This mod attempts to recreate the Gun Game Mode in Call of Duty and Counter-Strike. Everyone begins with a pistol, and getting a kill advances you to the next weapon. In total there are 60 weapons. Also, the game is free-for-all, no teams. THIS IS A SINGLEPLAYER MOD and will not work in multiplayer, so I've disabled the multiplayer option. Later I would to make a version of this for multiplayer, but significant changes are required. All the weapons and models are stock; this is purely a scripting mod. For now, it is set only on Tantive IV, but I can fairly easily add other maps. There are no command posts to choose from, you randomly spawn pretty much anywhere on the map. Everyone has infinite ammo, and there is no way to get health back, short of respawning (which will penalize you back a level). Also, the AI has been boosted considerably in difficulty, though the game is still very playable on Elite. For now all the bots are the same rebel model, but you (the human) get to choose between 10 different Imperial models, and all your progress is saved if you switch midgame. Note that since there are no command posts, you have to die and respawn to switch. Your score will appear as usual, and the "enemy's" score will be the highest of all their bots. You can select how many bots to play with in the Assault game mode settings; 32 is the max and can result in quite a lot of unintentional spawn-killing.
IMPORTANT: This mod requires [RDH]Zerted's UnOfficial v1.3 Patch, latest version found here:
To play this mode simply select the stock Tantive IV map, select Galactic Civil War Era and Gun Game mode, and enjoy!
Installation Instructions:
copy GGM to your */Star Wars Battlefront II/GameData/addon folder (if it's not there, create it first)
To uninstall just remove GGM from your addon folder.
[RDH]Zerted for creating a functional free-for-all mode (also on Tantive IV)
Maveritchell for scripting help
anyone else who's helped me thus far, particularly at Gametoast Forums
If a person set on fire with flamethrower gets a kill, the fire disappears.
Scores for all the players will be very inaccurate, with many more "deaths" than actually occured.
A few spawn points may be in/above objects.
Bots pause momentarily after getting a kill.
Bots tend to aggressively target human more than each other.
If you find any more bugs, or have any comments or questions, feel free to contact me at smithd920 at gmail dot com.
Anyone can do whatever they want with this, so long as credit is given.
Download Link: ... ode;121115