Zero Editor Runtime Error (XP, Vista, Windows 7/8.x/10) [Solved]

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Re: Zero Editor Runtime Error in Vista & Win7

Post by Locutus »

Does ZE work for you? No
What edition of Vista or Windows 7 are you running? Win 7 Enterprise
What graphics card are you currently using? Nvidia 9800GT
What's the current driver version of your gfx card? 266.58 (the most recent one)
Is your Vista or Windows 7 a fresh build or an upgrade? Fresh version
Are you running 32 or 64 bit? 32bit
What version of Microsoft .NET Framework do you currently have installed? 1.0, 1.2, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0

Display Color quality settings: 32 bit
Change the compatibility mode for ZE: Program is asking for config.ini
Right click on the ZeroEditor.exe and "Run as Administrator": Didn't work
Roll back your graphics card driver(if possible): Didn't work
Run ZE with 3D-Analyze: Didn't work
Install the BF2 Modtools as Administrator: Didn't work
If you're using NVidia try turning off Threaded Optimization: Didn't work

When try to run the zeroeditor without changing anything it says "Runtime Error! Program: C:\BF2_ModTools\Data_IMB\zeroeditor.exe This application has requested the Runtime to terminate [...]".
But when I run the zeroeditor in compatibility mode it just says ""config.ini" not found, unable to start" eventhough the file is there.


A bought a new laptop a few weeks ago and yay, the zeroeditor works!
But I still can't munge my maps, it says (German): ""\NVIDIA" kann syntaktisch an dieser Stelle nicht verarbeitet werden.". --> The Vistamungefix solved this problem.
Last edited by Locutus on Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Zero Editor Runtime Error in Vista & Win7

Post by Maveritchell »

Here is a set of statistics from two laptops I have. Please note that the first laptop (Win 7) does not have ZE working, the second (Vista) does, but only after a change:

Does ZE work for you? No
What edition of Vista or Windows 7 are you running? Windows 7 Professional
What graphics card are you currently using? (Integrated) NVIDIA Quadro FX 2800M
What's the current driver version of your gfx card? (Have tried earlier driver as well)
Is your Vista or Windows 7 a fresh build or an upgrade? Fresh
Are you running 32 or 64 bit? 32
What version of Microsoft .NET Framework do you currently have installed? 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0

Please note that for the above system, all the suggested changes in the information post were tried: Different compatibility mode settings on ZE, run as administrator, driver rollback, 3D analyze (although this should be irrelevant given TnL integration), installation of .net framework, installation of modtools as administrator, turning off threaded optimization. These were all tried on different graphics card driver versions (only two were available - most rolled-back and current driver).

Does ZE work for you? No -> Yes
What edition of Vista or Windows 7 are you running? Vista Home Premium
What graphics card are you currently using? (Integrated) NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GS
What's the current driver version of your gfx card? 7.15.0011.7713 (Have tried earlier driver as well)
Is your Vista or Windows 7 a fresh build or an upgrade? Fresh
Are you running 32 or 64 bit? 32
What version of Microsoft .NET Framework do you currently have installed? 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, and 3.5

Please note that for this system, all the suggested changes were tried as well prior to an update of the graphics card drivers to the driver version listed above. With no other changes being made besides the driver update, ZE went from not working to working.

Not to do too much meta-analysis of the thread, but the only examples of positive changes being made in the working status of ZE on systems in which it did not work before were those examples of PCs where the driver version was updated. I think it is pretty safe to guess that the majority of the suggested "fixes" are incidental to the actual working of ZE - it is likely that only graphics card drivers have any real effect on the working status.
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Re: Zero Editor Runtime Error in Vista & Win7

Post by Jendo7 »

Does ZE work for you?(Yes/No) Yes
What edition of Vista or Windows 7 are you running? Windows 7 Home Premium
What graphics card are you currently using? ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4530
What's the current driver version of your gfx card? ATI 8.632.
Is your Vista or Windows 7 a fresh build or an upgrade? upgrade
Are you running 32 or 64 bit? 32
What version of Microsoft .NET Framework do you currently have installed? v1.0, v1.1, v2.0, v3.0, v3.5 and v4.0.30319.1
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Re: Zero Editor Runtime Error in Vista & Win7

