I've added lots of new guns, modified things, fixed a few things, localized most of the stuff that i had in 2.0 (2.1 i was testing but since i won't be modding in awhile and since 2.1 has more content i went with uploading it even without polished up localizations)
This mod isn't really one i would call polished but it works, its fun, and it looks good enough to play at least.
It comes with 10 units per team, red team vs blue team. I added a hunt mode to mos eisly, kamino, hoth, geonosis, endor, and kashyyyk with either red or blue vs a group of powerful ninjas that i find usually work together, sneak up on you, and are generally scary

As i said i wouldn't be modding for awhile or at least releasing anything big, its because i've gotten a new computer and only saved a few of my main mods from the old one, i don't even have the readme off of the old computer.
since there is no readme i'll tell you here that its just like installing any other mod, place the DAK folder into addons.
And now we get to the bottom of the post and look for screenshots but hey, there aren't any on this computer so i made a nice 10 minute video showing off all of the units and their weapons, no real combat shown though.
Well guys, download if you like what you see, give me any comments you have. Make note that i still do eventually plan on finishing this, especially space mode which to me feels only about 50 - 75% done.
Edit: hmm i forgot the actual link to the mod, here it is: http://www.gamefront.com/files/23163095/DAK.zip
EDIT: added the manual: its quite extensive
[About the Map](Mountain Madness)[not included in this version]
The weather on this map will change everytime you restart, there are 5 types of weather on the map: night, clear, fog, rain, and snow.
This map is simply put, a valley with tall snow-capped mountains on the sides of it and a river in the middle, bridges are the main way to cross.
In more detail it would be a map with a valley in the middle with many hills, trees, and other objects to use for cover, along with bunkers, tunnels, and turrets. There are mountains that you can spawn on or fly up to with fighters, bunkers, turrets, and more bridges. The only way to get across the map without a vehicle is the bridge, or the bridges to be more exact. there are many vehicles and units. each unit and each vehicle has a purpose, it would help you greatly to find out what each of them do good.
The map itself doesn't really have a place in the star wars universe, but this allows you, the user, to think up your own story, and i've set up enough dispensables, units, vehicles, and buildings, and terrians to make a pretty good RPG out of if needed. The differences in the mountains to the valley make both areas seem like two different maps entirely. the mountains are snowy and cold feeling with big stone buildings while the valley has trees, lots of space, a warmer feeling, and not many buildings.
I would recommend exploring and maybe looking in this document for hints to find the hidden area on the map and the ultimate weapon...
[Unit Discriptions]
Close Range Trooper
1000 Health, medium speed, medium Stamina
Weapons: Shotgun, Gas Gun, Machine Gun Pistol, Gravity Gauntlets, Detpack, Poison, EMP Burst
Discription: This unit is made for close range attacks, to use secondary attacks press R, he has a melee attack that is fully functional and has more armor than most troopers.
Medium Range Trooper
750 Health, Medium Speed, Medium Stamina
Weapons: Rifle, Double shot Pistol, Tommygun, Grenade, Concussion Grenade, Concussion Missile Orbital, Smoke Grenade, Cluster Bomb
Discription: This unit is like the basic grunt trooper, his rifle doesn't have much spread and so can be used at longer ranges than a normal one, his tommygun spreads out alot and can be used to suppress enemies, this unit has many grenades, the push grenade could work if you needed to throw it at a group of friends and enemies and then shoot the enemies before they get up, or even land, the smoke grenade blinds any human players, the cluster grenade does massive damage but takes a moment to unleash its power.
Long Range Trooper
500 Health, Medium fast speed, Medium high stamina
Weapons: Sniper Rifle, Hyper-Velocity pistol, Guided Rocket, Anti-Gravity gun, Stealth, Sniper Recon Droid, Smoke Grenade
Discription: This unit works as a sniper and scout, he can use stealth to hide and his rifle doesn't have a tracer like the stock ones, his pistol fires a super fast shot and it can zoom like the sniper rifle but with a little bit weaker zoom, his guided rocket can help alot for destroying turrets or getting targets behind cover. His Recon Droid is equiped with a sniper rifle and an orbital, these could be a good distraction or a good counter sniper.
Anti-Vehicle Trooper
1500 Health, Medium slow speed, medium low stamina
Weapons: chargeable rocket launcher, mortar launcher, high power pistol, Flak Cannon, anti tank grenade, anti tank detpack, mines
Discription: This unit has the second highest health and is great against both vehicles and troopers, he has enough health to take a few more hits than the average trooper and his rocket launcher auto locks onto any target, charging it half way sets it to EMP and charging it to full sets it to Seismic. his mortar charges to shoot a super fast shot (it still has gravity so aim a little high based on how far away you are) that bounces around and sticks to enemies, his pistol fires explosive rounds that will knock enemies down if shot near them, his grenades and dets are stronger against tanks than people and his det pack can be thrown farther than average.
