My wife an I were able to go to an advanced screening of the movie tonight thanks to a friend who works for the local media. I gotta tell you, the movie is funny. VERY funny. I'd highly recommend going to see it. But don't do the who 'critic' thing. If you go in to tear the movie apart it'll suck. That'll happen with every movie.
Just go in to laugh, and you'll have lots of these moments:
Sweet! My 13th birthday was December 20th, and I still haven't had a party, so I'm going to see Get Smart *cough on my half birthday cough*as my party *crosses fingers* Last time I saw a movie for my Birthday party was Eragon. Complete crap.
Depends on the kind of comedy you like. If you like Jim Carrey in Ace Ventura or some other 'slapstick' comedy you'll love this. My wife and I decided we're going to add it to our list of Christmas DVDs to get for ourselves if that tells you anything.
And just so everyone knows, I'm not one of those people who loves every movie that comes out. So don't think I'm like "Well, I got in for free, and it was kinda funny... So I'll tell people to see it." I actually enjoyed the movie and would have paid the outrageous 8.50 per person to see it. I probably won't go see it again in the cheap theaters ($2.00 a show here) but it was worth a one-time 8.50 and a DVD purchase later on.
Can't remember the exact wording, but I loved this line:
Max: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Chief: I don't know, were you thinking "Holy S***! Holy S***! Holy S***, there's a swordfish coming at my face!" because if you were, then yes!
Max: Do you believe that there's 60 air force snipers waiting for you to come outside
Bad Guy (forgot the name):No
Max: 2 dozen Delta Foce commandoes?
Bad guy: No.
Max: Chuck Norris with a bebe gun?
Best line in the whole movie.
Bad Guy: Well, you did your job, so I can't really kill your wife. Though it would be helpful for the sighted people...
Strong Guy: *Throws Bad Guy out of Car*
Henchman: Nice hangtime.
I love that part. This movie was really good. Can't believe the critics in the freep think it sucked. They have no taste. They say they forgot to make it funny.
Not sure if anyone noticed if you saw it today, but Terrance Stamp (Sigfried) is the voice of The Prophet of Truth in Halo 3 (not 2). You also might know him as Chancellor Valorum in Phantom Menace
Car chase was well-written. I do however have a feeling that all the writers were pitching ideas like train, plane, car, on fire, and then they basically said "screw it" and did all of them at once.
That was actually a pretty good movie. I love Steve Carrel. He's the funniest guy in the world.
Unfortunately, all of you guys took the funny quotes.
Max: I'm looking for something
Old Lady: We have bread
Max: I mean something hot.
Old Lady: We have rolls right out of the oven.
Max: No I mean something REALLY hot.
Old Lady: I already have boyfriend....but I can make acception.
Ok there's one.
and the swordfish line goes like this
Max: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Chief: I don't know, were you thinking HOLY SH*T! HOLY SH*T! A swordfish almost went through my face, because if you were, then yes.
Russian Bad guy: How do I know you're not from Control?
Max: If I were from Control, you'd already be dead.
Russian guy: If you were from control, YOU'd already be dead
Max: Neither of us is dead so I'm obviously not from Control
Henchman: That actually makes sense.
Max: I recently lost 150 pounds!
Fat Lady: I did too!
I also love the scene where he tries to free himself from the handcuffs and accidentally shoots the eject button