Pokemon Black and White...2

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Re: Pokemon Black and White...2

Post by Fusion »

Azelf. I have no idea why it's the only legend that gives me problems, but it's so notorious in my group of friends we have a different spelling of its name that I can't post here.
It appears to just be normal trading once you get the C-Gear after the first gym, like in Black and White. One of the players yesterday abused this to get a level 100 Mewtwo to get the game over quicker.
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Re: Pokemon Black and White...2

Post by Twilight_Warrior »

My friend posted these on his FB wall, so I have no idea about the validity of the source, but I figured I'd share and maybe our resident Pokemoderator, Fusion, would be able to shed light on it.

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Re: Pokemon Black and White...2

Post by Fusion »

They're legit.
In the World Tournament you have the ability to fight all past gym leaders and champions. Even Wallace.
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Re: Pokemon Black and White...2

Post by giftheck »

Fusion wrote:
Azelf. I have no idea why it's the only legend that gives me problems, but it's so notorious in my group of friends we have a different spelling of its name that I can't post here.
It appears to just be normal trading once you get the C-Gear after the first gym, like in Black and White. One of the players yesterday abused this to get a level 100 Mewtwo to get the game over quicker.
I'm assuming it'll have restrictions in place to stop people trading over Pokemon with forms that didn't exist in BW, as Platinum and HGSS did.
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Re: Pokemon Black and White...2

Post by Fusion »

All if forgiven for the Shiny Patrat misunderstanding.

After the game, you can go to a field where there is a
Level 60 Shiny Haxorus
standing in the middle of it.

Still waiting for the exact details of how to obtain those Egg/Shiny chance modifier items though. They are relevant to my interests.

Edit: Speak of the devil, the details came out 3 minutes after posting this. The egg hatching one is obtained after completing the New Unova Pokedex, the shiny one is obtained after completing the National Pokedex. I'm going to go cry because I just did that in regular White and now have to breed things all over again.
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Re: Pokemon Black and White...2

Post by Fusion »

The games will be released in the US on October 7th and in Europe on October 12th.

I'm enjoying them so far. I'm right before Victory Road grinding my team a bit because the first trainer in there had a level 55 Golurk and I got scared.

Oh, and if you have an eye for this sort of thing, try to count how many event flags were reused but with different characters and moved a few tiles from their original location in Black and White. It gets hilarious.
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Re: Pokemon Black and White...2

Post by Fluffy_the_ic »

Loving them. They're definitely the best Pokemon games yet, at least from a gameplay standpoint, since I can't read the story. I like a lot of the little mechanic changes, like asking if you want to use another repel, the free space in the bag, and the move item option on the Pokemon screen. I'm currently at
Giant Chasm, not sure what's next because everyone is speaking in squiggles, but I'm assuming I'm going to capture Kyurem soon, and my team is somewhat underleveled. My highest level is my level 49 Samurott.
Also, anyone who has it want to trade? I need a trade badly, as the least useful member of my team is a Careful Electabuzz, so I need to evolve it to make use of its non-crippled Attack stat.
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Re: Pokemon Black and White...2

Post by giftheck »

There's a lot of stuff coming out in Cotober. I might have to pass initially because that's when I'm told Kingdom Hearts 3D is coming out too (I thought it was end of July but the guys at Game say it's October. We'll see). Then there's Doom 3 BFG Edition and Sonic Adventure 2.

October's going to be a very busy gaming period.

I'll definitely go for White2 first though.
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Re: Pokemon Black and White...2

Post by Fusion »

So I've been playing a lot recently.
Found a Shiny Watchog on Route 2. Vengeance is mine crazy Japanese rainbow hair guy.

Caught all of N's Pokemon. They all have 30 IVs across the board, so they are extremely helpful in the more competitive-focused areas, such as the World Tournament and the the Battle Subway, and also helpful in areas like breeding due to how genes pass.

The World Tournament is incredibly difficult after the Elite 4. While the individual region tournaments aren't bad, the World Leaders tournament is a pain. Everyone who has ever been a Gym Leader and hasn't been promoted to the Elite 4 or Champion (and for some reason, Bianca) shows up with a team stronger than the one they had in the other tournaments. You have to complete this mode 10 times, so if you got lucky once don't expect it to happen again. To give an example of how hard it is, Giovanni was the first battle in one of mine and while I got lucky with his Rhyperior and Nidoking, he randomly whipped out a Garchomp.

I took a break from that and went through Black City's Skyscraper. That was a fun 8 hours. At least I ended up getting about 10x my money total, about 30 levels for my Espeon, Zoroark, and Kyurem, and a Shiny Gible.

After that I finally got through the World Leaders to unlock the Champion Tournament. Even with an Imposter Ditto holding a Choice Scarf I couldn't beat it. Lance decided he wanted to use three of his 600 BSTs against me in one match.

Managed to get lucky and found a Fake GTS giveaway for the two real-life events in Japan. Keldeo is quite powerful and I will most assuredly be using him in my English version run.
Genesect was revealed earlier today making it seem like they're about ready to make the jump to Generation VI next year. I'm thinking they'll go back to their Fall in Japan, Spring(Autumn) in the rest of the world (depending on the hemisphere) release schedule.
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