Support Trooper
250 Health, Medium Speed, Medium stamina
Weapons: Heavy Chaingun, Fusion cutter, Combat Buff, Medic buff, health/ammo dispenser, Turret Dispenser, Shield Dispenser
Discription: This unit works best by supporting others and using his buffs to increase his fighting power times 10, his shield dispenser can protect any units in it with a bubble of safety, his chaingun has a high ammount of spread and is best used as suppressive fire. if you see one of these on the battle field I recommend getting him to follow you if he is an ally or sniping him while stealthed if he isn't. he has low health but deadly weapons.
Scout Trooper
100 Health, Fast Speed, High Stamina
Weapons: Incenerator, assassin pistol, Shotgun, Stealth, auto turrets, Timebombs, RC detpacks, Orbital Beacon
Discription: This unit is the fastest unit but the unit with the lowest health. use his stealth to get behind enemy lines and his timebombs and orbitals to destroy key buildings or vehicles. his RC detpack is like the recon droid but with only a self destruct, so simply its a detpack that you control. the auto turrets can be very helpful if you need backup or want to set a trap or distraction. the incenerator can take out groups at a time and kills nearly instantly and anything hit by it can't fight back. the stealth pistol has an invisable bullet, no muzzle flash, and is very good at taking out units from a medium distance while stealth, this can be a good way to toy with the enemy. His shotgun is good for sneaking up behind certain enemies and assassinating them.
Offensive Dispensables Trooper
400 Health, Medium Speed but medium high jump, Medium high stamina
Weapons: Concussion Cannon, Beam Pistol, Flak Cannon, Explosive Ammo pack, auto turret, gravity well Generator, mines
Discription: this unit is immune to mines because of his great knowledge of explosives and traps. his concussion cannon doesn't do much damage but has a high amount of push, his gravity well generator pulls units in and could be used well in a hidden spot with mines or turrets. his Explosive ammo pack is a detpack that looks like an ammo pack. use him to trap areas in a more explosive way and most other units.
Defensive Dispensables Trooper
400 Health, Medium Speed but medium high jump, Medium high stamina
Weapons: Blast Cannon, Fusion cutter, mines, shield dispenser, turret, swamp speeder dispenser, shock node, barricade.
Discription: This unit is immune to mines. his blast cannon fires 10 explosive shots that explode and kill units in the area. the shock node will hurt you once you throw it so watch out, the swamp speeder is a vehicle that you can get in and drive around, it can float over gaps. the barricade is a thing that puts bricks on the ground to make forts, sadly you can't stack these but you can fire over them and if you crouch you are safe from enemy direct fire as long as the wall holds. the turrets fire by themselves unless you get into one then the auto fire is disabled. if you get in a speederbike, turn on its shield and go to an area it would be the best way to start up a base by first placing a shield generator which has a bigger shield than the bike and then placing turrets then walls. after that you could add extras and maybe things from other units.
Fire Trooper
500 Health, Medium fast speed, medium high stamina
Weapons: Long range flamethrower, Short range flamethrower, Fire Blast Cannon, Blaze Ball, Gravity inducer, Fuel Discharge
Discription: this unit has a jet pack and many fire attacks. his long range flamethrower is good against vehicles, buildings, and units behind cover. his short range flamethrower is very good against units but has no effect on vehicles and buildings. the blaze ball is a ball of fire that sits waiting for a unit to come near it to toast them. the gravity inducer pulls meteors down to that area, just point and click to fire. this unit works well when firing from range but if you have someone chasing you then the blaze ball and close range flamethrower would work nice. Warning: never use the gravity inducer anywhere near you, the meteors are mean.
Heavy Assault Trooper
2500 Health, 500 shield, Slow speed, low stamina
Weapons: Heavy Blaster Cannon, Energy Wave emitter, Sticky Bomb gun, Single Wrist rocket, 5 shot wrist rocket
Discription: This is the ultimate unit in terms of weaponery and health but he has his weaknesses, he is slow and can't jump high. his weapons can be deadly to units, groups, buildings, and vehicles depending on what he attacks with, he is just as strong if not stronger than a fully loaded combat speeder, try knocking him down or shooting him from where he can't see you, stealth works well. stay away from his energy wave emitter and if you are hit by his sticky bombs run right up to him, he will be slower than you are and the bombs have a timer of a few seconds before exploding once they stick to you. Note in v2.1 he has gained the Nuke and a weapon titled Rain, the nuke is simply a bomb that can take out entire areas of map, its best used on flat areas with little cover, if you use this you must be very far away or fire it and hide behind cover or you will die also. The Rain is a weapon in testing, currently it causes small red lasers with small explosions to rain over the map, since its not focused it really doesn't do much, but if there are a lot of spread out enemies you may hit something.
2500 Health, 2500 shield, Super speed, High stamina
Weapons: Light Daggers
Discription: This unit can jump super high, run extremely fast, can control his falls, and can get from one side of the map to the other in one jump. This unit only appears in hunt mode.
[Vehicle discriptions]
Speeder bike
low health, high speeds
Weapon: Bubble Shield, Time Bomb
One seat
Discription: This is a fast speederbike with a shield generator on it that can protect units near it. The timebombs are great for hit and runs.