Post by CalvaryCptMike »

Desktop Computer #1:

Does ZE work for you?(Yes/No) No :(
What edition of Vista or Windows 7 are you running? Windows Vista Home Premium
What graphics card are you currently using? Nvidia Geforce 9200 GS

EDIT: I also installed the Nvidia Geforce 8200, 185.85, to no avail...

What's the current driver version of your gfx card? 258.96
Are you running 32 or 64 bit? 32
What version of Microsoft .NET Framework do you currently have installed? v1.0, v1.1, v2.0, v3.0, v3.5 and v4.0.30319.1
What Monitor Size/Resolution are you using? 1024x768, that's as high as it can go.

Desktop Computer #2:

Does ZE work for you?(Yes/No) Yes :)
What edition of Vista or Windows 7 are you running? Windows Vista Home Premium
What graphics card are you currently using? Nvidia Geforce 8300 GS
What's the current driver version of your gfx card? 197.28
Are you running 32 or 64 bit? 32
What version of Microsoft .NET Framework do you currently have installed? v1.0, v1.1, v2.0, v3.0, v3.5 and v4.0.30319.1
What Monitor Size/Resolution are you using? 1024x768 ( this one can go up to 1400x900 and is a widescreen monitor )

I found something when looking through ZeroEditor with a hexeditor, though it might be of some use, I couldn't make much sense of it though. I'm sure somebody's already done this though.
runtime error TLOSS error
SING error
DOMAIN error
- This application cannot run using the active version of the Microsoft .NET Runtime
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
- unable to initialize heap
- not enough space for lowio initialization
- not enough space for stdio initialization
- pure virtual function call
- not enough space for _onexit/atexit table
- unable to open console device
- unexpected heap error
- unexpected multithread lock error
- not enough space for thread data

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
- not enough space for environment
- not enough space for arguments
- floating point not loaded
Runtime Error!

