BF2 Limitations (FAQ)

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Re: BF2 Limitations

Post by AceMastermind »

Yep, that's why you (the player) can't take off or land with the MAF's default ODF, only the AI can take off, but commenting out the "StrafeSpeed = 15.0" line fixes this.
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Re: BF2 Limitations

Post by FragMe! »

AceMastermind wrote:Yep, that's why you(the player) can't take off or land with the MAF's default ODF, only the AI can take off, but commenting out the "StrafeSpeed = 15.0" line fixes this.
Umm I can take off and land fine and I didn't do anything to the cis_fly_maf.odf I do agree with the strafe thing. When you come to a dead stop as you can with the MAF and press A or D you just spin around the Z axis make yourself dizzy. But i do agree the strafespeed line is useless in the odf.
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Re: BF2 Limitations

Post by AceMastermind »

FragMe! wrote:Umm I can take off and land fine and I didn't do anything to the cis_fly_maf.odf I do agree with the strafe thing.
Really?, I guess it's just my game then, but my tests prove otherwise, but then again, I do use a controller instead of keyboard and that may cause some conflict.
Either way though, commenting out the StrafeSpeed line worked for me.

I just ran another test, this time I used your (FragMe!'s) MAF and I couldn't take off with it, then I went in the ODF and commented out the StrafeSpeed line, cleaned, remunged and ingame I could take off like normal confirming once again that the StrafeSpeed line was the culprit.
It must have something to do with controllers, i'll look into my controller settings to see if everything is assigned correctly.

After more testing, it appears to have nothing to do with using a controller, still can't takeoff using the keyboard if the StrafeSpeed line is in the ODF.
Odd indeed! :runaway:
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Re: Hard coded values

Post by SBF_Dann_Boeing »

Maveritchell wrote: 1) He wasn't referring to number present on the field, he means distinct types.
well thats possible too.
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Re: BF2 Limitations

Post by Maveritchell »

Fair enough. I wasn't verifying it or denying it, just clarifying what he was speaking of.
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Re: BF2 Limitations

Post by FragMe! »

AceMastermind wrote:
FragMe! wrote:Umm I can take off and land fine and I didn't do anything to the cis_fly_maf.odf I do agree with the strafe thing.
Really?, I guess it's just my game then, but my tests prove otherwise, but then again, I do use a controller instead of keyboard and that may cause some conflict.
Either way though, commenting out the StrafeSpeed line worked for me.

I just ran another test, this time I used your(FragMe!'s) MAF and I couldn't take off with it, then I went in the ODF and commented out the StrafeSpeed line, cleaned, remunged and ingame I could take off like normal confirming once again that the StrafeSpeed line was the culprit.
It must have something to do with controllers, i'll look into my controller settings to see if everything is assigned correctly.

After more testing, it appears to have nothing to do with using a controller, still can't takeoff using the keyboard if the StrafeSpeed line is in the ODF.
Odd indeed! :runaway:
I do agree the StrafeSpeed does do something but I think it does something different for each person.
If I have it in I can only use the keyboard to take off and fly, if it is not there I can only use my joystick.
What a silly game :D
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Re: BF2 Limitations

Post by Ace_Azzameen_5 »

There is a limit on the amount of animation key frames you can have at once.
I haven't found a way to load separate ANM files (yet) so it might mean a limit per-map.

You can't load multiple terrain files per mode/ (Separate modes can have different TERs, just load them in lyrs instead of the wld file)

Is the 12 CP limit hard coded or part of Objective:Conquest?

Also, you can have more than 12 in one mode so long as there not all alive at once. And if you use create object after load that might avoid the limit.
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Re: BF2 Limitations

Post by MasterSaitek009 »

SBF_Dann_Boeing wrote:
Maveritchell wrote: 1) He wasn't referring to number present on the field, he means distinct types.
well thats possible too.
I did some extensive testing on dispensable turrets today and found out that I was partly wrong and you were partly right.

Yes, you can give a unit more than one dispensable turret type weapon and each will have a seperate model, skin and so on.

That's where I was wrong. I thought that all of the turrets on one unit shared the same model and every other property.

But, it turns out that they do share something, their weapons.

This is the actual test that I did:

Part of the Lua

Code: Select all


part of chew.odf

Code: Select all

WeaponName     = "all_weap_inf_pistol"
WeaponAmmo     = 0

WEAPONSECTION = 2 //Auto turret 1 or AT1
WeaponName         = "che_weap_inf_autoturret_dispenser" //Custom turret that shoots long blue lasers
WeaponAmmo         = 5                                   //This turret has a different model 
WeaponChannel      = 1

WEAPONSECTION = 3//Auto turret 2 or AT2
WeaponName         = "all_weap_inf_autoturret_dispenser" //Standard alliance auto turret that shoots red lasers
WeaponAmmo         = 5                                   //Default model
WeaponChannel      = 1
So when I place AT1 and AT2. AT1 has different model, AT2 the default.