Combat Speeder Transport/Fighter Tank Transport
Medium Health, Medium high speed
Weapon: Rapid blasters, Ion Blasters, Heavy Blasters, Remote Rockets
Four seats
Discription: This has 4 seats, 2 use remote rockets while the others have a turret and the pilot seat. this tank works best as infantry support and first wave assault vehicles.
Medium High health, Medium Slow speed
Weapon: Blasters, Heavy Blasters, Mortar
Three Seats
Discription: This tank is good for artillery support and supporting infantry groups with its blasters, keep it away from water, it won't float
Medium health, Medium speed
Weapon: Rapid Fire Blasters, Super Heavy Blasters
One Seat
Discription: This tank is good for hunting down and destroying tanks along with taking down groups of infantry
High health, Slow speed
Weapon: Blasters, Heavy Blasters, Ion Blasters, Super Heavy Blasters
Three Seats
Discription: This tank can be used as a spawn point and is good for taking down tanks and infantry, but cannot shoot fighters above it. Its Ion cannons are great against shields and its Heavy blasters are great against tanks.
Super High health, Medium Slow Speed
Weapon: Heavy Blaster, Super heavy Blaster, Remote rockets
7 Seats
Discription: There is only one pilot and there are 6 remote rocket slots, this tank is great for transporting units across the river, sitting as cover for other units, and it works as a spawn point. you can stand on the top, try getting up there by flying on it with a jet pack or by jumping on it from a hill or from the ramp like piece on the side.
Republic Gunship
High Health, High Speed, low handling
Weapons: Blasters, Heavy Blasters, Ion blasters, bomb turrets, remote rockets
7 Seats
Discription: This is the land transport gunships. this one focuses on direct attack.
Cis Gunship
medium high health, high speed, medium handling
Weapons: 3 beam cannons, emp rockets, remote rockets
7 Seats
Discription: This is the space transport gunship. this one focuses on beam weapons and shield destruction.
Droid Star Fighter
Medium Health, Very high speed, Good Handling
Weapons: Blaster, Ion blaster
1 Seat
Discription: This is a fast moving fighter that is a bit of a cross between air and land attacking which makes it a bit weak at both but yet versitile. its ion cannons will rips shields to shreads and it will work great against buildings or in strafing runs. it works against other air units in close to medium ranges only.
Geonosian Fighter
Medium Low Health, High Speed, Medium Handling
Weapons: Rapid Blaster, Sonic bomb
1 Seat
Discription: This fighter is best against infantry, its sonic bombs knock groups down and the rapid blasters can suppress enemy groups.
Strike Bomber
Medium high health, very high speed, good handling
Weapons: Heavy Blasters, Heavy bombs, Tracking missiles
2 Seats
Discription: This fighter is great against any land target and if you have a copilot using the tracking missiles it will be great against other fighters too. the only thing you really have to watch out for is the lone anti-vehicle trooper with a lock on you.
Drone Fighter
Low health, very high speed, great handling
Weapons: Drone Blasters, Drone Rockets
1 seat
Discription: This is a small strike vehicle originally made to be auto piloted but you can get in this version. the rockets lock on and the blasters are very powerful. this works best against other air targets but can be good against infantry and small tanks. Beware its low health.
LucasArts and pandemic for the game and modtools
Gametoast for its tutorials
DarthD.U.C.K. for lots of help with bugs, errors, and questions that i had
Everyone else from Gametoast that helped me out
Pandemic for its documentation
Sky_216 for his tutorial on setting up an era mod.
Marth_8880 for fixing the model of the time bomb cannon.
and anyone else who may have helped me.
and also me, Dakota, for making the map itself
I would also like to thank you, the player, just for downloading the mod.
this is the tip section, i have a list of 54 tips that appear when the game is loading, i put them here so that you can read them easier. these tell you different things about the units and how they work best, if you read these and the discriptions of the units then you know just about as much as i do about the gameplay of this mod. these tips aren't all just for this mod but can be used for any mod or game. things like taking cover and learning what units do can help anywhere. now for the tip list...
1. Tip: All units have a certain purpose, try to find what each one does best.
2. Tip: Vehicles can be extremely helpful either with fire support or just by being there as cover.
3. Tip: The sniper drone that the Long Range Trooper has can be used well if you place one across the map, this gives the illusion of two snipers instead of one.
4. Tip: The swamp speeder can be placed on any map, even indoor ones.
5. Tip: Stealth can be extremely useful when trying to make your way across enemy territory.
6. Tip: The support trooper has low health but if you use his buffs and chaingun you can take down armies.
7. Tip: The scout trooper has stealth, timebombs, orbitals and more, use these to your advantage when faced by large groups of enemies.
8. Tip: The close quarters trooper's gravity gauntlets can be used to knock enemies out of vehicles if they are exposed, like in a combat speeder.
9. Tip: The medium range trooper has two types of rifles and five types of grenades. Both rifles are better at certain things than the other and all grenades have a purpose.
10. Tip: The anti-vehicle trooper is very powerful, charge up the rocket to get up to 3 different types of rocket, and charge up the mortar launcher to shoot a long range shot. He also can throw detpacks very far.