Program: GetProcessWindowStationGetUserObjectInformationAGetLastActivePopupGetActiveWindowMessageBoxAuser32.dllÿÿÿÿÑ>[Õ>[ÿÿÿÿÇ@[Ë@[_nextafter_logb_yn_y1_y0frexpfmod_hypot_cabsldexpfabstancossinsqrtatan2acosasintanhcoshsinhSunMonTueWedThuFriSatJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTZÿÿÿÿ»^[¿^[ÿÿÿÿ-_[1_[1#QNAN1#INF1#IND1#SNANÿÿÿÿˆn[Œn[ÿÿÿÿ"o[&o[Unrecognized error: 0x%0.8xD3DXERR_INVALIDMESHD3DXERR_CANNOTATTRSORTD3DXERR_SKINNINGNOTSUPPORTEDD3DXERR_TOOMANYINFLUENCESD3DXERR_INVALIDDATAD3DXERR_LOADEDMESHASNODATAS_OKD3DXERR_CANNOTMODIFYINDEXBUFFERD3DERR_MOREDATAD3DERR_DEVICELOSTD3DERR_DEVICENOTRESETD3DERR_NOTAVAILABLED3DERR_INVALIDDEVICED3DERR_INVALIDCALLD3DERR_DRIVERINVALIDCALLD3DERR_NOTFOUNDD3DERR_TOOMANYOPERATIONSD3DERR_CONFLICTINGTEXTUREFILTERD3DERR_UNSUPPORTEDFACTORVALUED3DERR_CONFLICTINGRENDERSTATED3DERR_UNSUPPORTEDTEXTUREFILTERD3DERR_CONFLICTINGTEXTUREPALETTED3DERR_DRIVERINTERNALERRORD3DERR_UNSUPPORTEDALPHAARGD3DERR_UNSUPPORTEDCOLOROPERATIOND3DERR_UNSUPPORTEDCOLORARGD3DERR_UNSUPPORTEDALPHAOPERATIOND3DERR_WRONGTEXTUREFORMATE_NOTIMPLE_FAILE_OUTOFMEMORYD3DERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY%}[Î{[i}[P|[v|[š|[¸|[Þ|[©|[}[}[­[Ü}[ñ[^~[ €[E„[…[–~[Á~[[\[\‰[ʍ[€‰[¦‰[ʉ[Œ[¼Œ[2[E[Œ[Û¥[™[¿[â[R‘[Ö‘[«’[8¬[[¬[€“[¢”[¤p}?%s(%d) : (Assembly Error) %s%s(%d) : (Assembly Error) statement incomplete%s(%d) : (Assembly Error) constant definition in shader bodydef%s(%d) : (Assembly Error) shader version expectedsyntax errorsatd8d4d2x2x4logpexppm3x2m3x3m3x4m4x3m4x4dstlitsgesltmaxminrsqrcpbemtexldtexdepthtexcrdphasetexdp3textexm3x3texreg2rgbtexdp3texm3x2depthtexm3x3vspectexm3x3spectexm3x3textexm3x3padtexm3x2textexm3x2padtexreg2gbtexreg2artexbemltexbemtextexkilltexcoordcmpx8cndlrpfrcdp4dp3mulmadsubaddmovnopinvalid mask '%s'invalid swizzle '%s'invalid register '%s[%d]'invalid register '%s[a0.x + %d]'invalid register '%s'oToDaoFogoPtsoPostcv_da_dw_db_dz_x2_bx2_biasinvalid constantpsvscomment extends past end-of-filepreprocessor directives are not supported#lineInternal assembler error! %dcoissue not supported in vertex shadersa0.x
can only appear once in an index expressionillegal register numberillegal register in index expressioncomplement cannot be used with other modifierscomplement not supported in vertex shadersnegate and divide modifiers cannot be combinedconstant modifiers not supported in ps.1.4invalid versionyacc stack overflowstatement expectedValidateVertexShaderValidatePixelShaderd3d8.dlld3d8d.dllLoadDebugRuntimeSOFTWARE\Microsoft\Direct3DD3DX8 Shader Assembler Version 0.91
I don't know, it's mainly the part that says it can't use .net active version or something :?

Okay so I have access to two computers, the one that ZE works with has evil-ish twisted security settings, the munge is unreliable, and the for some reason it is very slow and diffucult to work with, thus while ZE works, we can safely say nothing else does.

The computer that ZE does NOT work with is the one I use all the time and is a great computer.

Here's the thing, at one time I matched the settings on both computers so that the above list of stats were all the same, still, it worked on one computer, not the other. The ONLY thing that was different was the screen resolutions, the one that worked had a screen res of up to 1400x900 and the one that didn't work has a screen res of 1024x768. What's my point here? Well alot of the people in the ZE issues thread that fixed their ZE say that when they d'lded a new driver it reset their screen res. to 1200x900. Now, my monitor does even go that high BUT I have another monitor which can go that high, so I will plug it in and see if ZE works ( doubt it )

I have tried over 10 different drivers, I've installed all the .net framework stuff, it just doesn't work. I guess my main reason for starting a thread is to know WHY ZE doesn't work, does anyone have any explanations for it crashing? Has anyone looked at it with a hexeditor? What about doesn't work? I fixed my Republic Commando Editor by turing my ingame bumpmap settings to minimum, could that help here? I tried messing around with the settings but to no avail.

