Endor: Death Watch Bunker Sides Test Map

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Endor: Death Watch Bunker Sides Test Map

Post by AQT »

So here is the test map (the bunker is still under construction).

The readme (just the credits for now):
By AQT and RevanSithLord


]v[ - Phase III Dark Trooper .odf file base
AceMasterMind - security and OOM droid models
ARC_Commander - various weapon skins
Caleb1117 - underhand chaingun
commanderbertie - DC-17 Hand Blaster, WESTAR-M5 models
DarthD.U.C.K. - commpack, Snow Trooper and Republic Commando backpack addons, remapped EP3 Clone Trooper
DEVISS-REX - Mandalorian with Phase I jetpack model, hex edited Clone Commander, sniper fire sound
Dragonum - commpack addon
EGG_GUTS - OOM droid skin
fai222 - SFOR Republic carbine model
Fluffy_the_ic - Republic shotgun model
Fragme! - floating icons and scaling up animations tutorial, EMP grenade HUD icon, Mandalorian CP icon
MasterSaitek009 - melee attack .odf files
Maveritchell - space service truck
Neomarz - Republic Commando backpack, visor, and pauldron addons
Qdin - DC-15s sidearm model
RepSharpshooter - EE-3, flechette launcher models, manned drop turret, pauldron
Syth - DLT-19 Marine models, fixed grenade launcher, gunner animations
trainmaster611 - manned drop turret
Vyse - Republic Commando backpack addon
wazmol - visor addon, crate and corridor props

I'm currently using the Mandalorian CP icon by Fragme! for the Death Watch but that will hopefully change as soon as DarthD.U.C.K. gets back. (side note: some people here can be so stubborn!)



Have fun and any feedback would be great. Thanks! 8)
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Re: Endor: Death Watch Bunker Sides Test Map

Post by CodaRez »

Roger Roger

(takes out report and reading glasses)

-These kind of custom sounds make the game just so good. GJ :thumbs:

-I found the empire was on the losing end :? (ah well, rebellion supporter but for teh sake of balance) Maybe its cus the death watch gots a Z6 Machine gun with em

-Quite surprised at the Clone Wars rich weapons. I was surprised that the Death watch didnt feature some deadly illegal GCW weapons like say the Disruptor rifle from JKA.

-Imperial skins remind me of novatroopers: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Novatrooper

-Katarn armored trooper must be a reference to the katarn armor gainable in SWG huh? the skins is d*** > (EDITED BY ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE COULD) similar(albeit not as green) GJ.

-Hero for the Empire must be some random jedi meant to represent a party going inside the Bunker for mando armor crafting I guess.

-On that note maybe you could make an assault era with the DW guys against a party of the 7 combat professions(i.e jedi, commando, BH etc.)

-The skins have very nice variety, :thumbs:

-Nice Super B-Droid sounds

-Why's an OOM droid there?

-And I am guessing most of this forest stuff won't be in the final version?

All in all, your sides ROCK :thumbs: very well done indeed.
Last edited by CodaRez on Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Endor: Death Watch Bunker Sides Test Map

Post by Darth_Spiderpig »

Wow, I love the sides, very good work :thumbs:
Especially the SBD and the Wraith.

Your custom sounds are great, the blaster of the b1 have nearly the original fire speed, the droid sniper have a great skin, Every Mandalorian skin is looking very well, the empire looks like Novatroopers, the heroes are also well done, I :eek:ed on the weapon effects, all in all very good sides :thumbs:
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Re: Endor: Death Watch Bunker Sides Test Map

Post by Nova Hawk »

Downloading now! From the pics that I saw, they looked really great!
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Re: Endor: Death Watch Bunker Sides Test Map

Post by Delta-1035 »

Downloading now, from the WIP's pic they looked nice.
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Re: Endor: Death Watch Bunker Sides Test Map

Post by CodaRez »

Lol more on the note of the OOM, the color scheme ur using were for commanders, not engineers. You can see that both schemes are in fact, different. IMO that kind of OOM should'nt be running around with a fusioncutter, but iz ur map *shrug*

Also, wonder if you can localize to ahve the droids die by Unit Numbers. Killing a B2 Super Battle Droid name Tighe Bo-whatever gives me nervous feelings about the sentience of droids now.... :runaway:
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Re: Endor: Death Watch Bunker Sides Test Map

Post by mswf »

Wow, great. I was really feeling like I could take on the entire enemy team (sorry about that) with that wraith. The only thing that looked of was that the Death-Watch heavy trooper (with the shotgun) tends to try and use his shotgun in long range and switches to his sidearm when in close-range.

And on a side note, I personally didn't experience any unbalanced sides.
(small bug) The Super battle droid has no sounds for his squad orders.
Last edited by mswf on Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Endor: Death Watch Bunker Sides Test Map

Post by Teancum »

mswf wrote:Wow, great. I was really feeling kick-Diet Dr. Pepper with that wraith. The only thing that looked of was that the Death-Watch heavy trooper (with the shotgun) tends to try and use his shotgun in long range and switches to his sidearm when in close-range.