11. Tip: The long range trooper has a sniper rifle with no tracer, a pistol that can scope twice and fires a very fast bullet, a remote rocket, and stealth, stay hidden for maximum effect.
12. Tip: the defensive and offensive dispensables units can work together to defend and area very well.
13. Tip: The defensive dispensables unit is great at building up bases and defending areas.
14. Tip: The offensive dispensables unit is great at setting traps and other explosives to destroy enemies, his gun can be used to push enemies or himself, if fired at his feet, far away for great escapes.
15. Tip: The fire trooper is great at breaking enemy ranks, encampments, and also is great in both short and long range fights. His flying can be great for getting over bridges or up mountains.
16. Tip: The heavy assault trooper has high health and a personal sheild, his weapons are as powerful, if not more powerful, than those of tanks, but this doesn't mean he is unstopable, use his speed against him.
17. Tip: The fighters on certain maps are very valuable assets for any army, make sure to keep the command posts that they are at safe.
18. Tip: The geonosian fighter is good at disrupting infantry but not that good against vehicles and buildings, use the sonic bombs to blast clusters of units apart.
19. Tip: The driod fighter has ion cannons that are great at taking down shields, they are best at dive bombing enemy vehicles.
20. Tip: The bomber is great for taking down vehicles, units, and turrets. If you have a copilot then he can fire tracking missiles at other fliers making you even more of a threat.
21. Tip: The drone fighters are very good at air to air combat, their rockets can lock on and hit other ships and their lasers can be very strong. These ships are extremely maneuverable.
22. Tip: The AT-TE on Geonosis starts out neutral, who gets in it first claims it for their team.
23. Tip: The driod gunship has enough beam cannons on it to cut the mountains in half. Ok maybe not that much but its still alot.
24. Tip: In space many people forget the indoor ship turrets or other positions on certain ships, make sure your ships are full and use turrets to your advantage.
25. Tip: The LAAT gunship can be very useful against tanks, units, and just about anything else in its way, just make sure its full before taking off.
26. Tip: The AT-ST has rapid fire blasters, heavy blasters, and a mortar. you could use the rapid fire blasters to kill infantry, the heavy blasters to knock down fliers, and the mortar as artillery.
27. Tip: The combat speeder is very good against infantry and also can play roles as a transport or infantry support. Remember ion cannons are good against shields.
28. Tip: The speeder bike's shield can come in handy if you run into trees or into missiles. The shield will also stay on if you get out of the speeder, giving you some defense for attacking or dispensing.
29. Tip: The MTT transport has alot of remote rocket cannons and can act as a boat if units stand on top of it, try positioning it infront of a steep hill or having the units jump up the ramp like part on the side.
30. Tip: I reccomend starting with a shield generator when building a base, then putting the barricades, turrets, mines, and other devices.
31. Tip: The swamp speeder is good against infantry and can float across large gaps at the cost of handling.
32. Tip: Watch out the shock nodes will most likely hit you if you dispense one, make sure you have high health and won't need to be in the area.
33. Tip: The fire trooper's blaze ball can be a useful weapon for blocking a door, or other choke point.
34. Tip: The gravity well generator will pull in any unit that gets near it, including you, to escape it point your concussion rifle at the turret and fire once, you will go flying away from it, make sure to have your back turned to the place you want to go.
35. Tip: Auto turrets can be great for defending an area, place them well.
36. Tip: You can get into the tripod turrets but if you do then that disables the auto pilot in them, do this wisely.
37. Tip: Don't walk up to short range troopers or fire troopers, they are quick draw masters and will fry you with their flamethrowers or poison sprayers, instead stand back and fire.
38. Tip: Make squads, the more diverse your team is the better. You should get a unit good against infantry, a unit good against vehicles, and a unit that can support you or dispense things.
39. Tip: The blast cannon for the for the defensives dispensables trooper can explode in air if flying for a second, this could be used for flak.
40. Tip: Keep a close watch on your shield gauge, if your shield is down you should try to get somewhere that has some more cover and try to regan your shield.
41. Tip: I recommend making a plan before attacking, try using orbitals on vehicles that are guarded and strong and try using stealth when there is too many rockets and too little cover.
42. Tip: When making a fort don't only use shields, tripods, and walls. Remember to use other tools like blaze balls, shock nodes, auto turrets, gravity wells, and even mines.
43. Tip: If you are dying too much then I recommend that you try a different tactic or unit, running right into a group of units or right at a turret or vehicle will only get you shot.
44. Tip: The offensive dispensables trooper's knowledge of explosives as granted him immunity to mines.
45. Tip: If you are having problems getting past enemy encampments, I would suggest using stealth to sneak past and then maybe dispensing some auto turrets to clear the path.
46. Tip: The scout's pistol has no flash and no tracer, take advantage of this by using stealth and walking around enemies at a medium distance while firing at them, make sure to move around and not to get too close or you may be spotted.
47. Tip: Before assaulting a main base I recommend setting up footholds either by capturing a less defended command post in the area or by making a fort with a dispensables trooper.
48. Tip: Turrets can be quite useful for shooting down fliers, destroying tanks, and killing off infantry.
49. Tip: Explosives can push units without killing them, use this to your advantage either launching yourself to or from combat or launching your enemies off a cliff or into a pit.