I REALLY want to mod/map but I just can't becuase of my stupid ZE, I don't want to do just sides mods... I want to make MAPS. But I can't... So...
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Re: Zero Editor Runtime Error in Vista & Win7

Post by MileHighGuy »

Does ZE work for you? Yes
What edition of Vista or Windows 7 are you running? Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
What graphics card are you currently using? Nvidia GeForce GTS 360m
What's the current driver version of your gfx card? Im not sure
Is your Vista or Windows 7 a fresh build or an upgrade? I do not know
Are you running 32 or 64 bit? 64 bit
What version of Microsoft .NET Framework do you currently have installed? 4.0

It was not working for the longest time, but then i went to the nvidia website and went to the beta/archived drivers. I downloaded the earliest driver for my graphics card and then it worked again.
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Re: Zero Editor Runtime Error in Vista & Win7

Post by Capitanloco6 »

Does ZE work for you? No
What edition of Vista or Windows 7 are you running? Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
What graphics card are you currently using? NVIDIA GeForce 315
What's the current driver version of your gfx card? No idea. I don't know where to look it up.
Is your Vista or Windows 7 a fresh build or an upgrade? I suppose it's a fresh build.
Are you running 32 or 64 bit? 64 bit
What version of Microsoft .NET Framework do you currently have installed? v2.0.50727
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Re: Zero Editor Runtime Error in Vista & Win7

Post by Qishot »

I had a problem with 3d analyze but fixed it so 3d analyze works but when i run it and hit force tnl then i get the runtime error again... kinda lost any suggestions?
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Re: Zero Editor Runtime Error in Vista & Win7

Post by Garuda95 »

Does ZE work for you? No
Edition of Vista: Business
Graphic Card: I have NO idea
Current Drive Version: same as directly above
Fresh Build or Upgrade: Upgrade
Bit: 32-Bit
.NET Framework Version: 1.1
but my Windows is not activated and ive tried every solution i kno of
Last edited by Garuda95 on Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Zero Editor Runtime Error in Vista & Win7

Post by Bob »

Does ZE work for you? No
Edition of Vista: Home Premium (Service Pack 2)
Graphic Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT
Current Drive Version: 285.62
Build or Upgrade: Upgrade //provided that this means that vista updates itself on a regular basis
Bit: 32-Bit
.NET Framework Version: 1.1

I tried every single solution of the list, except the driver rewind. I know that the rewind will get ZE to work again, but therefore I will be unable to play Battlefield III. (ZE is more important to me, but I'll wait a bit. Maybe someone finds a solution...)

EDIT: Rewinded driver, ZE works again. Looks like ZE can't run with the newer drivers for my card.
Last edited by Bob on Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Zero Editor Runtime Error in Vista & Win7

Post by Webster27 »

Does Zero Editor Work? Yes
Edition of Vista: Home Premium
Graphic Card: Nvidia GeForce 9500GT Passiv
Current drive version:285.26
Bit: 32-bit
It worked when I unticked the option "Make it go with 256 colours" (in german "Einstellung→Mit 256 farben ausführen, maybe someone can translate it better).
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ZeroEditor doesn't work

Post by hunpeter12 »

For the past 2 years (or a little bit less) I had no problems with ZE. But now, when I launch it
my computer says:
Runtime Error!

Program: C:\BF2_ModTools\data_MAP\zeroeditor.exe

This program has requested Runtime to terminate it
an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information.
I reinstalled the modtools but the same message is coming up. (Of course I tried to ran ZE from all locatioins I could.)

What should I do?
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Re: ZeroEditor doesn't work

Post by AceMastermind »

Have you changed, swapped or reconfigured anything on your PC since the last time ZE worked?
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Re: ZeroEditor doesn't work

Post by yuke5 »

I got there error once. Install or stop quicktime and see if zero editor works again.
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Re: ZeroEditor doesn't work

Post by hunpeter12 »

Oh, and there is some problem with my video card, and Battlefront II doesn't work for me, as well as some other 3d programs. I think that can be the problem.
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Re: ZeroEditor doesn't work


ZeroEditor requires the same things that Battlefront II does, so if your graphics card isn't working for Battlefront II, then that is likely why ZE isn't working.
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Re: Zero Editor Runtime Error in Vista & Win7

Post by _DeltaForce_ »

Maveritchell wrote:it is likely that only graphics card drivers have any real effect on the working status.
I won't say so. When using Windows 7 on my laptop Zeroeditor never worked. Recently, when I connected my laptop to a bigger Screen I use sometimes, I tried to open ZE and it did work. Of course I disconnected the screen immediately to look whether it does still work or not (obviusly, I assumed it not to work) - and it didn't work. I connected the screen - and it worked.

