First one: there should be a "Like" button. Not a dislike button but a like button.
Why? because a lot of people have tons of posts that just look like this:
And it hogs up space. Take the glamour skins thread for example. Every time someone posts a skin 5 people comment very basic comments that really don't contribute to the conversation. They just compliment which could be done via a "Like" button.
If it's too hard to add then that's fine it's just my opinion.
Second one:

I just bumped a topic in the forum "Game Modding - Other" for the second time this week(my apoligies). Problem how I see it though, is that most of the conversation in that forum is creepingly slow and no one looks at it very much. Most of those topics that are on the top of the list are over 45 days old yet useful information can still be contributed to the author AND anyone reading it. Because that forum is so slow I think in that the unwritten rule for the "Game Modding - Other" should be: no bumping topics more than
90 days old.