50. Tip: A mine, detonation pack, turret, wall, or other obstacle can be extremely deadly when placed on a narrow bridge or other choke point.
51. Tip: If enemy turrets are targeting you and you are a defensive dispensables trooper you can dispense a swamp speeder and the turrets should target it instead of you buying you some time.
52. Tip: On maps with cliffs or pits I would recommend not being near those unless you plan to fall down or are attempting to knock others down.
53. Tip: Auto turrets and other tools placed around the map will not only give you points for their kills but will also help your team out in the long run.
54. Tip: All of these tips are in the readme file that came with this mod.
The weather on this map will change everytime you restart, there are 5 types of weather on the map: night, clear, fog, rain, and snow.
This map is simply put, a valley with tall snow-capped mountains on the sides of it and a river in the middle, bridges are the main way to cross.
In more detail it would be a map with a valley in the middle with many hills, trees, and other objects to use for cover, along with bunkers, tunnels, and turrets. There are mountains that you can spawn on or fly up to with fighters, bunkers, turrets, and more bridges. The only way to get across the map without a vehicle is the bridge, or the bridges to be more exact. there are many vehicles and units. each unit and each vehicle has a purpose, it would help you greatly to find out what each of them do good.
The map itself doesn't really have a place in the star wars universe, but this allows you, the user, to think up your own story, and i've set up enough dispensables, units, vehicles, and buildings, and terrians to make a pretty good RPG out of if needed. The differences in the mountains to the valley make both areas seem like two different maps entirely. the mountains are snowy and cold feeling with big stone buildings while the valley has trees, lots of space, a warmer feeling, and not many buildings.
I would recommend exploring and maybe looking in this document for hints to find the hidden area on the map and the ultimate weapon...
[Unit Discriptions]
Close Range Trooper
1000 Health, medium speed, medium Stamina
Weapons: Shotgun, Gas Gun, Machine Gun Pistol, Gravity Gauntlets, Detpack, Poison, EMP Burst
Discription: This unit is made for close range attacks, to use secondary attacks press R, he has a melee attack that is fully functional and has more armor than most troopers.
Medium Range Trooper
750 Health, Medium Speed, Medium Stamina
Weapons: Rifle, Double shot Pistol, Tommygun, Grenade, Concussion Grenade, Concussion Missile Orbital, Smoke Grenade, Cluster Bomb
Discription: This unit is like the basic grunt trooper, his rifle doesn't have much spread and so can be used at longer ranges than a normal one, his tommygun spreads out alot and can be used to suppress enemies, this unit has many grenades, the push grenade could work if you needed to throw it at a group of friends and enemies and then shoot the enemies before they get up, or even land, the smoke grenade blinds any human players, the cluster grenade does massive damage but takes a moment to unleash its power.
Long Range Trooper
500 Health, Medium fast speed, Medium high stamina
Weapons: Sniper Rifle, Hyper-Velocity pistol, Guided Rocket, Anti-Gravity gun, Stealth, Sniper Recon Droid, Smoke Grenade
Discription: This unit works as a sniper and scout, he can use stealth to hide and his rifle doesn't have a tracer like the stock ones, his pistol fires a super fast shot and it can zoom like the sniper rifle but with a little bit weaker zoom, his guided rocket can help alot for destroying turrets or getting targets behind cover. His Recon Droid is equiped with a sniper rifle and an orbital, these could be a good distraction or a good counter sniper.
Anti-Vehicle Trooper
1500 Health, Medium slow speed, medium low stamina
Weapons: chargeable rocket launcher, mortar launcher, high power pistol, Flak Cannon, anti tank grenade, anti tank detpack, mines
Discription: This unit has the second highest health and is great against both vehicles and troopers, he has enough health to take a few more hits than the average trooper and his rocket launcher auto locks onto any target, charging it half way sets it to EMP and charging it to full sets it to Seismic. his mortar charges to shoot a super fast shot (it still has gravity so aim a little high based on how far away you are) that bounces around and sticks to enemies, his pistol fires explosive rounds that will knock enemies down if shot near them, his grenades and dets are stronger against tanks than people and his det pack can be thrown farther than average.
Support Trooper
250 Health, Medium Speed, Medium stamina
Weapons: Heavy Chaingun, Fusion cutter, Combat Buff, Medic buff, health/ammo dispenser, Turret Dispenser, Shield Dispenser
Discription: This unit works best by supporting others and using his buffs to increase his fighting power times 10, his shield dispenser can protect any units in it with a bubble of safety, his chaingun has a high ammount of spread and is best used as suppressive fire. if you see one of these on the battle field I recommend getting him to follow you if he is an ally or sniping him while stealthed if he isn't. he has low health but deadly weapons.
