic, and Water/Fighting. That's something I've wanted since Gen 4. The Wyvern also seems awesome, but something is getting thrown at the wall if it's dragon.
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Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y (MobileToast be warned)

Post by CressAlbane »

Might need to pick this one up! As if there was a chance I wouldn't...
Sad that I only just got familiar with all the B/W Pokemon. Now I'll have to learn more.
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Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y (MobileToast be warned)

Post by Grev »

Random potential plot direction: X/Y chromosomes and genetic modification?
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Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y (MobileToast be warned)

Post by Fusion »

It appears to be both referring to 3D coordinates and chromosomes. The Japanese logos have a little rainbow colored DNA thing going on.
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Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y (MobileToast be warned)

Post by Ping »

Am I the only one here who thought the X Legendary looked like the Forest Spirit from Princess Mononoke? It's based off of a mythical beast, so seeing a resemblance was probably natural. The game looks great to me; I'll probably go with Froakie, due to my penchant for Water-type starters.
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Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y (MobileToast be warned)

Post by Bob »

Ping wrote:mythical beast
I think you mean the celtic god Cerunnos.
Also, time to get a 3DS.
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Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y (MobileToast be warned)

Post by Maveritchell »

ggctuk wrote:I'll choose Fennekin though: the others are much poorly designed.
Choose Fennekin for the same reason fire starters are usually the best bet - it's almost universally easier to find grass- or water-types (although B&W broke this, to my chagrin).
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Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y (MobileToast be warned)

Post by Fusion »

Blue guy is Xerneas (ZUR-nee-us) and red guy is Yveltal (ee-VELL-tall).

People had trouble with Eelektrik and Larvesta at the pre-releases I went to, I can just imagine the elder gods they'll summon when trying to pronounce these things.
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Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y (MobileToast be warned)

Post by Maveritchell »

So this is out. Anyone playing?
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Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y (MobileToast be warned)

Post by CressAlbane »

Planning to pick it up within the next week. One of my friends is getting a copy, and I'm trying to synchronize my purchase with his in hopes that we can do the "one person restarts enough times until both people have all three starters" thing.

If that fails, I'm going with Froakie, most likely. I would typically pick the Fire-type starter, but I like Froakie's look.
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Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y (MobileToast be warned)

Post by Maveritchell »

Froakie's a good choice. I know that, a few posts above, I was saying "get the fire-type," but don't. I ran through with Froakie, Bulbasaur (you get a Gen 1 starter about half an hour into the game), and Fletchling (which evolves into a fire/flying - it's easily the best Pidgey-knockoff, in my opinion) through the game, and they worked out great. If you need one of the starters, I can get you one.
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Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y (MobileToast be warned)

Post by Fusion »

There's a post game thing that requires friend codes. If you guys want to post yours I'll add you. Trust me, you will want to.


Also, I managed to find Pokerus through Wonder Trade. If anyone wants it, let me know. I also have all starters from Kanto and Kalos, if you want. All I can really ask for in return is foreign Ditto, X exclusives that aren't Clauncher, or Pokemon not in the regional dex.
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Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

Post by Maveritchell »

Fusion, here's me: 3196-3075-5363. Give me a heads-up on what my safari type/mons are - I've traded codes with a couple dozen people, but I'm not sure what I'm giving out.

I don't have a second foreign Ditto, but I got my first one really quickly when I put up a U.S. Ditto on the GTS and simply asked for it to be traded with an out-of-region Ditto. You could always roll the dice with Wonder Trade (which is a hilarious/great design choice).
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Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

Post by CressAlbane »

Is there any way to transfer Pokémon from previous games?
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Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

Post by Fusion »

Not until December. You'll have to download Pokemon Bank, which will be free to use until about February, then will be $5 a year. Bank will be permanent storage for the rest of the series, so it's well worth it.

Also, do not save outside in Lumiose City. There is a bug that will make the game freeze upon loading due to all of the models and camera angles it has to render. The only fix I've seen is to remove the SD card and boot the game.
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Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

Post by Fluffy_the_ic »

FC: 1435-4719-8979
My god these are the best Pokemon games yet.
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