- Visible mesh (textures, uvs, normals, etc)
- Nulls
- Hierarchy
For XSI Crosswalk 2.6 only. Max's crosswalk doesn't work because of incorrect normal export.
Rules you must follow:
- Make sure you have Crosswalk 2.6 (you probably don't)
- A polygon has to be in one and only one cluster at a time.
- Each cluster must have a local copy of a material (the material name will be italicized = BAD, double click to edit and make a local copy)
- There has to be one and only one texture projection (can someone say how to collapse a lot of them into one explicit uv map?)
- There has to be a null as the parent of everything.
- You cannot use rotation or scale (well you can use them, but remember to freeze transforms before exporting).
- You can only use a max of 5000-6000 triangles (polys times two). If you go over that, you're pushing your luck. ZE will freeze/lock up.
- Put everything you're going to export under a null (not the scene root).
- In the scene explorer, middle-mouse click the name of the null.
- Go to file, crosswalk, export (it should be on 6.0 text when it pops up).
- Click settings tab.
- Select a filename/filepath.
- UNCHECK "Keep referenced paths relative"
- Press export.
- Run mshex in same directory and convert file to a msh. (and if you're really stupid to put it bluntly, this means put the .xsi file in the same folder as mshex.exe and hedr.msh, then double click on mshex. Then type in the .xsi name such as box.xsi)
Click here only if you read everything. READ EVERYTHING! It'll be your fault when you fail at using it.