Scout Trooper
100 Health, Fast Speed, High Stamina
Weapons: Incenerator, assassin pistol, Shotgun, Stealth, auto turrets, Timebombs, RC detpacks, Orbital Beacon
Discription: This unit is the fastest unit but the unit with the lowest health. use his stealth to get behind enemy lines and his timebombs and orbitals to destroy key buildings or vehicles. his RC detpack is like the recon droid but with only a self destruct, so simply its a detpack that you control. the auto turrets can be very helpful if you need backup or want to set a trap or distraction. the incenerator can take out groups at a time and kills nearly instantly and anything hit by it can't fight back. the stealth pistol has an invisable bullet, no muzzle flash, and is very good at taking out units from a medium distance while stealth, this can be a good way to toy with the enemy. His shotgun is good for sneaking up behind certain enemies and assassinating them.
Offensive Dispensables Trooper
400 Health, Medium Speed but medium high jump, Medium high stamina
Weapons: Concussion Cannon, Beam Pistol, Flak Cannon, Explosive Ammo pack, auto turret, gravity well Generator, mines
Discription: this unit is immune to mines because of his great knowledge of explosives and traps. his concussion cannon doesn't do much damage but has a high amount of push, his gravity well generator pulls units in and could be used well in a hidden spot with mines or turrets. his Explosive ammo pack is a detpack that looks like an ammo pack. use him to trap areas in a more explosive way and most other units.
Defensive Dispensables Trooper
400 Health, Medium Speed but medium high jump, Medium high stamina
Weapons: Blast Cannon, Fusion cutter, mines, shield dispenser, turret, swamp speeder dispenser, shock node, barricade.
Discription: This unit is immune to mines. his blast cannon fires 10 explosive shots that explode and kill units in the area. the shock node will hurt you once you throw it so watch out, the swamp speeder is a vehicle that you can get in and drive around, it can float over gaps. the barricade is a thing that puts bricks on the ground to make forts, sadly you can't stack these but you can fire over them and if you crouch you are safe from enemy direct fire as long as the wall holds. the turrets fire by themselves unless you get into one then the auto fire is disabled. if you get in a speederbike, turn on its shield and go to an area it would be the best way to start up a base by first placing a shield generator which has a bigger shield than the bike and then placing turrets then walls. after that you could add extras and maybe things from other units.
Fire Trooper
500 Health, Medium fast speed, medium high stamina
Weapons: Long range flamethrower, Short range flamethrower, Fire Blast Cannon, Blaze Ball, Gravity inducer, Fuel Discharge
Discription: this unit has a jet pack and many fire attacks. his long range flamethrower is good against vehicles, buildings, and units behind cover. his short range flamethrower is very good against units but has no effect on vehicles and buildings. the blaze ball is a ball of fire that sits waiting for a unit to come near it to toast them. the gravity inducer pulls meteors down to that area, just point and click to fire. this unit works well when firing from range but if you have someone chasing you then the blaze ball and close range flamethrower would work nice. Warning: never use the gravity inducer anywhere near you, the meteors are mean.
Heavy Assault Trooper
2500 Health, 500 shield, Slow speed, low stamina
Weapons: Heavy Blaster Cannon, Energy Wave emitter, Sticky Bomb gun, Single Wrist rocket, 5 shot wrist rocket
Discription: This is the ultimate unit in terms of weaponery and health but he has his weaknesses, he is slow and can't jump high. his weapons can be deadly to units, groups, buildings, and vehicles depending on what he attacks with, he is just as strong if not stronger than a fully loaded combat speeder, try knocking him down or shooting him from where he can't see you, stealth works well. stay away from his energy wave emitter and if you are hit by his sticky bombs run right up to him, he will be slower than you are and the bombs have a timer of a few seconds before exploding once they stick to you. Note in v2.1 he has gained the Nuke and a weapon titled Rain, the nuke is simply a bomb that can take out entire areas of map, its best used on flat areas with little cover, if you use this you must be very far away or fire it and hide behind cover or you will die also. The Rain is a weapon in testing, currently it causes small red lasers with small explosions to rain over the map, since its not focused it really doesn't do much, but if there are a lot of spread out enemies you may hit something.
2500 Health, 2500 shield, Super speed, High stamina
Weapons: Light Daggers
Discription: This unit can jump super high, run extremely fast, can control his falls, and can get from one side of the map to the other in one jump. This unit only appears in hunt mode.
[Vehicle discriptions]
Speeder bike
low health, high speeds
Weapon: Bubble Shield, Time Bomb
One seat
Discription: This is a fast speederbike with a shield generator on it that can protect units near it. The timebombs are great for hit and runs.
Combat Speeder Transport/Fighter Tank Transport
Medium Health, Medium high speed
Weapon: Rapid blasters, Ion Blasters, Heavy Blasters, Remote Rockets
Four seats
Discription: This has 4 seats, 2 use remote rockets while the others have a turret and the pilot seat. this tank works best as infantry support and first wave assault vehicles.
Medium High health, Medium Slow speed
Weapon: Blasters, Heavy Blasters, Mortar
Three Seats
Discription: This tank is good for artillery support and supporting infantry groups with its blasters, keep it away from water, it won't float
Medium health, Medium speed
Weapon: Rapid Fire Blasters, Super Heavy Blasters
One Seat
Discription: This tank is good for hunting down and destroying tanks along with taking down groups of infantry
High health, Slow speed
Weapon: Blasters, Heavy Blasters, Ion Blasters, Super Heavy Blasters
Three Seats
Discription: This tank can be used as a spawn point and is good for taking down tanks and infantry, but cannot shoot fighters above it. Its Ion cannons are great against shields and its Heavy blasters are great against tanks.
