The Corellian Resistance Beta

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Which side would you rather play as in the Campaign?

The Imperial Navy
The Corellian Resistance
No Campaign (will release MUCH sooner)
Total votes: 17
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The Corellian Resistance Beta

Post by wishihadaname »

Its been a long time since i've released anything on GT, I forgot that I was supposed to move my map to the released maps and mods forum after it went beta. Sorry about the rule breach.

I would like some feedback on what you guys think of my map, I would appreciate any reports you guys can give me on where I screwed up, every bit helps. Also, what faction would you guys rather play as in the campaign that will be included with the full (hopefully bug free) release.

Here is the story overview for the Imperials
As the Imperials, you play a captain of an Imperial Navy special tasks group, you recieve orders to investigate a remote mountain village where it is believed that a large detachment of survivors from Kota's Militia are hiding out. The people there have long been a pain in the empires side but have technically comitted no crimes other then tax and draft evasion. The Imperial Government of Corellia has now accused them of treason and authorised lethal force if they fail to turn over Nikolay Izimov, the last known living commander of Kota's now broken militia. Izimov was born in the village, it is unlikely that they will surrender him now. As an Imperial captain you must decide the deviding line between duty to the Empire and treason to humanity.
Here is the story as the Rebels
As the Rebels you play as a sargeant of Kota's Militia, you, many of your men, and you commander Nikolay Izimov, are all from Corellia. Following the disasterous attack on the Nar Shadaa Tie Fighter production lines, the survivors of your unit have fled back to Corellia in hopes of slipping under the Imperial radar. The people of the Corellian outback have welcomed you as liberators, they have been looking for a way to rebel against the empire ever since Corellia lost its seat on the Galactic Senate but have not had the training or supplies for open revolt. Nikolay has been training volunteers from the local villages to become part of Kota's Militia, but it seems that word got out. The Imperials are coming they want Izimov and will kill everyone in their way. You must defend the innocent people of Corellia from a military might far beyond your own. During the battle you find some data the release of which could be very damaging to the empire and must make a choice. What is more important, the lives of hundreds of innocent villagers or the delivery of a crucial bit of information.
Play the Conquest mode and pitch in your votes folks.

A picture gallery for your viewing pleasure.
Since this map is set during the TFU era, I decided that Imperial Navy Commandoes would be more appropriate then stromtroopers
Imperial forces overrun the far side of the river
An Imperial strike team encounters resistance on the narrow mountain trails
Imperials discover an insurgent outpost at the shoulder of the mountain
One of Kota's Men takes aim
The Imperials may have state of the art armour when it comes to energy weapons, but a good ol' fashion bullet can still punch clean through
But even the best snipers are no match for Imperial assault vehicles
Kota's Men attempt to hold the hillside against an overwhelming Imperial attack
Many of the Corellian fighters have lived their entire lives never traveling more than a few clicks from their villages, they will defend every inch of their soil to the death
With the front line crumbling and a superior flanking force closing in on their HQ, Kota's men prepare one final ambush
Credit given where credit is due
icemember- rebel sabatuer, civillian mob.
squeddie- prefabs for alliance base as well as some crates and detail props
Teancum- alliance tank from BF1 conversion pack
HAv0c and Deviss- Mandelorian Sniper rifle
CodaRez- CDEF pistol (Civillian sidearm)
KentosImpetus- Randomized unit script
RougeKnight, Deviss, Jebus (cas you asked me to :P)- dp23 trenchgun
Taivix, Fragme!- Concussion Rifle
Caleb1117, syth- Chaingun and anims for it
Mike Z, Majin Revan, FragMe!- floating weapon icon fix
CodaRez, DarthD.U.C.K- TFU Imperial Navy Commandoes
Deviss, BIGCookie- TFU swordsman
And finally, here is the download link to the Corellian Resistance Beta
Last edited by wishihadaname on Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Corellian Resistance Beta

Post by Anakin »

Wow the map is great!!!

but i don't like your imperial trooper. it looks too... i don't know how to explain.
if you look on them by side.
the helmet doesn't go with the visor. the break out is too clean. can you make the helmet a bit longer so that it project/overlap??
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Re: The Corellian Resistance Beta

Post by acryptozoo »

really fun map : :o
and i love those mountains in the background
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Re: The Corellian Resistance Beta

Post by [Padawan]Helkaan »

Whaa, it was fast. Thanks for sharing it with us. Of course I DL.
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Re: The Corellian Resistance Beta

Post by wishihadaname »

Thanks for the 40+ downloads guys, but for all of that I only got 1 review. Could I please get some detailed feedback on my map? This version isn't ready yet and if you've been downloading it just to play for fun then you don't have the best version, i've already nailed a few really annoying things (like the underpowered imperial officer and his disfunctional grenade launcher). Also what side do you guys want to see in the campaign? I haven't heard anything about that yet.
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Re: The Corellian Resistance Beta

Post by ACEwithSPADES »

