Coruscant: Skyline
Note: The current release was never intended to be the final release. Due to a computer crash, all progress on the
map ceased. As a result, the map is lacking some polish, and many gamemodes had to be cut.
Installation Instructions:
1. Extract to your desktop.
2. Copy the CRS folder to your addon folder.
3. If you do not have an addon folder, you can create one at {\LucasArts\Star Wars Battlefront II\GameData}
and the insert the CRS folder in the addon folder.
- Clone Wars Conquest
- Galactic Civil War Conquest
- Classic Clone Wars Conquest
- Clone Wars Hunt
- Dark Times Conquest
- Dark Times Hunt
- KoTOR Conquest
- KoTOR Hero Assault
Mission Count: 8
Note: Dark Times and KoTOR must be installed to play Dark Times and KoTOR gamemodes. Also, the 1.3 patch must be
installed in order to play all gamemodes avaliable.
Known (and unfixable) bugs -
- The A.I. are awkward when capturing the warehouse and library commandposts. However, both are capturable by A.I.
the just don't look pretty while doing it.
- The walkway to the warehouse is a little low. As a result, humans get stuck on it. However, A.I. find a way
to get up, and humans can just or roll over the bump.
- The BX-Commando Droid's eyes don't glow on some computer.
- The edges of some models lack collision.
- Certain large billboards can blink in and out of existence. This doesn't affect gameplay.
- The Gangster side's name is "NULL"
Co-Authored by Cress Albane and Yuke5
Map Design - Yuke5
A.I. Planning - Yuke5
Scripting - Yuke5
Accessable Buildings And Props (Most of what the map is played on) - Cress Albane
Background Buildings,Props, And Advertisements - Rends(Some edited by Yuke5)
Nar Shadaa Buildings - Darth D.U.C.K. And YouJediJunkie
Industrial Props - Sky_216
Crates And Props - Wazmol
Useful "Scrap" Props - Caleb1117
Background Props - Vyse
Custom Flying Vehicles (Props) - Mav
Various Vehicle Skins - Null_1138
Clone Wars Sides - Yuke5
Clone Assassin Helmet - Darth D.U.C.K.
HD Clone Trooper Body - RepSharpshooter and FragMe!
Combining All of the Above Together - Deviss
Clone Accessories - Icemember
Hexediting the Accessories to the Clone Body - AQT
DC-15 Blaster Pistol - CodaRez
DC-15AR - RogueKnight and Pahricida
DC-15c - RogueKnight and Pahricida
DC-15A - Deviss and Pahricida
Underhand Chaingun - Caleb1117
BX-Droid Commando - Kinetosimpetus
Kit-Bashed Blasters (Shotgun and BX Rifle) - Sky_216
B1-Battledroid Skin and Model - Arc Commander
Scaled Up Super Battledroid (with specular) - AQT
Mandalorian Pistol - RogueKnight and Deviss
RI-21 Blaster Rifle - RogueKnight
Sniper Rifle - Wazmol
All Other Gangster Weapons - Caleb1117
Civilian Models and Skins - Rends and Null_1138
Gran Model - Ravensoft(JKA) (imported by Darth_Spiderpig)
Aqualish Model - DarthD.U.C.K.
Double Pistol Anims - DarthD.U.C.K.
Sky Texture - AQT
Galactic Civil War Sides - Cress Albane
Galactic Civil War Credits:
- ARC_Commander
- Syth for several assets + original inspiration 1+ years ago
- DarthD.U.C.K. for improved knife, grenade models, snowtrooper pack, assassin blades, Starkiller anims, fixed royal guard, and dual pistols
- RepSharpshooter for SWBF2 1.2 assets, 501st skin, caped clones, HUD icons, new ingame.lvl, and hex-editing help
- Maveritchell for converting saber hilts and dual-wielding animations
- Aman/Pinguin for the clone assassin and translating into German
- AceMastermind for OOM droids, Grievous cape, weapon models
- Darth_Z13 for JKA model conversions
- [RDH]Zerted for new shell.lvl and core.lvl
- ]v[ for +123 assets
- Teancum for some clone skins, Conversion Pack assets, and CP scripts
- Conversion Pack people for CP assets
- Megatron for beta-testing
- Dragonum and JawaKiller for assets from ML-Kashyyyk
- The_Emperor for Weequay skin
- Broken_Hope for saber hilts
- Commander Fordo for some clone skins
- Satti for shadow stormtrooper skin
- Taivyx for force pike
- L5R for knife
- Wazmol69 for assets
- Caleb1117 for models
- Droideka88 for some skins
- Pahricida for DC-15A
- OOM-9 for DC-15S carbine
- Dragon93 for Shadow Trooper
- Majin Revan for Clone Commando
- Dragonum for DC-15s pistol
- NeoMarz for DC-17m and JKA sniper rifle
- FragMe for converting models
- MasterSaitek009 for melee attack ODFs
- JabbaLovesLava and Delta_57_Dash for disruptor rifle
- Qdin for Commander Cody
- Pandemic for the SWBF2 assets
- Gametoast for beta-testing, support, and a modding education
DLT All-In-One - AQT
Original DLT19 Model - Syth
Repsharpshooter - Meshex
Pandemic - Models and Textures
Dark Times Era Mod - Maveritchell
KoTOR Era Mod - Maveritchell
Beta Testers - ARCTroopaNate
Darth D.U.C.K.
Floating Weapon Icon Tutorial - FragMe!
SWBFII Modding Tutorial (Without this, I would've never been able to get into modding) - Fierfek
And A Special Thanks To:
GAMETOAST - You guys are the best. This mod map would not even exist if it was not for you guys. Thank you so much for your help and support.