New maps and mods are coming out quickly. If you release something (even a beta) please post it here. Be sure to give details in the topic such as Map/Mod name and version
Step into the arena, hear the crowds roar, claim victory. Battle Arena 2.0, a mod map for SWBFII, gives gamers what theyve always wanted− an interactive combat system as well as a place to chill and relax from the fight. Clan Mode (Hunt Mode) offers a multiple player gaming experience like never before. Players can enter portals to register on separate teams, where they will be teleported on opposite sides of the arena. The arena layout itself can be changed with a button INGAME, giving even more power to the gamer. There are over a dozen different, stimulating layouts to choose from.
Server Information
When creating a server for this map, have the following settings:
teamdamage on
time limit on all modes if there won't be an admin there at all times to cycle the map
Normal AI for SP modes is 12 per team
Hoth King of the Hill does not show up on server manager, but can be added ingame
BATTLE ARENA 2.0 By RepSharpshooter
Run installer. Make sure path goes to your GameData folder.
BAAc = clone wars era
BAAg = galactic civil war era
Battle Arena 2.0 ETC (same modes, different eras)
BA2c = Red vs Blue era
BA2g = Hero Assault
Hoth King of the Hill (MP only, have to add to server queue ingame)
HKH*_ctrl - Control mode (control the top ring to earn points) (free for all)
HKH*_koh - King of the Hill (team oriented)
HKH*_dm - Death Match Mode (free for all)
HKHc = Hero Assault
HKHg = Wampas
How to use Clan Mode
1) You enter either team1 or team2 portals to register on a team.
2) You are teleported to a holding area, while a 10 second countdown timer allows more people to register.
3) When the timer elapses, you will be released and the battle commences.
4) Every member on the winning team will be awarded points.
5) The system is reset, allowing for more matches to take place.
-You can press the layout button to change the layout ingame.
-Use the command panel instructions to enter codes (shoot the '?' button on the panel DO NOT USE SHOTGUNS ON THIS PANEL).
RepSharpshooter (me) - overall map compilation
Zerted - koh and dm script templates
Maveritchell - debugging and help
FragMe! and DarthD.U.C.K. - segway animation and exporting
FragMe! - Twilek animation
Epm01 - segway model
Squeddie's Pack - textures and models
Gerzi 3D ART - Yucca Plant
bupaje - Caution wall texture
deegola - spa model
YouJediJunkie- models
Foolis- german localization
Taivyx- weapon models
Challenger33 wrote:I've been waiting for the final release ever since you started working on it. The betas were great, especially when we played in =LH=
Downloading it now, I can't wait until it finishes.
Challenger33 wrote:I've been waiting for the final release ever since you started working on it. The betas were great, especially when we played in =LH=
Downloading it now, I can't wait until it finishes.
Is this the same version as the friday beta?
He probably opened up the Mini Battle room, or at least in the version I have he didn't have it open.
reminds me of pwnfest! with many modes and (activities?)! must have been a lot .lua coding there... anyway, looks exstremely good, especially wave, love those troopers with the machineguns, D/L'ing Right now... no, NOW!
There will be a couple bugs/glitches in it, but I've worked on this for 2 years and am quite completely exhausted. It's time to move on to other things. It's still a great blast to play online with friends and that's what counts.
Looks great! Very solid; I was just wondering what the point to having points to unlock for units in wave mode, when you can only use the units that you first spawn as.
Hey, anyone wanna play online tonight around 7 or 7:30?? I will be hosting the map and my username is Nynir (which means to strike or fight in Mandalorian).