Super High health, Medium Slow Speed
Weapon: Heavy Blaster, Super heavy Blaster, Remote rockets
7 Seats
Discription: There is only one pilot and there are 6 remote rocket slots, this tank is great for transporting units across the river, sitting as cover for other units, and it works as a spawn point. you can stand on the top, try getting up there by flying on it with a jet pack or by jumping on it from a hill or from the ramp like piece on the side.
Republic Gunship
High Health, High Speed, low handling
Weapons: Blasters, Heavy Blasters, Ion blasters, bomb turrets, remote rockets
7 Seats
Discription: This is the land transport gunships. this one focuses on direct attack.
Cis Gunship
medium high health, high speed, medium handling
Weapons: 3 beam cannons, emp rockets, remote rockets
7 Seats
Discription: This is the space transport gunship. this one focuses on beam weapons and shield destruction.
Droid Star Fighter
Medium Health, Very high speed, Good Handling
Weapons: Blaster, Ion blaster
1 Seat
Discription: This is a fast moving fighter that is a bit of a cross between air and land attacking which makes it a bit weak at both but yet versitile. its ion cannons will rips shields to shreads and it will work great against buildings or in strafing runs. it works against other air units in close to medium ranges only.
Geonosian Fighter
Medium Low Health, High Speed, Medium Handling
Weapons: Rapid Blaster, Sonic bomb
1 Seat
Discription: This fighter is best against infantry, its sonic bombs knock groups down and the rapid blasters can suppress enemy groups.
Strike Bomber
Medium high health, very high speed, good handling
Weapons: Heavy Blasters, Heavy bombs, Tracking missiles
2 Seats
Discription: This fighter is great against any land target and if you have a copilot using the tracking missiles it will be great against other fighters too. the only thing you really have to watch out for is the lone anti-vehicle trooper with a lock on you.
Drone Fighter
Low health, very high speed, great handling
Weapons: Drone Blasters, Drone Rockets
1 seat
Discription: This is a small strike vehicle originally made to be auto piloted but you can get in this version. the rockets lock on and the blasters are very powerful. this works best against other air targets but can be good against infantry and small tanks. Beware its low health.
LucasArts and pandemic for the game and modtools
Gametoast for its tutorials
DarthD.U.C.K. for lots of help with bugs, errors, and questions that i had
Everyone else from Gametoast that helped me out
Pandemic for its documentation
Sky_216 for his tutorial on setting up an era mod.
Marth_8880 for fixing the model of the time bomb cannon.
and anyone else who may have helped me.
and also me, Dakota, for making the map itself
I would also like to thank you, the player, just for downloading the mod.
this is the tip section, i have a list of 54 tips that appear when the game is loading, i put them here so that you can read them easier. these tell you different things about the units and how they work best, if you read these and the discriptions of the units then you know just about as much as i do about the gameplay of this mod. these tips aren't all just for this mod but can be used for any mod or game. things like taking cover and learning what units do can help anywhere. now for the tip list...
1. Tip: All units have a certain purpose, try to find what each one does best.
2. Tip: Vehicles can be extremely helpful either with fire support or just by being there as cover.
3. Tip: The sniper drone that the Long Range Trooper has can be used well if you place one across the map, this gives the illusion of two snipers instead of one.
4. Tip: The swamp speeder can be placed on any map, even indoor ones.
5. Tip: Stealth can be extremely useful when trying to make your way across enemy territory.
6. Tip: The support trooper has low health but if you use his buffs and chaingun you can take down armies.
7. Tip: The scout trooper has stealth, timebombs, orbitals and more, use these to your advantage when faced by large groups of enemies.
8. Tip: The close quarters trooper's gravity gauntlets can be used to knock enemies out of vehicles if they are exposed, like in a combat speeder.
9. Tip: The medium range trooper has two types of rifles and five types of grenades. Both rifles are better at certain things than the other and all grenades have a purpose.
10. Tip: The anti-vehicle trooper is very powerful, charge up the rocket to get up to 3 different types of rocket, and charge up the mortar launcher to shoot a long range shot. He also can throw detpacks very far.
11. Tip: The long range trooper has a sniper rifle with no tracer, a pistol that can scope twice and fires a very fast bullet, a remote rocket, and stealth, stay hidden for maximum effect.
12. Tip: the defensive and offensive dispensables units can work together to defend and area very well.
13. Tip: The defensive dispensables unit is great at building up bases and defending areas.
14. Tip: The offensive dispensables unit is great at setting traps and other explosives to destroy enemies, his gun can be used to push enemies or himself, if fired at his feet, far away for great escapes.
15. Tip: The fire trooper is great at breaking enemy ranks, encampments, and also is great in both short and long range fights. His flying can be great for getting over bridges or up mountains.
