Mos Eisley Spaceport beta3

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Re: Mos Eisley Spaceport beta3

Post by Nihillo »

Master of Stickmen wrote:I also found that the civvies will respond to the follow me command, and I was able to get fifteen civilians following me at once. Most of them got shot by stormies, though :P .
Just don't tell them to follow you then.
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Re: Mos Eisley Spaceport beta3

Post by The_Emperor »

Nihillo wrote:
Master of Stickmen wrote:I also found that the civvies will respond to the follow me command, and I was able to get fifteen civilians following me at once. Most of them got shot by stormies, though :P .
Just don't tell them to follow you then.
Yeah, you can actually do that with all friendlies on all maps, like, for example, the Jawa's on the stock Tatooine map.
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Re: Mos Eisley Spaceport beta3

Post by Rends »

who wanna have 15 Jawas behind you? lol

Just a few map stats:
There are now 113 new objects
14+ new animations you don´t have seen yet.( thx to DarthD.U.C.K.)
2 new Speeders and 4 new droids.
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Re: Mos Eisley Spaceport beta3

Post by CodaRez »

Rends wrote:who wanna have 15 Jawas behind you? lol
Umm.....*Raises Hand*
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Re: Mos Eisley Spaceport beta3

Post by Revan-Shan »

Rends wrote:who wanna have 15 Jawas behind you? lol
14+ new animations you don´t have seen yet.( thx to DarthD.U.C.K.)
Wow. I'm anxious. I wonder why so many...
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Re: Mos Eisley Spaceport beta3

Post by mswf »

Revan-Shan wrote:
Rends wrote: 14+ new animations you don´t have seen yet.( thx to DarthD.U.C.K.)
Wow. I'm anxious. I wonder why so many...
Those are from the patrons in the bar. (14 guests, I guess)
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Re: Mos Eisley Spaceport beta3

Post by RogueKnight »

It'd be awesome to see the Greedo/Han Solo confrontation animated and put in the map.
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Re: Mos Eisley Spaceport beta3

Post by DarthD.U.C.K. »

well actually 13 (including one that works halfways and one i havent managed to export properly yet)
but there are more to come, as long as schoolstuff doesnt get too extensive
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Re: Mos Eisley Spaceport beta3

Post by Nova Hawk »

Downloading now! This map rocks!
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Re: Mos Eisley Spaceport beta3

Post by Darth_Squoobus »

Wait! This map needs Jabba's Lavish Estate!
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Re: Mos Eisley Spaceport beta3

Post by JackTHorn »

I can't praise this map enough -- especially considering that it's a Beta! Rends, I've always thought so highly of your maps that I downloaded this one almost just because you made it, but really, you've outdone yourself. I can't imagine a better Mos Eisley map, and I'm sure it will only improve as you develop it.

I LOVE the third side / civilians element, that's something I've worked into the plans of many of my maps, and I've been rather surprised not to see more maps doing it. Makes the whole thing feel more real, more movie-like, more interesting -- and it particularly makes sense on maps like this one, where there are inevitably going to be civilians running around. However, I never thought of the numerous droids and how much more Star Wars-y they make the whole thing feel. Plus, big kudos for localizing each individual droid and civilian instead of copping out and just naming them all "Droid" and "Civilian".

The spaceports are GREAT, I love the underground bunkers and the sunken port areas, it's all so much more like real Star Wars stuff than most maps I've seen. Nice touch with the Dewbacks and Bantha (and for the record I think making them into transports or giving them weapons would be ridiculous). And I love the Sandtroopers, and well done with the attention to detail on the pauldrons! I think this map, even in its Beta form, is by my standards WAY better than almost any of the stock maps I've seen from BF1 or BF2.

It's a big map, and a bit hard to find your way around in at times -- but while that could be seen as the only real criticism for this map, I actually think it makes it a better map. A big sprawling chaotic city like Mos Eisley shouldn't be easy to navigate, and I like the big maps you can get lost in if you're not careful.

One suggestion that just occurred to me -- I was also testing out the Corellia: Coronet City beta (by Food_Eater) and noticed that not only did that map have civilians, it also had a Pirates side that was hostile to both the Empire and the Rebels. It occurs to me that this might be a good addition to your Mos Eisley map -- maybe call them Scum, or Pirates, or something, a bunch of Aqualish, Niktos, Humans, and Rodians, make them hostile to both sides. Maybe even a Hunt mode where the Sandtroopers and the Scum try to take each other out.

Oh -- and another idea is to have an Imperial Spy unit, I think his name was Garindan, on the Imps side. The black-cloaked guy with the long snout and the goggles? Give him a 434 DeathHammer blaster, Stealth, maybe a Recon Droid, maybe...

Again, it's just an awesome map, I can't wait for the finished version. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will be playable on Multiplayer, so my gaming group can see how great this map is. =)
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Re: Mos Eisley Spaceport beta3

Post by Rends »

thx for your feedback.
I´ve already thought about adding another side like the "pirates".
Well i´ve not make a decission yet to add or not add them. I might play with the idea in the next days.
Others than that the map is almost finished.
What i did last days was adding a few more shadows to buildings and a few small fixes and cleaning the folders.
The animated props will be the only realy noticable difference compared to the beta3.
And please try to host and play the map online. Keep in mind that´s why i add the hunt mode (conquest MP).

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Re: Mos Eisley Spaceport beta3

Post by Revan-Shan »

Yeah, pirates. I thought of that before. But not for the main map. It's ok how it is, Imps VS Rebs and civilians around.

You give another option though, making a pirates VS empire in hunt mode. But what about this:
pirates VS bounty hunters, while imperials are a third team, hostile to both (trying to stop the fight, you know). That woulbe be really cool, having custom units.