And on a side note, I personally didn't experience any unbalanced sides.
(small bug) The Super battle droid has no sounds for his squad orders.
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Re: Endor: Death Watch Bunker Sides Test Map

Post by GangsterJawa »

CodaRez wrote:-Katarn armored trooper must be a reference to the katarn armor gainable in SWG huh? the skins is Diet Dr. Pepper similar(albeit not as green)
Now that you mention it, figured you might not have seen this Tean, unless d*** isn't that "bad" around here.
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Re: Endor: Death Watch Bunker Sides Test Map

Post by AQT »

"Diet Dr. Pepper" is an all right word depending on its context. Anyway, thanks to those who replied with the awesome feedback.
Codarez wrote:-I found the empire was on the losing end (ah well, rebellion supporter but for teh sake of balance) Maybe its cus the death watch gots a Z6 Machine gun with em
It may be easier to win as the Death Watch most of the time, but it's not impossible to win as the Empire (just fight harder).
-Quite surprised at the Clone Wars rich weapons. I was surprised that the Death watch didnt feature some deadly illegal GCW weapons like say the Disruptor rifle from JKA.
So that's what it was... well, let's just say I wanted to use an automatic weapon (WESTAR-M5).
-Katarn armored trooper must be a reference to the katarn armor gainable in SWG huh? the skins is d*** > (EDITED BY ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE COULD) similar(albeit not as green) GJ.
-Hero for the Empire must be some random jedi meant to represent a party going inside the Bunker for mando armor crafting I guess.
I think so.
-On that note maybe you could make an assault era with the DW guys against a party of the 7 combat professions(i.e jedi, commando, BH etc.)
Can you fill me in on this? To be honest, I've never played Star Wars Galaxies.
-Why's an OOM droid there?
I was working off a description of the sides by RevanSithLord and the OOM droid was one of the Death Watch units.
-And I am guessing most of this forest stuff won't be in the final version?
Yeah, most of the battle will take place in the bunker.
Lol more on the note of the OOM, the color scheme ur using were for commanders, not engineers. You can see that both schemes are in fact, different. IMO that kind of OOM should'nt be running around with a fusioncutter, but iz ur map *shrug*
It was done on purpose for gameplay reasons otherwise the OOM droid would play exactly like the B-1 Battle Droid.
Also, wonder if you can localize to ahve the droids die by Unit Numbers. Killing a B2 Super Battle Droid name Tighe Bo-whatever gives me nervous feelings about the sentience of droids now....
No problem, it will be done.
mswf wrote:The only thing that looked of was that the Death-Watch heavy trooper (with the shotgun) tends to try and use his shotgun in long range and switches to his sidearm when in close-range.
Sorry, it was the best I could do setting up the range of the weapons.
(small bug) The Super battle droid has no sounds for his squad orders.
It was intentional but I'll see what I can do.

Thanks again, guys. I'm glad you all enjoyed playing the map (or with the sides whatever). :)
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Re: Endor: Death Watch Bunker Sides Test Map

Post by CodaRez »

AQT wrote:
-On that note maybe you could make an assault era with the DW guys against a party of the 7 combat professions(i.e jedi, commando, BH etc.)
Can you fill me in on this? To be honest, I've never played Star Wars Galaxies.
Well basically the 7 combat professions of SWG: commando, jedi, Bounty Hunter, officer, medic, spy and smuggler.

-The commando could be just the imperial katarn armor trooper(he was featured in the commando preview at the website) armed with rocket launcher or that Z6 rotary.

-BH could be a mando reskin. But this is not the palce for em(confusion) so try reskinning deathstarluke or han? carrying maybe a sniper rifle or heavy blasterrifle?(T21?) And perhaps ultra explosive thermal dets

-Smuggler could be a Han Solo reskin, complete with DL44 or some other fancy pistol(DL18?)

-Medic, dunno what player model to use. Could have the Force Heal buff and some health dispensers. I believe a carbine can be used for this guy? like the SFOR Carbine?

-Officer could have either imp officer(1.3 Unofficial Patch) or reb officer(SWBF1 Con Pack) or perhaps something else. Could ahve every buff(except heals) known to us. A good pistol should finish the job. If there is a weapon that can SPAWN units at ur location this guy should have it.

-Jedi, easy

-Lastly, spy. Should be easy, dunno which playermodel though. Stealth weapon a must. Melee weapons probably recommendation, ranged weapon is also ok. Could have neurotoxin(debuff the magnaguard has)

There, that should help, IF you decide to do it.
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Re: Endor: Death Watch Bunker Sides Test Map

Post by AQT »

Interesting. I think I will do it (eventually). And there are even seven units so that will balance things out, thanks. :)
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Re: Endor: Death Watch Bunker Sides Test Map

Post by Nihillo »

That was quite the battle, nice job AQT. :)

I suggest making the Stormtrooper's helmet lens brighter or outlined like the Katarns', the bright green markings in contrast to the dark grey armor detract the players perception of some dark colored details in the armor, such as the lens, giving the impression they don't have visible eyes.

