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If enough people join from here , we can make a gametoast guild and wage war on the enemy guilds, orcs and trolls players etc.. I think this has been out a while but I jsut stumbled on it..
yes hawk, the graphics are about the same as everquest one, outdated in my opinion but i found the game to be very deep as far as making items, joining guilds ,building a character and choosing its jobs, waging war on players and beasts, its just something to do , if you like to get away from the typical games. And hey its totally free.
The download was under 300mb and took about 18 minutes on dsl, the game is worth looking into if you like the diablo style hording of items in an interestingly rpg'd setting. I just like to murder things and gather loot and sell them for more loot. Ive gone from 0 to level 10 in 5 hours so its pretty basic. Ill most likely play till im 60th level and pawn it off on ebay , lol.
Its just kind of fun to get out of the run around shooting style game and put some thought into it.
sounds cool. i totally agree with getting away from the run and gun style of most modern video games.
only 18 minutes on a dsl? lucky! i started it, and even after the rate and stuff adjusted, it was still an hour DL time, so i stopped it.
Also, the links on that pages taskbar don't work(most) so i couldn't reall read about it
i can put the download on here if enough of you request so.... then you can get it super fast... its pretty fun... its a port over from korean game so there are some things on their site not running but compared to about 10 other free online 3d games , this won so far at least holds my attention. if you join come to my server x(something)1 i thinks its like xigenon1, my nation is karus and my mage is called kinrguru , when you getin hit enter and type /pm kingguru, we can go raiding, wage war or something fun...
o but wont u be a high level and we'll all suck? cuz in FFXI if u join a party of higher lvled people the higher lvl people lose a lot cuz its given to the low lvlers
i hate tanking...i used to be the only warrior class in my party and i would get screamed at a lot cuz i let people die...sure i got a bad name, but it was fun while it lasted!
ok umm....this game is totaly screwed i downloaded it installed it then i made a character then i click on it and it says i have to top my account with points then it exsits me like wtf is this its wasting my time can anyone help me???
Nimlot wrote:Did you create an account? Obvoiusly it's you who is having problems as the rest of us got it working without problems.
......yes i did create an account how else am i sappose to get into the game without it, and yes i am having problems i didnt say i wasent lol ok so well i typed in my account then the game loads then i click a server. my character that i just created appreas and i click on it and it says i do not have enough points in my account to play then it exsits the entire game. any help would be good as in am i sappose to be on the web site while i play and such. when i look what the points are it says i have to pay for it. i am a just a tiny bit lots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not sure why its saying you need points , goto their website and read about it , they dont make you pay for anything, ive been playing almost non stop for 4 days level 22...
knightonlineworld.com is their us site. read all their stuff, faq, etc.. if your lost after that, there is nothing that can help you.
alright tell me if anyone else gets this problem: i click on the icon for knights online i sign in then it checks for updates and i click to start the game. i see some servers like adonis one adonis 2 cypher 1 and chypher 2. i click on one of them and then it brings me to my level 1 char which i never touched. i click on him to play and it says incificcent points to play, u must top up ur account!!
does anyone have this problom or am i missing somthing like this game is not free or somthing lol???
i have a problem 2, but not like that. on the create account page, the select state box doesnt work, so i cant pick one, and it required so i cant continue. any1 else have that prob?
soldier, if you never created a character , just ignore that one and create a totally new account, there should be nothing in your account when you login, until you make a character.
there are a few places that dont work on the site, if you look on some other areas of the site , there is in fact a working sign up account area (by the way i filled out all garbage stuff , no personal info required or ccard), maybe someone can post the url here for you .