After playing OFM and Mav's Vace maps I'm craving MORE!! So my question is anyone know of some other RPGs and maps with their own campaigns?
I'll be very thankful!
(FYI I'm also posting this on FF)
There aren't a lot. The only one comparable in length that you didn't mention above is "Spira: Besaid." There are a number of other maps with small scripted campaigns or objectives, here are most or all of them:
Eggman's "Aldura" maps
Talay Tak Base (two versions) (Deathrow+Saitek/AQT+Saitek)
Galidraan: Snowcapped Forest
Battle of Christophsis (beta)
Corellia: Hidden Valley
Yavin: Arroyo Pass
Anything beyond that would be a stretch, I think, as most anything else is just new modes or small minigames/sidequests. I may not have named every map with a campaign.
Hehe, I remember asking this question a while back on Filefront forums. Back then, I think you mentioned Penguin's Tatooine: Tusken Camp having a little scripting, Mav.
i cant find any working download links they all ether lead to the ff main page, a HTTP Error 404 - File or directory not found page or to the Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun Patch French (random).
This was found through searching the SWBF2 archive from the Filefront main page. For some reason, not all the SWBFFiles maps are there, and the link from SWBFFiles for Corellia: Hidden Valley doesn't direct to to the link above (it redirects to a 404 error, as already stated).
I know the first map from the Aldura series is uploaded here at GT, but as far as I know the link to the other one on Filefront died. I wasn't intending on re-uploading that one for a variety of irrelevant reasons, but if I have some spare time in the next few days I can upload it here (or if anyone else wants to before then, be my guest).
This was found through searching the SWBF2 archive from the Filefront main page. For some reason, not all the SWBFFiles maps are there, and the link from SWBFFiles for Corellia: Hidden Valley doesn't direct to to the link above (it redirects to a 404 error, as already stated).
They are made by the same people and use half of the same link but files get deleted from filefront and not swbffiles, but it does seem that there is an error there so I'd just wait until it gets fixed or do what Frisbeetarian did to get the link.
thanks guys and hey how do join the GT clan? the info page is out of date.
EDIT 7/2/09 forget that clan thing its not a big deal but i do have a issue: Yavin: Arroyo Pass CTD for me. I have under 500 missions in my addon folder and i have The Dark Times (and the Convo Pack which you might have guessed duh). any ideals why?
Last edited by simplestarwarsfan on Thu Jul 02, 2009 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Yeah, go ahead. Orbital Assault is already uploaded here, but Landfall isn't. Beachhead I don't care about - feel free to upload it, but it's out-dated and not part of the series anymore, so it's sort of just a random map.