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I can't wait. My guess is they'll hype things up starting Monday and release it Thursday like previously. Also Thursday the Adult Swim Valve TF2 team will be revealed which has me very excited and it'll around the time the Steam Summer Sale starts.
TF2 blog wrote:The long-awaited final Meet the Team short, Meet the Pyro, is dropping in less than three days, and we decided to assemble a massive update to celebrate it.
That only left the issue of what to call the update. Luckily, at the very moment we were thinking about it, someone turned on the radio. Guess what song was on? That's right: 'Safety Dance'.
"That's a pretty catchy song," we said. "Who sings that?" Well, we don't want to upset you, so we won't type it here, but suffice it to say the band that wrote 'Safety Dance' has the most unthinkably offensive name we've ever heard.
Then 'Rock of Ages' came on, off Def Leppard's album Pyromania, so we turned off the radio because it wasn't helping. Suddenly, no thanks at all to music, we came up with the name on our own: The Pyromania Update.
Day One of Pyromania reveals Doomsday, a new map with a brand new game mode that lets you relive one of the darkest days in TF history. It's all pretty heartwrenching, until you discover you'll get achievements, which are also detailed in today's update.
Keep your eyes open, folks. We'll be announcing a bunch of new stuff this week, right up until the premiere of Meet the Pyro this Wednesday.
[quote="Twilight_Warrior"][quote="TF2 blog"]That only left the issue of what to call the update. Luckily, at the very moment we were thinking about it, someone turned on the radio. Guess what song was on? That's right: 'Safety Dance'.
"That's a pretty catchy song," we said. "Who sings that?" Well, we don't want to upset you, so we won't type it here, but suffice it to say the band that wrote 'Safety Dance' has the most unthinkably offensive name we've ever heard.
Then 'Rock of Ages' came on, off Def Leppard's album Pyromania, so we turned off the radio because it wasn't helping. Suddenly, no thanks at all to music, we came up with the name on our own: The Pyromania Update.[/quote][/quote]
I simply can't stop laughing. Men Without Hats is a terrible band name.
Since Valve said they were holding off on the weapons update since the video had spoilers in it, I ended up predicting the Rainbow Blower would be released. I seriously can't believe they actually did that.
Ha. I love that community. The video definitely made me laugh, but I was hoping for a bit more inside story on pyro, but it makes sense Valve wants to dance around and tease us about whether or not pyro is a robot, girl, or alien.
Also tonight [as] and Valve team will be announced. I think. I hope it was more than just that Robot Chicken hat, which is cool. I got it.
I'm excited for the contents of the patch and Doomsday looks like fun.
I will miss looking forward to Meet the Team videos. If I'm not mistaken, they did say in the blog post that this is not the end of these short films, I wonder what the future holds. Perhaps something involving a certain geek with glasses, a goatee and orange power armor? *hint hint*