Oh hi, well i downloaded this map and i was really impressed :D I really like the spray on the weapons. I realized that going up hills it is best to crouch walk and that improves accuracy and the ai can't hit you. I also like the alternating class's skins. One thing though is that the imperial atst instantly locks on to you and kills you....when in line of sight....and that was saddening especially when surrounded by many other correllian militia. I think the hintnodes are placed very well cus i really noticed them, and i was just wondering how do you make the ai take different paths that are not the fastest? Ai deathmatch added? I also really thought the militia having the hunting wepons was spot on with the story of the map. I would also really like to see the imps have a campaign here :wink: The only other problem i would have is the timebomb fails... the ai will place timebombs on mine hintnodes...and wait and die and kill other soldiers as well. The thing i am most impressed with is the imperial shock weapon and the planning and barriering :eek: no ai jump off at all! The last thing is one i forgot, cus im at school uploading this, but the floating weapon glitches on the rebel sniper, engineer, and the pistols. Other than this i was very impressed! still though, i couldn't find the tiebomber spawn lol where is it? Great Job Sir!
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Re: The Corellian Resistance Beta

Post by wishihadaname »

I didn't do anything to the AI to make them take random paths, I just included the extra path and most of them took it. The reason they took the long way around was because the of the midway command post, it was closer then the jamming station. The floating weapons has been a headache for me for a while, the script for fixing them has worked perfectly for the imps but doesn't seem to want to work for the rebels, I really don't know why, i'll keep fiddling with it. The Imperial engineer is kind of a wimpy class right now, I was thinking of giving them a 5 bolt, 3 shot shotgun instead of the SMG and having them use dropshields instead of timebombs. FYI, the AI will always blow themselves up on mine nodes, that why I generally don't give detpacks of timebombs to AI. The tie-bombers spawn in the canyon, they are self piloted and cannot be used by the player, sorta like the rebels AA gun. I think that covers all of it, thanks for the feedback and the vote.
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Re: The Corellian Resistance Beta

Post by Eaol »

1) The Imperials may have state of the art armour when it comes to energy weapons, but a good ol' fashion bullet can still punch clean through
There is a reason for the armor. It would, realistically, take a modern artillery round to penetrate the armor. It's more likely the Rebels would be faced with projectile weaponry, as their uniforms are just uniforms, and cannot stop a modern sniper bullet. Also, if you are trying to look more realistic, make the projectile invisible.
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Re: The Corellian Resistance Beta

Post by wishihadaname »

Actually, a matterials ability to withstand heat and penetration by sub-atomic particles (the principles by which Star Wars weapons work) has nothing to do with its ability to withstand kinetic impact. For example, the tiles on the Space Shuttle can withstand infernal temperature and hold out the radiation of open space but will fracture if hit with a fast moving paint chip. The same applies, most likely, for stormtrooper armour. Just from the look of it, it appears to be made of some sort of light alloy, plastic, or ceramic, all of which shatter when hit by a bullet. And since energy weapons have been the norm in the Star Wars universe for over 3000 years, its unlikely that the stormtroopers would be carrying any sort of kinetic protection. Hence a sniper round made of metal rather than charged particles may actually be more effective. Also, in Star Wars Republic Commando, the trandoshans use kinetic based SMG's and shotguns which are quite deadly to the commandoes, just goes to show that bullets do still have some use. Finally, I can't change the texture of the sniper bullet to be invisible because it would make the AI snipers too much of a pain, the short trail behind a sniper round is meant to give away the fact that the player is being sniped and removing this hint would make for some annoying moments of unexpected death.
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Re: The Corellian Resistance Beta

Post by bamdur123 »

Very nice map god job :thumbs: also the units were switching wierd and cultist is cool :)
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Re: The Corellian Resistance Beta

Post by DarthEste01 »

The only wrong thingsi noticed were that the empire starts loosing reinforcements and CP #2 is floating,the rest is great :thumbs:
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Re: The Corellian Resistance Beta

Post by sampip »

Fantastic map, I loved the background with the mountains and the feel of the map itself when I was wandering around. The map was very large but the good battle compensated for this. The scenery was very nice and the mini map was very nicely done. Some of the objects placed could do with a slight reskin, they did not quite fit with the scenery I thought the map was very nice, it was nice to try something a little bit new and the sides were very different meaning playing as each team was very fun, unlike having the same guns with a different character model.
I liked the way you went for realism on the map but I do think this hinders gameplay slightly too much on the dark trooper class, I think he moves a bit too slow with that huge chaingun and then suddenly leaps across the map with his jetpack, but this is just my opinion.
I also think you could do with a bit more cover in very open but generally crowded areas (for instance, the bridges and steep slopes) as these can be a pain to cross with guns that are harder to use.
I really like the way you set up the Empire and rebels, the Empire had very agressive guns that required reasonably close action fighting, and the rebels had more defensive weapons that were suited to their position in the batttle.
All in all, I can tell a lot of thought went into this map and the gameplay really reflects this, good work! :thumbs:

Since I cannot do polls on GT, I would say it would be more fun to play as the Empire the campaign :)
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Re: The Corellian Resistance Beta

Post by Fiodis »

Simply reading over the two stories, I would say that the Rebels' seems far more original and interesting, so I would vote that way. The old "capture or kill enemy leader" spiel is rather old, while the Rebel one seems a bit more out of the ordinary.

FileFront keeps telling me that the file is unavailable. What could be wrong?
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Re: The Corellian Resistance Beta

Post by wishihadaname »

It looks like filefront reset my download counter, seems like they moved the file. Right now its showing up just fine for me though, you may want to try again.
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