I have tried to hexedit the jedis to be aviable from beginning. Like in Hero War mod. But on Darth Maul i have problem. I tried to run him as the CIS rocketeer, but the cis rocketeer was just disapeared in the game. Maybe there is a too little space between Maul and the next soldier.
What shall i do? :
What are the C.I.S. rocketeer and Darth Maul's labels ? Also, have you ever read DFYX's instructions for inserting additional bytes in an hex-edited file ? (They're available at this page, and at the following ones...)
PS : By the way, welcome on GameToast's messages board !
Well, could you tell on which map(s) you want to get Darth Maul, in replacement of the Assault Droid ? Also, maybe you shoud upload your "mission.lvl" file through YouSendIt ?
Well, I've downloaded your "mission.lvl" file and I'll try to start working on it as soon as you'll have told me on which map(s) I have to substitute the C.I.S. Rocketeer by Darth Maul... (On all, I guess, but I prefer to get a confirmation...)
I'll add Darth Maul on some maps, first... Next, I'll upload my tweaked "mission.lvl" to check if it works properly in-game... If that's the case, then I'll substitute the Assault Droid by the Zabrak on all maps...