I also think the wrist flame thrower of the Death Watch Hero is too similar to the stock one; I find the stock flame thrower weapon pretty much useless since it doesn't deal much damage, I believe a stronger flame thrower -like the one used in BFX- is more effective and useable, so I recommend giving him more... fire power. :wink:

The Death Watch is clearly favored in this map (as mentioned by Codarez) but I'm sure it will work fine inside the bunker.

Thanks for the release.
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Re: Endor: Death Watch Bunker Sides Test Map

Post by AQT »

Thanks, Nihillo and you are welcome. I don't know about the visor, it's looks just right to me. I'll try to make it stand out though. As for the flamethrower, it's actually slightly stronger than the stock one. Maybe it isn't noticeable because I also increased the maximum health of almost all of the units. I think increasing the burning damage just a bit will do the job.

I've realized that the Death Watch is stronger than the Empire. To remedy this, I swapped the buffs between the two teams. The Imperial Officer now has Rage and the Wraith now has Rally. That should balance things out... or not.
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Re: Endor: Death Watch Bunker Sides Test Map

Post by RevanSithLord »

CodaRez wrote:
Roger Roger

(takes out report and reading glasses)

-These kind of custom sounds make the game just so good. GJ :thumbs:

-I found the empire was on the losing end :? (ah well, rebellion supporter but for teh sake of balance) Maybe its cus the death watch gots a Z6 Machine gun with em

-Quite surprised at the Clone Wars rich weapons. I was surprised that the Death watch didnt feature some deadly illegal GCW weapons like say the Disruptor rifle from JKA.

-Imperial skins remind me of novatroopers: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Novatrooper

-Katarn armored trooper must be a reference to the katarn armor gainable in SWG huh? the skins is d*** > (EDITED BY ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE COULD) similar(albeit not as green) GJ.

-Hero for the Empire must be some random jedi meant to represent a party going inside the Bunker for mando armor crafting I guess.

-On that note maybe you could make an assault era with the DW guys against a party of the 7 combat professions(i.e jedi, commando, BH etc.)

-The skins have very nice variety, :thumbs:

-Nice Super B-Droid sounds

-Why's an OOM droid there?

-And I am guessing most of this forest stuff won't be in the final version?

All in all, your sides ROCK :thumbs: very well done indeed.
Tbh. Nova Troopers were going to be in the map I was going to make after this. Nova Troopers vs a Rebel 'Terrorist' group in a major Naboo city. :p Anyways. Downloading.
Hero for the Empire must be some random jedi
That random Jedi is my SW role-play character. An exile-Jedi. Still with the ways of the Jedi Order (still a little rebellious like Qui-gon though, but somewhat is kind of like Obi-wan, but has the fighting style of Anakin.). If it were a campaign, those Imperial troops would've been 'defected Imperials' to the Rebel Alliance (Karag somehow convinced them. Don't ask me how. Don't want to have to make an explanation.). But in a regular conquest map, this is a regular Imperial Crackdown team assaulting the bunker trying to get rid of the illegal activity.
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Re: Endor: Death Watch Bunker Sides Test Map

Post by 0001111000 »

Even though its just a test map the sides are great i enjoyed playing as Death Watch. Overall RSL your map is summing up to be one of the best i've played in alongtime you and AQT have done a very good job.
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Re: Endor: Death Watch Bunker Sides Test Map

Post by Deviss »

wow nice mandalorians :wink: great sides :thumbs:
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Re: Endor: Death Watch Bunker Sides Test Map

Post by RevanSithLord »

Thank you guys. If it weren't for AQT, I probably wouldn't have gotten a lot of this stuff done. I would've been more stressed and probably wouldn't have been interested in continuing. If it weren't for AQT, I probably wouldn't have considered continuing and making a series from SWG ideas.

Naboo: Nova Crackdown
Dathomir: Aurilia's Shadow
Lok: IG88's Junkyard Playground (probably will change name later)
Mustafar: Dark Inquisitorium (probably gonna change again on name)

Any more ideas for SWG locations, lemme know.
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Re: Endor: Death Watch Bunker Sides Test Map

Post by H_BOMB »

I've got a ocuple ideas...

Tatooine: Rebel Hunt (or something like that)

Corellia: Mountainous Battleground
(I think a snowy, hilly, foresty terrain would be cool)
or maybe:
Corellia: Battle in the Agrilat Swamps

Well, those are just some ideas for locations, the names kinda stink, so play around with them if you want.
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Re: Endor: Death Watch Bunker Sides Test Map

Post by CodaRez »

RevanSithLord wrote:Thank you guys. If it weren't for AQT, I probably wouldn't have gotten a lot of this stuff done. I would've been more stressed and probably wouldn't have been interested in continuing. If it weren't for AQT, I probably wouldn't have considered continuing and making a series from SWG ideas.

Naboo: Nova Crackdown
Dathomir: Aurilia's Shadow
Lok: IG88's Junkyard Playground (probably will change name later)
Mustafar: Dark Inquisitorium (probably gonna change again on name)

Any more ideas for SWG locations, lemme know.
LOL never thought anyone would do SWG related maps. I'll be waiting :thumbs:

IG88s Junkyard Playground should SO have bomb droids.(if you played the heroic encounter)

Lemme see, if you are REALLY devoted: Battle for Tansarii Point Station(space or ground)