Hey guys, I just wanted to drop by and say "hi" and let you guys know that the BF2 mod tools are on their way. I'm a designer at Pandemic, and I've been working for the past few weeks putting the mod tools package together. Believe me, it's no easy task!
So I'll be floating around here from time to time, and once the mod tools have been released I'll be here to hopefully be able to help you guys with any issues you're having with the tools. Cheers, and look forward to the tools release in the next week or two!
Sean Soucy
Lead Level Designer - Battlefront Team
Pandemic Studios LLC
Very Nice Man! Thank you so much Sean! You are the kind of people that heep this community together! Can't wait to start modding this game and mapping! Thanks so much for putting the tools together!
I can't give an exact time table at this point. The mod tools are waiting for the patch. The patch should be coming "soon". So that's how long. You'll have the tools in "soon" days.
I suppose they might release it the 31st when the XBox crap comes out. Not insulting Pandemic here, just LA. Love your work at Pandemic, but LA sucks. Thanks for working on the tools, we really do appreciate it a lot here. What would we do without them?
Awsome. welcome to gametoast and thank you for the news we have all been waiting for. this is the actuall thing. i can't believe they are practicaly here.
Last edited by motorxmania on Sun Jan 29, 2006 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Can you tell us if there will be a Mesh exporter with the tools that works with a free modeling program? SWBF 1 exporter could only work with XSI Foundation $$$. Thanks for your hard work.
thank you for calming us down, we were or at least i was worried that they wouldn't come out, will there be the same content as in the xbox expansion?
Last edited by drummerzoid1 on Sat Jan 28, 2006 9:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Welcome To GameToast PAN-Kaiser!!!!! YAY i can't wait for the tools!
see? Patience is a Virtue, and we have been VERY Patient, well great new can't wait! W00T! Yes and a MSH exporter would be very nice, is there one for XSI Mod-Tools do u know?
I think the most valueable asset would be full or partial backwards compatibility. There would be a hundred new SWBF2 maps in a day. Of course, if it would add another month to the release date. .
now THIS is good new thank you pandemic lets hope LA doesnt make it be released l8er <_<
anyways i have some questions about the tools:
1 Are they similar to the swbf 1 mod tools like odf and msn tga work?
2 are you able to implement obejctives for singeplayer?
3 For singleplayer will you be able to make campaign missions?
4 how big will the file be?
A 7-zip self extractor would really cut down the installer size. The 7-zip archive of the tools that I keep for backup is at least a hundred mb smaller than the download in zip format. Significant difference between 7z and rar, too, if file sizes are large.
this is a great event in deed, finally a dev other than psych0fred (we still love ya fred) has taken the time to acknowledge the gametoast modding community and is gracing us with mod tools
Kaiser, welcome to Gametoast, we hope we'll make you proud of having been on the team to give us mod tools
PAN-Kaiser wrote:I can't give an exact time table at this point. The mod tools are waiting for the patch. The patch should be coming "soon". So that's how long. You'll have the tools in "soon" days.
LMAO, and I will WELCOME you to Gametoast in "soon" days.