1. download the proper python 2.6 version from here and install it
2. download the pythonwin-extension form here and install it
3. download roadkill from here and install it
4. download the roadkill XSI-plugin from the XSI FAQ-thread, paste it into XSI's pluginfolder (XSI_XXX\Application\Plugins) and doubleclick on it
5. launch XSI, now you should have the entry "Roadkill" in the get>property>textureprojection
6. enjoy roadkill!
if you get an error about not finding roadkill when using the new entry, rightcklick on it, choose "Edit with pythonwin" and change the path in this line
Code: Select all
oCus.AddParameter2("RoadKillLocation", constants.siString,"C:\\Programme\\RoadKill\\RoadKill1_1.exe", 0,0,0,0, false, false, "Roadkill Path" )