But when they start shooting, their lasers are both long and blue.

All of the dispensable turrets in a map seem to share and use the exact same weapon as the last loaded turret in the Lua.

The AT1 was loaded last in the Lua so all of the other turrets used the same weapon as it did. I have no idea why, but they do.

So you were right when you said you can have as many different auto-turret type weapons as you want.

But.... If they all forced to have the same weapon, are they really different?
[RDH]Zerted wrote:
MasterSaitek009 wrote:[*]Changes made to a units non-instance property via Lua(SetProperty) only take effect after the unit respawns.
[*]Maximum of eight teams total, including the regular ATT and DEF team 1 and 2.
You mean SetClassProperty(). SetProperty effects objects, and a respawning causes a deletion/creationg of a new object meaning that it no longer has the changed property. However, I would have written that line more like 'Some SetClassProperty() changes only take effect after a respawn'. I think saying 'non-instance property' makes it seem more confusing then it really is.
Point. It's changed now.
[RDH]Zerted wrote: The code I posted earlier shows that at least 9 teams are possible (people are forgetting about the always existing team 0).
Also updated. I never knew that there was a 0 team. That's cool. Thanks a lot Zerted.
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Re: BF2 Limitations

Post by Grev »

Im not sure if this one was mentioned, but I think it wasnt. Water cant be placed at 2 different heights.
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Re: BF2 Limitations

Post by Superm9 »

But when they start shooting, their lasers are both long and blue.
As far as the turrets go, I have seen on my map Xagobah: Mazarian Assault that when using both autoturrets and the deployable turret (thanks Trainmaster611, Teancum, and Repsharpshooter for that :wink: ) that they both use the exact same laser.
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Re: BF2 Limitations

Post by Caleb1117 »

Superm9 wrote:
But when they start shooting, their lasers are both long and blue.
As far as the turrets go, I have seen on my map Xagobah: Mazarian Assault that when using both autoturrets and the deployable turret (thanks Trainmaster611, Teancum, and Repsharpshooter for that :wink: ) that they both use the exact same laser.
Because they probably use the same .ord ODF.
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Re: BF2 Limitations

Post by theITfactor »

There seems to be a limit to the number of animations you can have in a map, I had ~32 and I experienced a freeze during load, undocumented in the error log. I have not tested whether or not there is a limit on animation groups.
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Re: BF2 Limitations

Post by Maveritchell »

theITfactor wrote:There seems to be a limit to the number of animations you can have in a map, I had ~32 and I experienced a freeze during load, undocumented in the error log. I have not tested whether or not there is a limit on animation groups.
It's a limit to animation keyframes, like I told you - not animations themselves.
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Re: BF2 Limitations

Post by theITfactor »

Maveritchell wrote:
theITfactor wrote:There seems to be a limit to the number of animations you can have in a map, I had ~32 and I experienced a freeze during load, undocumented in the error log. I have not tested whether or not there is a limit on animation groups.
It's a limit to animation keyframes, like I told you - not animations themselves.
That's weird, I have fewer animations than before with more keyframes and it is performing much better. I wonder if I miscounted something...
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Re: BF2 Limitations

Post by Ace_Azzameen_5 »

That's weird. Semi-ontopic, has anyone found a way around the keyframe limit (at least, between modes) by determining where the .anm load call is and where to modify it?
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Re: BF2 Limitations

Post by darthvatrayen »

Are you sure cp color is hard-coded? Their is a certain load screen on the deathstar where an imperial cp in the back ground is green. Maybe LucasArts just perminantly changed it later? Just putting it out there. :plokoon:
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Re: BF2 Limitations

Post by Xavious »

Friendly Command Post and team colors were originally green, as they are in Battlefront I. The developers eventually changed them to blue for Battlefront II. They are hardcoded and can't be changed as far as anyone can tell.
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Re: BF2 Limitations

Post by Fluffy_the_ic »

Nah, they CAN be changed. Someone did it in their test map. They just won't change colors once they're captured.
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Re: BF2 Limitations

Post by Fiodis »

For that matter, you can remove the holo entirely and just have a mesh as a CP.

Wasn't there something about saber-wielders only being able to have guns as secondary, or having a limited amount of secondary weapons, or some other weapons restriction to do with saber-wielders?
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Re: BF2 Limitations

Post by Xavious »

Fluffy_the_ic wrote:Nah, they CAN be changed. Someone did it in their test map. They just won't change colors once they're captured.
Ah, then it doesn't work entirely. And you still can't change the team colors and whatnot.

Just wondering, who did this? Do you have a link to a screenshot, video, or otherwise?
Fiodis wrote:For that matter, you can remove the holo entirely and just have a mesh as a CP.
Yeah, I knew about that. But now that I think of it, you could create an entirely new mesh and give it a CP-like holo, making it seem like a CP with a different color.
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