16. Tip: The heavy assault trooper has high health and a personal sheild, his weapons are as powerful, if not more powerful, than those of tanks, but this doesn't mean he is unstopable, use his speed against him.
17. Tip: The fighters on certain maps are very valuable assets for any army, make sure to keep the command posts that they are at safe.
18. Tip: The geonosian fighter is good at disrupting infantry but not that good against vehicles and buildings, use the sonic bombs to blast clusters of units apart.
19. Tip: The driod fighter has ion cannons that are great at taking down shields, they are best at dive bombing enemy vehicles.
20. Tip: The bomber is great for taking down vehicles, units, and turrets. If you have a copilot then he can fire tracking missiles at other fliers making you even more of a threat.
21. Tip: The drone fighters are very good at air to air combat, their rockets can lock on and hit other ships and their lasers can be very strong. These ships are extremely maneuverable.
22. Tip: The AT-TE on Geonosis starts out neutral, who gets in it first claims it for their team.
23. Tip: The driod gunship has enough beam cannons on it to cut the mountains in half. Ok maybe not that much but its still alot.
24. Tip: In space many people forget the indoor ship turrets or other positions on certain ships, make sure your ships are full and use turrets to your advantage.
25. Tip: The LAAT gunship can be very useful against tanks, units, and just about anything else in its way, just make sure its full before taking off.
26. Tip: The AT-ST has rapid fire blasters, heavy blasters, and a mortar. you could use the rapid fire blasters to kill infantry, the heavy blasters to knock down fliers, and the mortar as artillery.
27. Tip: The combat speeder is very good against infantry and also can play roles as a transport or infantry support. Remember ion cannons are good against shields.
28. Tip: The speeder bike's shield can come in handy if you run into trees or into missiles. The shield will also stay on if you get out of the speeder, giving you some defense for attacking or dispensing.
29. Tip: The MTT transport has alot of remote rocket cannons and can act as a boat if units stand on top of it, try positioning it infront of a steep hill or having the units jump up the ramp like part on the side.
30. Tip: I reccomend starting with a shield generator when building a base, then putting the barricades, turrets, mines, and other devices.
31. Tip: The swamp speeder is good against infantry and can float across large gaps at the cost of handling.
32. Tip: Watch out the shock nodes will most likely hit you if you dispense one, make sure you have high health and won't need to be in the area.
33. Tip: The fire trooper's blaze ball can be a useful weapon for blocking a door, or other choke point.
34. Tip: The gravity well generator will pull in any unit that gets near it, including you, to escape it point your concussion rifle at the turret and fire once, you will go flying away from it, make sure to have your back turned to the place you want to go.
35. Tip: Auto turrets can be great for defending an area, place them well.
36. Tip: You can get into the tripod turrets but if you do then that disables the auto pilot in them, do this wisely.
37. Tip: Don't walk up to short range troopers or fire troopers, they are quick draw masters and will fry you with their flamethrowers or poison sprayers, instead stand back and fire.
38. Tip: Make squads, the more diverse your team is the better. You should get a unit good against infantry, a unit good against vehicles, and a unit that can support you or dispense things.
39. Tip: The blast cannon for the for the defensives dispensables trooper can explode in air if flying for a second, this could be used for flak.
40. Tip: Keep a close watch on your shield gauge, if your shield is down you should try to get somewhere that has some more cover and try to regan your shield.
41. Tip: I recommend making a plan before attacking, try using orbitals on vehicles that are guarded and strong and try using stealth when there is too many rockets and too little cover.
42. Tip: When making a fort don't only use shields, tripods, and walls. Remember to use other tools like blaze balls, shock nodes, auto turrets, gravity wells, and even mines.
43. Tip: If you are dying too much then I recommend that you try a different tactic or unit, running right into a group of units or right at a turret or vehicle will only get you shot.
44. Tip: The offensive dispensables trooper's knowledge of explosives as granted him immunity to mines.
45. Tip: If you are having problems getting past enemy encampments, I would suggest using stealth to sneak past and then maybe dispensing some auto turrets to clear the path.
46. Tip: The scout's pistol has no flash and no tracer, take advantage of this by using stealth and walking around enemies at a medium distance while firing at them, make sure to move around and not to get too close or you may be spotted.
47. Tip: Before assaulting a main base I recommend setting up footholds either by capturing a less defended command post in the area or by making a fort with a dispensables trooper.
48. Tip: Turrets can be quite useful for shooting down fliers, destroying tanks, and killing off infantry.
49. Tip: Explosives can push units without killing them, use this to your advantage either launching yourself to or from combat or launching your enemies off a cliff or into a pit.
50. Tip: A mine, detonation pack, turret, wall, or other obstacle can be extremely deadly when placed on a narrow bridge or other choke point.
51. Tip: If enemy turrets are targeting you and you are a defensive dispensables trooper you can dispense a swamp speeder and the turrets should target it instead of you buying you some time.
52. Tip: On maps with cliffs or pits I would recommend not being near those unless you plan to fall down or are attempting to knock others down.
53. Tip: Auto turrets and other tools placed around the map will not only give you points for their kills but will also help your team out in the long run.
54. Tip: All of these tips are in the readme file that came with this mod.