I really like the idea of working with a megacity as a palette for a map, but since Coruscant has already been done a few times, I thought it would be fun to take a step over to the next-most-popular Star Wars ecumenopolis - Nar Shaddaa. This is nice, because it has a much more industrial feel than Coruscant (at least its upper-city) and it feels much more apropos for fighting in.
In any case, this is a medium-small map set in the upper-reaches of industrial-sector landing docks. You'll see various ships fly in and out, and the largest ship (seen in pictures five and six - can you identify it? ) is docked for the duration, and you can enter one of its cargo holds. There's more going on that unfortunately pictures can't communicate, but it will make it all the more fun when you get to play the map!