Rends, for the pirate side you could use the pirates from that new Corellia map, but you could also use the Zann Consortium (which are pirates too) units from the map Polus Hidden Cavern (Final).

The bounty hunter side would have to have a jet trooper, and the rest is just imagination within the lore. Some jet unit and cool weapons selection. It would be cool if you could get or make the ubese armour, which is cool, canon and very popular between SWG players.
And also, apart from all this hunt mode stuff. Could you make the jet trooper fly for more time? The jet gets depleted within a pair of seconds, and that is really anoying in big cities.
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Re: Mos Eisley Spaceport beta3

Post by [Skirata]Darman[M] »

oh, yeah, a bountyhunter side would be awsome. :jango:
but this version of this map is already nearly perfect. I love your maps, rends :bowdown:
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Re: Mos Eisley Spaceport beta3

Post by trainmaster611 »

In all honesty, I gotta say that adding a new hostile side to h map will dampen the gameplay since you're caught up in fighting these guys with infinite reinforcements who are not affected by cp controlling. And in a 1 vs 2 environment, both standard sides' reinforcements will be depleted very quickly.
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Re: Mos Eisley Spaceport beta3

Post by JackTHorn »

I can see how a third side might dampen gameplay some, Trainmaster. But I don't think it has to. Maybe if they weren't pathed extensively and sort of just hung around a few main areas. Of it there was a way to make it so they only fought when hit by blaster fire, as someone mentioned earlier. Or maybe if they all were pretty poorly armed, mostly sidearm blaster pistols, maybe some grenades, maybe a disintegrator.

I wouldn't call them "Pirates", though -- it worked for Corellia, but not Mos Eisley. I wouldn't call them "Bounty Hunters" either, though that's better than Pirates. I'd call them Scum, Thugs, Hutt Cartel, or Hutt Gangsters maybe... and individualize them like the civilians, have a Nikto Thug, a Weequay Gangster, an Aqualish Collector, a Hutt Informant (human), etc.

On the Corellia: Coronet City map, the Pirates just spawn in at certain points regardless of CPs or who holds them, which can be a bit annoying and disruptive to the game unless they're very carefully placed and pathed. So I don't think I'd go with that method. Didn't the Tuskens in the BF1 Dune Sea map (and its Conversion) have their spawning limited to their CPs, so that if one of the other sides took the CP then the Tuskens couldn't spawn there anymore?

This is what I'd put forward, off the top of my head -- any or all of the following:

WEEQUAY GANGSTER - Blaster Pistol, 2 Grenades (use the ones from Polus Hidden Cavern)
RED NIKTO MARAUDER - Blaster Pistol, 3 Grenades (similar look to the Weequay, maybe just a few changes)
AQUALISH COLLECTOR - Blaster Pistol, Push (like Force Push but weaker and touch-only)
RODIAN ASSASSIN - Disintegrator, quick-moving (the Rodians already in the map are fine)
GAMORREAN BRUTE - Pike Spear (a blade, weaker than the vibro-axe), extra tough, slow - or maybe just power down the axe
GREEN NIKTO THUG - Blaster Pistol, Push (like Force Push but weaker and touch-only)
TOYDARIAN THIEF - Blaster Pistol, low health, quick-moving, winged (use Geonosian model?)
HUTT CARTEL INFORMANT - Blaster Pistol (human, rough and barbaric-looking)

Then I'd say a Hunt mode with Imperials vs. Scum / Gangsters / whatever you call them, plus a CTF 2-flag mode with Scum vs. Scum, and a CTF 1-Flag mode with Rebels vs. Scum. Maybe with the Imperials harassing both sides on the CTF maps.

Though, of course, this is all just thoughts and ideas. As Revan-Shan said, it's absolutely fine the way it is -- great, actually.

And I know it would be a lot of work, but I'd LOVE to see a Garindan-type Imperial Spy added to the Imperials' side in a later release, if that were at all possible. Even if that part just got shopped out to someone. =)
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Re: Mos Eisley Spaceport beta3

Post by Revan-Shan »

I would say give the hutt, criminal, sumggelr, bountyhunter and whatever sides to other modes. The conquest mode gameplay is great.

Now, you have 2 possible hunts

And for now 1 flag. So:

Flag: Civil VS Hutt (Gamorrean, Weeguay... Just as JackThorn).

Hunt (CW): Pirates VS Bounty hunters

Hunt (GCW): Pirates (based on Zann Consortium) VS Empire or this pirates VS Bounty hunters and smugglers, with a third imperial side, hostile to both.

Oh, and if it was posible to take out the flag and put somth else, perfect. I mean, instead of a flag a holocron or somth. (I think the flag has little sense in SW)
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Re: Mos Eisley Spaceport beta3

Post by -_- »

No offense guys, but quit spamming Rend's topic with your ideas.
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Re: Mos Eisley Spaceport beta3

Post by JackTHorn »

...I'm sorry, isn't that what these threads are for? Feedback, suggestions, ideas, discussion?

...However much I love this site, I don't know if I'll ever manage to understand the bizarre etiquette and rules here.

Apologies to all, and most especially to Rends, if I've "spammed" in any way.
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Re: Mos Eisley Spaceport beta3

Post by mswf »

JackTHorn wrote:...I'm sorry, isn't that what these threads are for? Feedback, suggestions, ideas, discussion?

...However much I love this site, I don't know if I'll ever manage to understand the bizarre etiquette and rules here.

Apologies to all, and most especially to Rends, if I've "spammed" in any way.
The so called "subtle" diffence lies between people answering "Idea's?" with new ideas and people answering "this is almost done" with a giant load of posts discussing a new idea that hasn't even been gone through by the author.