So the only difference made to my system was connecting an external monitor.

Does ZE work for you? No ==> Yes (after connecting bigger monitor)
What edition of Vista or Windows 7 are you running? Windows 7 Ultimate x64
What graphics card are you currently using? nVidia GeForce 8600M GT
What's the current driver version of your gfx card? 285.62 (though this changed over the last 2 years very often and ZE never worked better)
Is your Vista or Windows 7 a fresh build or an upgrade? fresh build, beneath a Windows XP and openSUSE Linux on the same HDD
Are you running 32 or 64 bit? 64 bit
What version of Microsoft .NET Framework do you currently have installed? 4.0 Extended (v2.0.50727, v3.0, v3.5, v4.0.30319 in the x64 folder, in the x86 folder additionally v1.0.3705 and v1.1.4322)

Graphics card driver has been updated and downgraded several times over the past 2 years or so, with no effect. "Highest 32 bit" is set already. Compatibility mode and running as an administrator also tried. 3D-Analyze already tested before, will try it again tomorrow. Modtools are installed as an Administrator. .NET 1.1 should be installed, though not for x64 (but I don't think there is a x64 version?). Will try it tommorow, though.

As mentioned above, connecting an external monitor made ZE working for me. I tried it with two monitors, it worked only with one of them.

Monitor #1: Samsung SyncMaster T260HD
Size: 26" | 1920 x 1200 px
Worked: Yes

Monitor #2: Medion MD 30919PO
Size: 19" (?, maybe 17") | 1280 x 1024 px
Worked: No

( laptop-integrated screen: 17" | 1440 x 900 px )

Both monitors were connected via VGA and configured as primary screen.

Maybe someone could try using bigger monitors, if he has one, as I did, maybe it workes. If so, we maybe could find some pattern and understand this problem better - a condition for solving it once and for all.
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Problem with Zero Editor (W7)

Post by AhsokaTano »

First of all, sorry for my English.
I changed my operative system to Windows 7, before this, Zero Editor was working.
When i want to open the program, appears this error:
I have Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit, my graphic card is GeForce 7800 GT.

I updated my graphic card drivers, doesn't work.
Change my display color quality settings, doesn't work.
Change the compatibility mode for Zero Editor and i have this error:
Roll back my graphics card driver, doesn't work.
Run as administrator the ZE, doesn't work.
Run Zero Editor with 3danalize, doesn't work.
Install net framework, doesn't work. I have 1.1 and 4.0 versions but doesn't work.
Install the BF2 Modtools as adnimistrator, doesn't work.

If you can help me, please, help me. How can i make the ZE works?
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Re: Problem with Zero Editor (W7)

Post by Marth8880 »

Try updating your graphics card's drivers instead. Also, is there a file called config.ini in the folder in which you are trying to run Zero Editor?
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Re: Zero Editor Runtime Error in Vista & Win7

Post by Noobasaurus »

Does ZE work for you? No
What edition of Vista or Windows 7 are you running? Windows 7 Home Premium
What graphics card are you currently using? Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q8300 @ 2.50GHz (Couldn't find any other ones)
What's the current driver version of your gfx card? 6.1.7600.16385
Is your Vista or Windows 7 a fresh build or an upgrade? Fresh build
Are you running 32 or 64 bit? 32

Then I used 3D-Analyze and it worked.
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Re: Zero Editor Runtime Error in Vista & Win7

Post by AhsokaTano »

Yes, there is a config.ini in the zeroeditor.exe folder. if i have the config.ini of Windows XP instalation in the folder of ZE, can ZE works?
And i have installed the last graphics card drivers, but it doesn't works...
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